T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?


Jan 23, 2010
Who paid for and made them? Why?

Shirts sit on the back of chairs before a memorial service for ... - Yahoo! News Photos


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How about little towels to wave, like the one that was on my seat at the Rose Bowl?
They should hand out over sized bullet proof buttons with the logo. I wonder if its copyrighted material or a legal trademark?
Talk to whomever decided to make the t-shirts about what's important, not me.
"He doesn't get it. He thinks he's giving a campaign speech".
Together We Thrive | Jamie Dupree Washington Insider
The first thing that one sensed while watching the memorial event was the behavior of the crowd, which was not exactly like one you might find in a church, or anything.

"The decorum is a little un-nerving," complained some, as Mr. Obama's arrival at the lectern was greeted with huge cheers and whistles, what sounded more like a campaign stop in a basketball stadium than a memorial for people killed in a mass shooting.
The rightwingloons whining over tshirts just shows how incredibly petty and hateful they really are.
Yep. this is what is important. Not 6 dead Americans.

There is something "wellstone memorialesque" about turning a memorial service into a political even. This one wasn't nearly as bad as that event, but the t-shirts were inappropriate. I don't think it honors the 6 dead Americans to provide such slogan themed souvenirs.

What on earth does "together we thrive" mean for 6 dead people? Are they being buried in a mass grave?
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Yep. this is what is important. Not 6 dead Americans.

There is something "wellstone memorialesque" about turning a memorial service into a political even. This one wasn't nearly as bad as that event, but the t-shirts were inappropriate. I don't think it honors the 6 dead Americans to provide such slogan themed souvenirs.

What on earth does "together we thrive" mean for 6 dead people? Are they being buried in a mass grave?

It's as though they are part of some ghoulish nutriton rite.
when people of tucson see these shirts being worn in their community what do you think will be the reaction?
The t-shirts may not have been a great idea, but it's not way over the top or anything like that. How was that shirt used to make the event a political one for Obama? The shirt is pretty apolitical if you ask me. Plus there's no proof it was the work of Obama. Having worked at a university basketball stadium before (including for guest speakers), what we used to handout were 100% from the school-not from the speaker. I'm guessing that's what this is.
The t-shirts may not have been a great idea, but it's not way over the top or anything like that. How was that shirt used to make the event a political one for Obama? The shirt is pretty apolitical if you ask me. Plus there's no proof it was the work of Obama. Having worked at a university basketball stadium before (including for guest speakers), what we used to handout were 100% from the school-not from the speaker. I'm guessing that's what this is.

His machine controls every goddamned thing that goes on at those. There are no surprises or ad-libs.

If his flacks did not want them there, they would not be there.
Is there anything more offensive than the right wing idiots criticizing the people of Tucson for how they mourn?

You people really can't sink much lower.
when people of tucson see these shirts being worn in their community what do you think will be the reaction?

Exploitation at the venue by a political machine that was supposed to be a memorial service and instead was packed with political supporters. A mentally ill person kills 6 and wounds many more, so we have 'cheering' for Obama? I'd be disgusted and many will feel the same.
In all fairness I think that it was noted that obama seemed at first uncomfortable with the 'upbeat' crowd noise etc. , the transcript of his speech seems to read as/in a subdued formal ( and imho correct) 'memorial' tone.

Not his doing really. He saw the crowd sensed the mood and went with it.

He started pausing at what seems appropriate places in the speech as of they were pre-set applause lines (I which I do not believe they were ) , when they flashed on the family members they appeared sullen and I would be this was not exactly what they had in mind either.

I also think the College headmaster dean whatever was, uhm, a little to 'spritely' for a memorial,( and his asking for an encore of applause for the Presd. inho was out of place).

I think the Indian ( I won't even go into the whys he gave the benediction or blessing) set what I thought was a formal tone but the hoots hollers and applause just bled it all away....

The t shirts? I don't know, who put them there?

there was on oopsy that appears, operative word appears to be interesting in its inconsistency;

Giffords survives the night; can open eyes

Posted on January 9, 2011 by cachocurt

The bullet “traveled the entire length of the brain on the left side,” said Dr. Rhee, Chief Trauma Surgeon at the University Medical Center, at a press conference on Sunday. In terms of being shot in the head, this is “about as good as it’s going to get,” said Rhee.

Giffords can open her eyes, but because she is on a ventilator she can’t speak, said Rhee.

rest at-

Giffords survives the night; can open eyes The Sonoran Chronicle
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