Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

by Daniel Greenfield
Oct 2nd, 2012

Featured, Obama keeping it real with a Saturday Night Live quality “Street” voice, shout outs to Jeremiah Wright for providing him with the material and the fake accent. No wonder Wright was angry about being dumped by Obama. Obama’s entire image, pre-election, was a prolonged imitation of Wright, complete with divisive race-baiting.

Disturbing moments. The crowd cheers September 11. Not anything Obama says, just the very mention of September 11 brings a rousing cheer. This really is the Jeremiah Wright crowd.

When Obama isn’t ripping off Jeremiah Wright, he’s ripping off Kanye “Bush don’t care about black people” West.

Obama says Wright introduced him to Jesus. Before that was Obama homies with Mohammed, the way Wright has claimed? And then he easily switches, with the same weight of fake gravitas and passion from talking about religion to talking about highway construction.

Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released | FrontPage Magazine
Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

This thread is just another Republican equivalent of a "Hail Mary" in football - with the clock wound down to 0.01 seconds!

Jeremiah Wright didn't register with the voters in 2008, so why would conservatives consider this approach to be more productive after 4 years?

The answer is that that when your desperate and going down for the 3rd time, you'll grab at anything and anybody!
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Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.
Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.

[SIZE=+1]DRUDGE: Obama describes a society... where white majority profits by exploiting black America'...[/SIZE][/URL]
Drudge Report ^

From Drudge: DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight... OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for
work[/URL] on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing... DRUDGE REPORT 2012®

Are you cereal??? Obama told white people that we're somehow exploiting blacks, even through we're spending tens of billions a year to give them SSD, SSI, Food stamps, Section 8 from our tax dollars. Wtf do they want??? When you don't help yourself and go through life thinking everything is owe to you. What do you expect?
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Shows that Obama is nothing more than a black racist that hates white people. He wants to transfer people wealth that work hard to the inner city slums.
With supporters like "Matthew," Romney doesn't need enemies!
So Obama wants us to freely transfer the wealth of the working class into the inner cities? From white to black. Even though a lot of these blacks don't earn it.

Why??? How about earning your own fucking wealth.
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So Obama wants us to freely transfer the wealth of the working class into the inner cities? From white to black. Even though a lot of these blacks don't earn it.

Why??? How about earning your own fucking wealth.
- Obama is nothing more than a black racist

- hates white people.

- these blacks don't earn it

- PISS be on MUHAMMAD !!!


Matthew is one "sick puppy!"
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So Obama wants us to freely transfer the wealth of the working class into the inner cities? From white to black. Even though a lot of these blacks don't earn it.

Why??? How about earning your own fucking wealth.
Matthew is one "sick puppy!"

Did you read the quotes above? Or are you even a serious human being?:eusa_silenced:

I get it your a marxist that thinks everyone should live off of free shit. Cradle to grave.
Finally, the real Obama. This is the 'unbound' Obama that will be set upon America should he be reelected . . . an Obama presidency unrestraint by the need to placate this or that group now that a second term as the most powerful man in the world is secured.

Note: The reaction of the people in attendance when Obama mentions 9/11 does not go unnoticed by the attentive viewer. Please watch the video. Cause for concern.
It would be like Romney coming out tomarrow and saying that the black community is a parasite on this nation. This election would be fucking over. Obama in a fucking landslide with a huge majority in congress.

Watch the democrats spin.
Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright that has always been out there but you all didn't care about because it wasn't part of your marching orders until now is Finally Released

Fixed it for ya.
Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright that has always been out there but you all didn't care about because it wasn't part of your marching orders until now is Finally Released

Fixed it for ya.

Was this out there???
"From Drudge: DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight... OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for"

How the fuck with AA, section 8 and a thousand other things are we giving blacks a zero sum society???
Yep saw it four years ago with all the other videos that I mentioned. But none of the rightyloons had been given their orders yet so none of them cared.

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