Taliban had a "special" nickname for Bergdahl


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Well they had the chicken part right.:confused:

Ouch: Taliban had very SPECIAL nickname for Bowe Bergdahl

He was described as having served with “honor and distinction” by Susan Rice, and his parents were feted in the Rose Garden with the president at their side, but deserter Bowe Bergdahl was given a rather more appropriate nickname by his Taliban buddies.

A podcast called “Serial” has been featuring the (mis)adventures of Berdahl this season. This week’s episode featured an interview with members of the Taliban involved in Bergdahl’s capture.

As Independent Journal Review reports, Narrator Sarah Koenig spoke to Taliban member Mujaheed Rahman who told her:

“A dead soldier was worth nothing, but he was captured alive…He was like a golden chicken…he was worth maybe 5,000 men.”

That’s right. They referred to Bowe Bergdahl as a “golden chicken.”

Ouch: Taliban had very SPECIAL nickname for Bowe Bergdahl
I notice that both the OP and scurrilous fraud West left out the most important parts of the Serial episode.

Typical of RWNJ traitors.
He was worth not 5k men. He only got 5 returned.

Meanwhile, what is a bi-catfish?

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