Taking sides-


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Sometimes the modern "leftist" accuse me of being conservative and vice versa.
I don't subscribe the the "modern" left/right paradigm. Period.
Sometimes my thoughts, which I try to convey in simple English, are intentionally misrepresented (interpreted)- it is what it is and speaks to the Public education system which I do despise and the left/right in the District of Criminals takes advantage of the poorly educated.

That said: I've not paid a great deal of attention the Trayvon Martin fiasco since I think most news is purely for entertainment purposes to appeal to non-thinkers.

This article points out some "news" discrepancies in that circus.

Oh, how about addressing the article. You may get a pat on the back from your fellow side taker when you embarrass yourself in public, but it serves no useful purpose in discussing the article which presents some interesting facts about the Trayvon/Zimmerman circus- all we need now is some bread to go with our "bread and circuses".

The whole thing was very suspicious. I remember following it closely at the time, and thought Zimmerman was being treated very unfairly. Admittedly I didn't follow the testimony, because I got tired of the hype once Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson turned it into a circus. Interesting article. Thanks

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