Talk About Collusion

The "reset" button
How did that result in collusion? Putin hated Clinton... she put the screws to him. So did Obama. In contrast, our current President won't implement the Russian sanctions fully. He has talked of giving them gifts for nothing, like returning their little spy houses. Your complaints of Obama and Hillary's rhetorical overtures only spotlight further the case that Trump is much worse. So, I don't think that's a good position for you.
What about Obama secretly telling the Russians he had more leeway after being reelected?

How is that NOT collusion? Why did he say it off camera? Why was he whispering it? Trump has never been shown to whisper anything to the Russian president and the left won't get off his fucking back.
What about Obama secretly telling the Russians he had more leeway after being reelected?

How is that NOT collusion?
Simple: Because it is only rhetoric. If rhetoric were collusion, you would admit right now that Trump has colluded, based only on his rhetoric. Like, saying he hopes Russia finds more of Hillary's missing emails.

He actually asked for material support for his election, from the Russians, from his forum. IMAGINE Obama doing that. Haha, what a thought.

So, again... you're not exactly boosting your position, here.
Rhetoric is all you have!! A year of the most intense investigation in history that could go in any direction has proven NOTHING. Could YOU survive a federal investigation that could go ANYWHERE it wanted for over a year? Investigating EVERYTHING you did? Fuck no, you'd be in fucking jail. They'd dig up shit on you easily.

If your PROOF of "collusion" is a payment to a fucking tramp for a fuck that happened 10 years before the election, Trump is good to go.
Notice how the left nuts try to change the subject of threads when they can’t defend their own?
No, goofball, I was just enjoying a bit of fun with this guy (the OP).

Start ANY thread, and it will be about the Clintons or Obama within 5 minutes, if this guy shows up. And, really, I am happy to compare these instances of "collusion".

Especially considering that the OP is very clearly implying that information campaigns, of the type the Tea Party groups were ostensibly deprived of, actually do produce votes. there is an interesting path to take, there..

So, do you think Obama, personally, intentionally quashed tea party groups for political advantage, using the IRS? I find that very hard to believe. I find it much easier to believe that Trump ordered the settlement simply to stick his thumb in Obama's eye.

So, let's see... to answer the OP's question ... I'll say, 100,000 votes. I'll go conservative.

A thousand threads from the left about Trump and collusion, but can’t discuss the crime of using a government agency to oppress political opposition.

Now, I have stated over and over, if Trump did indeed collude with Russia, he needs to be removed from office, I also believe that if Obama did use his power to make it more difficult political opponents to organize is guilty of undermining American politics.

So one vote or one million votes, it’s wrong, it’s an abuse of power.
Now, I have stated over and over, if Trump did indeed collude with Russia, he needs to be removed from office,

On what basis? Presidents can only be removed from office if a crime was committed. "Collusion" is not a crime, so it has no basis for being 'proven' and certainly no basis of impeaching a president. Of course it is a crime to investigate openly. You suspect a crime and investigate for that crime. You don't investigate to find a crime. That's not how our justice system works.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Liberals want to impeach Trump for lying to the press. There is a mighty big difference there.
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I'll bet he keeps a .38 in his pocket. Not because of the public either.

.38 Special! No doubt the Crooked Hillary FBI Swamp Rats who assassinated Seth Rich are a danger. Hopefully The Donald wears a kevlar vest at night.

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Liberals also hate to hear that this Stormy Daniels fuck happened back when Trump was a liberal.....just sayin'.
Yes, that is how rational adults talk, when they don't know something with certainty. You should try it!

Let's talk more collusion, like your thread title suggests:

Flynn promised the Russian sanctions would be "ripped up". And Russia undertook an effort to help Trump.

All just coincidence, right? Just a loose cannon, talking out of school, despite the obviously great leadership of his boss. Right?
No, that is how douchebags who got nothing talk.

How do you know what Flynn said to the Russian ambassador? Even if he did, that's not illegal.
The actual "collusion" was the revelation SLIMEBALL COMEY consulted with HAMBURGER HILL MUELLER before testifying before Congress.

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Liberals act like ANYTHING between Trump and Russia is collusion. They've yet to even define it for us. It's kinda like jello, they mold it into what they want as they see fit.

Trump's nephew's stepson talks to a Russian hooker? COLLUSION
Trump's lawyer pays off a tramp and for whatever fucking reason Russia pays him back.....COLLUSION
Trump thanks KIM JUNG nuthead for releasing the Americans in one piece......BROWNNOSING.

He can't fucking win with the left.
Liberals act like ANYTHING between Trump and Russia is collusion. They've yet to even define it for us. It's kinda like jello, they mold it into what they want as they see fit.

