Tavia Galonski Wants to Try Trump in World Court for Crimes Against Humanity

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
In a high water mark of unhinged idiocy caused by Trump, Ohio House member Tavia Galonski wants to try Donald Trump in World Court in Brussels, Belgium for crimes against humanity.

"Fox News asked Rep. Galonski if there is a specific crime she is accusing Trump of committing, and how she plans on pursuing charges given the United States' non-member status. She did not immediately respond. "
That makes her tantrum all the more credible.

The US is not a member of the international world court. What authority would the court have in the unlikely event this matter came before the court? None at all!

Galonski seems particularly set off by Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine as a possible cure for the corona virus. People are unsure why.
She also seems to be blaming Trump for an international pandemic that has it's origins in China (i.e. crimes against humanity).
So that seems especially idiotic.

In a field of many contenders for the title of the person who most epitomizes people who have lost their mind due to hatred of Donald Trump, Tavia Galonski throws down a gauntlet that most will have to stand back and bow to.

This Ohio representative just seems insane.
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In a high water mark of unhinged idiocy caused by Trump, Ohio House member Tavia Galonski wants to try Donald Trump in World Court in Brussels, Belgium for crimes against humanity.
Too funny. Crimes against humanity, for a drug not used yet, that may do nothing or may prove to save many lives!

Democrats are SO DOOMED this Fall.


Where was this crackpot a few years ago when Ears let ISIS run rampant for two years as a JV team killing and displacing millions of people destroying trillions in irreplaceable artifacts and history?
Hey everyone, she say's she can't take it any more !!

Trying hard to be giving a shit, but I can't seem to do it.
Next time we hear about this gal, it will be the news of her having the Shanghai Shivers.

Irony has a way of sneaking up on people.
Democrat progressives are trying to completely destroy any semblance of normal American culture. These "Democrats" should be banned from any future political involvement, investigated for treason or sedition or just basic corruption. This rein of stupidity by these opportunists has got to end.
In a high water mark of unhinged idiocy caused by Trump, Ohio House member Tavia Galonski wants to try Donald Trump in World Court in Brussels, Belgium for crimes against humanity.

"Fox News asked Rep. Galonski if there is a specific crime she is accusing Trump of committing, and how she plans on pursuing charges given the United States' non-member status. She did not immediately respond. "
That makes her tantrum all the more credible.

The US is not a member of the international world court. What authority would the court have in the unlikely event this matter came before the court? None at all!

Galonski seems particularly set off by Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine as a possible cure for the corona virus. People are unsure why.
She also seems to be blaming Trump for an international pandemic that has it's origins in China (i.e. crimes against humanity).
So that seems especially idiotic.

In a field of many contenders for the title of the person who most epitomizes people who have lost their mind due to hatred of Donald Trump, Tavia Galonski throws down a gauntlet that most will have to stand back and bow to.

This Ohio representative just seems insane.
Well mario jr approved giving it to 4000 new Yorkers ...will mario jr also be named ?
Was the Galonski gal around when Hillary's husband bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down?
Someone should whisper in her ear so she doesn't look so bad. The United States does not recognize the world court.
What is it with democrat politicians? Barry Hussein used a foreign agent who might have had ties to Russia to obtain a warrant to conduct a surveillance on a political opponent. Currently it seems that the democrat party is a willing agent for Chinese and Russian propaganda designed to blame the President of the United States for the virus pandemic and now a democrat congressperson wants to use the leftist "world court" to undermine the agenda of her own Country.

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