Taxes Have Consequences


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences
Wait until California's pink vests get weary of it .A full blown hissy fit will erupt
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Death by a 1000 needles eh?
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Death by a 1000 needles eh?

No actually we've gotten new roads, better and safer infrastructure and easing of traffic.

I've been to red states. Their roads are a mess. Even the privately owned roads.

The people of my state understand that nothing is free. We don't force the rest of the nation to pay for our roads. We pay for it ourselves.

The fact that we voted to keep that increase in our gas tax shows that the people aren't stupid here. We know that it costs money to have 21st century infrastructure and we're willing to pay for it ourselves.

People like you have no problem living in places with backward infrastructure.

There's a reason why people flock to live in my state. We have good jobs, we take care of our environment and we have a much higher standard of living.

Go ahead and live in your backward red state hole. It doesn't matter to me. My state will continue progressing forward and business will continue to flock to my state while business leaves backward red states like yours.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Death by a 1000 needles eh?

No actually we've gotten new roads, better and safer infrastructure and easing of traffic.

I've been to red states. Their roads are a mess. Even the privately owned roads.

The people of my state understand that nothing is free. We don't force the rest of the nation to pay for our roads. We pay for it ourselves.

The fact that we voted to keep that increase in our gas tax shows that the people aren't stupid here. We know that it costs money to have 21st century infrastructure and we're willing to pay for it ourselves.

People like you have no problem living in places with backward infrastructure.

There's a reason why people flock to live in my state. We have good jobs, we take care of our environment and we have a much higher standard of living.

Go ahead and live in your backward red state hole. It doesn't matter to me. My state will continue progressing forward and business will continue to flock to my state while business leaves backward red states like yours.

Nice try. What state are you in? I live in Boston, MA. We are not a backwards state and our Governor is a Republican. You can go and stick your head back up your @$$.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.
But you wouldn’t need those increases if you could stop your gov from raiding highway fund money.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Color me a bit skeptical, what state do you live in where people got all upset about a penny a gallon?
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences
We in California vote for our tax rate increases. These people had no choice so of course they would riot.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences
We in California vote for our tax rate increases. These people had no choice so of course they would riot.

You live in Cali and have the audacity to call another state a shithole? Are you kidding me?!?!?!
You know, in a few years it could be us demonstrating over a gas tax increase. In Obama's last year he proposed a $10 “fee” (tax) on every barrel of oil, which according to some translates into about a 25 cent increase in a price of a gallon of gas at the pump. Which he wanted to spend on "investments" over the next 10 years on mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. Of course, he knew such a program would never have passed the GOP-controlled Congress, so maybe he was giving lip service to the environmentalists to get their money into the 2016 election and thereby protect his "legacy". (It must really burn his shorts that his "legacy" is being dismantled day by day by Mr. Trump.) But he did spend a lot of tax dollars on high-speed rail and those effing Solyndra/Evergreen companies that mostly did nothing but line the pockets of Dem supporters and donors.

BUT - what about 2020? What if the Dems take back the Senate and the WH, what then? Would they actually do something like this? Considering how much further to the Left the Democratic Party is these days, I can't say it's out of the question.

Now it's certainly true that this country needs a lot of upgrades to the infrastructure, but a gas tax of that magnitude would really hammer the people on the low end of the income ladder. I hope we can get some agreement done to make a lot of fixes and improvements, and if presented in a open and honest way I suspect most Americans would buy in IF the money is well-spent. But we can't be talking about shovel-ready jobs and end up with no jobs and no shovels.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.
A PENNY? Wait till you pay $7 to your Godvernment
A penny per gallon is like no increase. Our roads are in bad shape and there is no fix on the horizon. That's really pathetic.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Color me a bit skeptical, what state do you live in where people got all upset about a penny a gallon?

The eastern side of the state is all conservatives. The petition came out of the eastern side of the state. They have enough people to get an initiative on the ballot with signatures on a petition but they don't have enough people to actually pass their initiatives.

We on the west side of the state voted to retain that penny. Actually it wasn't even a penny, it was 9 tenths of a penny per gallon.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Color me a bit skeptical, what state do you live in where people got all upset about a penny a gallon?

