Take or leave?


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
She works for a Hospital and she was instructed to bring money to the bank.
She put that money into a plastic bag and on her way to the bank the plastic bag cracked and she lost the money.
When she arrived at Bank she was in panic.
It was 5030 Dollars (7620 TL) she lost.

The discoverer is a 33 year old Sewer-Worker, and has put stones on the money and has called the Police.
Police identified the money belong to the woman (Hospital) and returned it.

Would you have done the same?

Yola para drd kimse almad - Hrriyet Gndem




Yep. Although I probably would have taken the money to the nearest police station. But, I certainly would not have kept it.
I would have returned it, as I always have. I have discovered numerous times bank bags stuck in the shoot at the bank that didnt drop all the way down. I just pushed them in with my own bag and made sure BOTH dropped (this is when I had my antique shop and apparel shop and also as property manager. 3 times that happened).
What goes around, comes around. Karma. I dont take what isnt mine.
It's not that much of money to risk to get into trouble with Police, but is not a little amount of money also.

Maybe I would have kept it. Who couldn't need a quick free 5.030 $ ?
I was never in such a situation, so I can't say I would return the money with certainty.

Luckily, the only money I 'lost' so far was 200€.
I entered 200€ into cash-machine and then went away without taking the money.
When I arrived at the gas station I recognized what happened, so I drove back. But the money was already gone.
My mother found something like $30,000 in a bag in a parking lot once. Obviously, she gave it to the police: turned out to be another international student's entire year tuition room board food money. Why anyone would be carrying that amount of money in a bag is beyond me, but I guess they could've been from Bhutan or something crazy like that and they had to carry cash. But now that is a LOT of money.

I feel like it'd be easier to turn over money to the police the more money it is, just because, you know, the more money it is the more likely that it's either mob money or that whoever lost it is gonna come back to find you, OR in either which way, that you're REALLY screwing someone over. Bur then, you know, if you find a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk... at least I know I'd be pocketing that nugget.
If I still were a teenager I would have kept it.
Now I am 'older' and I have income. In teenager ages it was ALL about money without regular income.
I've returned money before that I found and could id the rightful owner. Definitely nothing in that amount though. I don't know that I would have thought about putting the stone on it and doing as he did, figuring someone else would walk by and grab it. Taking it to the police dept is nothing more than donating an extra sum to the local PD.

I would have taken it and watched the news to see if there was any way to id who it belonged to hoping maybe there was an article about it or better yet contacted the news myself and let them know that if someone could tell me how much it was and tell me where they may have lost it i.e. the route they took when they lost it they could have it, and if after a reasonable amount of time heard nothing, I would have donated it to a good charity.

I would have donated it to Hamas.

You wouldn't know where to start.


I would've kept it. Selfish, I know, but why look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, money doesn't have keepers, it only has spenders.


I did once find a wallet that had a far more valuable contents than money, and I returned it. I was ambling along a road near where I live, and chanced upon a wallet on the pavement/sidewalk. I picked it up, hoping it contained money, like we all do (without thinking), and had a look inside. There was £30, which I duly stuffed in my pocket, but there was something I could neither keep or discard. In the wallet was a grainy picture/scan of a child still in its mother's womb. From then on I was morally obliged to return the wallet. I fished the chap's driving licence from his wallet, wrote down his address and posted him his wallet back, with a small note explaining that I'd already collected my reward in the form of his hard-earned thirty quid, and that if he had a problem with that then that was tough luck.

Win win situation all round.
I would have donated it to Hamas.

You wouldn't know where to start.


I would've kept it. Selfish, I know, but why look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, money doesn't have keepers, it only has spenders.


I did once find a wallet that had a far more valuable contents than money, and I returned it. I was ambling along a road near where I live, and chanced upon a wallet on the pavement/sidewalk. I picked it up, hoping it contained money, like we all do (without thinking), and had a look inside. There was £30, which I duly stuffed in my pocket, but there was something I could neither keep or discard. In the wallet was a grainy picture/scan of a child still in its mother's womb. From then on I was morally obliged to return the wallet. I fished the chap's driving licence from his wallet, wrote down his address and posted him his wallet back, with a small note explaining that I'd already collected my reward in the form of his hard-earned thirty quid, and that if he had a problem with that then that was tough luck.

Win win situation all round.

He probably suspects you picked his pocket, took his cash and then returned his wallet to him out of the "kindness" of your heart. That is what I would think. ;)


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