Trump's nephew's stepson talks to a Russian hooker? COLLUSION
Trump's lawyer pays off a tramp and for whatever fucking reason Russia pays him back.....COLLUSION
Trump thanks KIM JUNG nuthead for releasing the Americans in one piece......BROWNNOSING.

He can't fucking win with the left.
It's like 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon. No matter who in the Trump administration you're talking about, they have some connection with a Russian.
Yes, that is how rational adults talk, when they don't know something with certainty. You should try it!

Let's talk more collusion, like your thread title suggests:

Flynn promised the Russian sanctions would be "ripped up". And Russia undertook an effort to help Trump.

All just coincidence, right? Just a loose cannon, talking out of school, despite the obviously great leadership of his boss. Right?

Hope springs eternal....
Yes, let's talk collusion!

How Michael Cohen’s Apparent Russia Payment Might Help Prove Collusion

....Given the outrageous conduct of Putin and Deripaska, and given the almost unanimous votes in Congress to impose tough sanctions, these accommodations should have been considered stunning. As of Tuesday night, they stink to high heaven.

And the question must be raised: Was there a quid pro quo understanding between Vekselberg and Trump associates in January 2017? It is crucial to remember here what was happening in December 2016 and January 2017 in regard to Russia sanctions. Here’s what I summarized in an earlier Slate piece on Kushner, Qatar, and Russian money: The Steele dossier alleged that Russians had made a deal with Trump associates for the Russians to sell Rosneft, the massive state energy company, and use the commissions to give Trump associates payments under the radar, in return for lifting or softening sanctions. The Rosneft sale went through in December 2016, a month after the election, coinciding with Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, and Carter Page’s various alleged communications with Russians. Just eight days before this oil megadeal, Flynn and Kushner met Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at Trump Tower, and Kushner reportedly proposed a secret communication link with the Kremlin through the Russian embassy. Then, a few days after the Rosneft deal, Kushner met Sergey Gorkov, chairman of Russia’s government-owned VE Bank, or VEB, and Putin’s close confidant....."

And of course nothing.....again. No substance no intel just more speculation.
Liberals act like ANYTHING between Trump and Russia is collusion. They've yet to even define it for us. It's kinda like jello, they mold it into what they want as they see fit.

Trump's nephew's stepson talks to a Russian hooker? COLLUSION
Trump's lawyer pays off a tramp and for whatever fucking reason Russia pays him back.....COLLUSION
Trump thanks KIM JUNG nuthead for releasing the Americans in one piece......BROWNNOSING.

He can't fucking win with the left.
It's like 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon. No matter who in the Trump administration you're talking about, they have some connection with a Russian.

Its laughable at this point and the rest of the country has moved on. The radical loon fringe libs are the ones pushing this circus.
Liberals act like ANYTHING between Trump and Russia is collusion. They've yet to even define it for us. It's kinda like jello, they mold it into what they want as they see fit.

Trump's nephew's stepson talks to a Russian hooker? COLLUSION
Trump's lawyer pays off a tramp and for whatever fucking reason Russia pays him back.....COLLUSION
Trump thanks KIM JUNG nuthead for releasing the Americans in one piece......BROWNNOSING.

He can't fucking win with the left.
It's like 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon. No matter who in the Trump administration you're talking about, they have some connection with a Russian.
Bernie actually spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, notice how quite he's been on this?
The "reset" button
How did that result in collusion? Putin hated Clinton... she put the screws to him. So did Obama. In contrast, our current President won't implement the Russian sanctions fully. He has talked of giving them gifts for nothing, like returning their little spy houses. Your complaints of Obama and Hillary's rhetorical overtures only spotlight further the case that Trump is much worse. So, I don't think that's a good position for you.
Man, you live in a bubble.
Yes, that is how rational adults talk, when they don't know something with certainty. You should try it!

Let's talk more collusion, like your thread title suggests:

Flynn promised the Russian sanctions would be "ripped up". And Russia undertook an effort to help Trump.

All just coincidence, right? Just a loose cannon, talking out of school, despite the obviously great leadership of his boss. Right?
And Obama asked Putin to have patience till after the election was over. Then he could completely kiss his ass. You're an idiot.
Yep, the left don't want to talk about how Obama rigged the elections.
Well, except for this liberal talking about it in the post above yours.

I answered : 100,000 votes. Do you think that guess is high, or low?
Yeah, nobody heard of the Tea Party movement, so silencing them would have no impact.

Hilarious question from a group that claims Facebook ads flipped the election......

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