Target selling “tuck-friendly” bathing suits in kids’ sizes

They also sell pro tranny clothing for children.

Of course target also promotes any gender using any bathroom they feel like they belong in.

And just for an extra dash of shittyness. Target prominently featured standees by the front doors promoting the anti racist baby book for babies. Now granted it's sold other places as well, but the last time I went in was when they had a big standee for the book as soon as you walk in the door. And had promo posters in the book department.

I dont shop at target anymore as they are a diversity and inclusion forcing company that is woke and desperate for esg scores.
Oh, you’re right…..thanks for the reminder. I remember seeing that children’s book - trying to convince little black kids how ”oppressed” they are by the meanie white kids.

Yeah, Target went woke long ago. I had forgotten.
Sure. You run with that. Bud Light (despite it being a mostly water, pedestrian beer) shows no signs of folding. In a few months, rednecks will be back to buying it. :)
Bed, Bath, and Beyond was the victim of its own stupidity. Not some "wallet" conscious conservatives.
Sure, if they don't mind $5 billion in lost sales, they won't mind $30 billion in lost sales...dumbass.
Hey, but ya gotta hand it to Woke LibProgs and Woke Corporations... they DO put on one Helluvan unclean, deviant, perverse Freak Show, don't they? :cool:
I'm growing tired of the Dem freakshow.
Look on the bright side. This was all predicted a very long time ago and while it will get lot worse before it gets better, at least it will get better. Those who call evil good and good evil will perish unless they change their minds and once they are gone, the remnant will be left with the chance to grow and live in the light once again.

I haven't shopped in Target for years. Whats sad is there will be people who won't understand how horrible this is. Ugh. I'm sickened

Do tell, why is it so horrible for those that do not follow your religion?
This women is where you get your leads from? Nowhere does it state this shirt is being sold at Target but triggered you were.
Hey, but ya gotta hand it to Woke LibProgs and Woke Corporations... they DO put on one helluvan unclean, deviant, perverse Freak Show, don't they? :cool:
Watching it early on, while it was very slowly unfolding, it might have seemed amusing. There are no longer any restraints in the evil. They no longer simply want to be left alone. They are demanding approval and obedience. There's a storm coming.
Look on the bright side. This was all predicted a very long time ago and while it will get lot worse before it gets better, at least it will get better. Those who call evil good and good evil will perish unless they change their minds and once they are gone, the remnant will be left with the chance to grow and live in the light once again.
It is funny how those that reject everything in the Bible and don't believe in any of it are the very ones proving its validity and truth.

That's one of those......ironies? Is that the word?
Do tell, why is it so horrible for those that do not follow your religion?
Follow whatever path you want. Every person has that choice. Never mind that these folks today seem intent on compelling others to accept them and allow their children to be warped or else. As long as they leave innocent children alone, I couldn't possibly care less what they do. I will not pay the price for their behavior.
It is funny how those that reject everything in the Bible and don't believe in any of it are the very ones proving its validity and truth.

That's one of those......ironies? Is that the word?
When I was a kid and read in Revelation of those who would blaspheme God even AFTER the judgments began, I couldn't grasp how that would be possible. Today, it is very clear. Human pride and hatred for anything that calls them to obey something other than their own will, is common and growing. Thankfully, "number no man can count" will still be saved during this time.
When I was a kid and read in Revelation of those who would blaspheme God even AFTER the judgments began, I couldn't grasp how that would be possible. Today, it is very clear. Human pride and hatred for anything that calls them to obey something other than their own will, is common and growing. Thankfully, "number no man can count" will still be saved during this time.
But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. [7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John.8 - Bible, King James Version​

University of Michigan › cgi › kjv › kjv-idx
Watching it early on, while it was very slowly unfolding, it might have seemed amusing. There are no longer any restraints in the evil. They no longer simply want to be left alone. They are demanding approval and obedience. There's a storm coming.

Ephesians 6:10-18

When I was a kid and read in Revelation of those who would blaspheme God even AFTER the judgments began, I couldn't grasp how that would be possible. Today, it is very clear. Human pride and hatred for anything that calls them to obey something other than their own will, is common and growing. Thankfully, "number no man can count" will still be saved during this time.
Well, I happen to believe based on how wretchedly I've lived that i won't be one of those blessed few that will be among the chosen. Trying to amend my ways.....but it isn't about "trying."

It's about accepting and remaining and it seems every time I start down that path of righteous living...another tidal wave of whatever overwhelms me.

Envy many that have the will to keep fighting. I simply have too many struggles. With pride...anger, name a few.

I am pretty much nowhere near what I was ever called to be or what I am supposed to be.

I do believe that Christ is real. That He is coming back. It's more based on the fact that I see all of this unreal wickedness unfolding right before our eyes.

I would say as much as 99 percent of those that will be in eternal hell don't know they are going there. Then there are ones like me....who sort of pretty much know we are.

Hence, the drinking. 😔 Need prayers 🙏

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