The eastern side of the state is all conservatives. The petition came out of the eastern side of the state. They have enough people to get an initiative on the ballot with signatures on a petition but they don't have enough people to actually pass their initiatives.

We on the west side of the state voted to retain that penny. Actually it wasn't even a penny, it was 9 tenths of a penny per gallon.

Are you talking about Prop 6? That was more than one freakin' penny. Exactly when was this raise of 9 tenths of one penny per gallon gas tax?

In April 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 1 into law. The bill increases the price of regular gas by 12 cents a gallon, diesel fuel by 20 cents per gallon, the sales tax on diesel to 5.75 percent, and raised the vehicle registration fee by $25 to $175, depending on the value of the vehicle on Jan. 1. Hybrid and electric car owners will have to pay a $100 annual fee starting in July 2020.

According to state officials, the tax would bring in approximately $52 billion in revenue over the next decade, $5 billion per year. Officials say that the money goes toward highway and road maintenance and repairs as well as transit programs.

Amanda Young Rigby, Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Rancho Santa Fe businessman John Cox, who is running as a Republican for governor in 2018.

“People do want roads repaired, they do want money spent on infrastructure,” Cox said. “But they know that the money is being wasted.”

The group said the gas tax increase costs a typical family of four $779 a year.

Breaking down Prop 6, the measure to repeal the gas tax

Petition kicks off to repeal increase in California gasoline tax
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Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Color me a bit skeptical, what state do you live in where people got all upset about a penny a gallon?

The eastern side of the state is all conservatives. The petition came out of the eastern side of the state. They have enough people to get an initiative on the ballot with signatures on a petition but they don't have enough people to actually pass their initiatives.

We on the west side of the state voted to retain that penny. Actually it wasn't even a penny, it was 9 tenths of a penny per gallon.

Are you talking about Prop 6? That was more than one freakin' penny. Exactly when was this raise of 9 tenths of one penny per gallon gas tax?

In April 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 1 into law. The bill increases the price of regular gas by 12 cents a gallon, diesel fuel by 20 cents per gallon, the sales tax on diesel to 5.75 percent, and raised the vehicle registration fee by $25 to $175, depending on the value of the vehicle on Jan. 1. Hybrid and electric car owners will have to pay a $100 annual fee starting in July 2020.

According to state officials, the tax would bring in approximately $52 billion in revenue over the next decade, $5 billion per year. Officials say that the money goes toward highway and road maintenance and repairs as well as transit programs.

Amanda Young Rigby, Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Rancho Santa Fe businessman John Cox, who is running as a Republican for governor in 2018.

“People do want roads repaired, they do want money spent on infrastructure,” Cox said. “But they know that the money is being wasted.”

The group said the gas tax increase costs a typical family of four $779 a year.

Breaking down Prop 6, the measure to repeal the gas tax

Petition kicks off to repeal increase in California gasoline tax

There is no prop 6 in my state.

I don't live in California.
Next time Leftists cry for higher taxes they should look at what happened in France:

This week, the French government announced that in the wake of widespread, damaging rioting throughout Paris, it would back off of its latest planned tax increases. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe explained that the tax increases put “the nation’s unity in danger…This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it.” Why, exactly, are people rioting? Because France taxes unleaded fuel at 64% and diesel fuel 59%. This tax is regressive, and harms those at the lower end of the economic spectrum most. France is not alone. Sweden taxes petrol at 64%; Netherlands at 68%; the UK at 63%; Finland at 64%. Not a single country in the EU taxes at below a 50% rate.

This is the dirty little secret that America’s democratic socialists don’t like to talk about: the income and consumption tax rates are insanely high across Europe. The top marginal income tax rate in Denmark is 60.4%; it’s 56.9% in Sweden; it’s only 39.0% in Norway thanks to the country’s massive sovereign wealth fund, powered by oil revenue. More importantly, those top tax rates apply at extraordinarily low incomes – the top tax rates hit people who earn 1.2 times the average income in Denmark (about $60,000 in the United States, if the rules were applied here). Similarly flat income tax rates apply in other social democracies. All of these countries also have value-added taxes, effectively a national sales tax. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have VAT rates of 25%.

French 'Yellow Vests' Are Rioting Because Taxes Have Consequences

Well that didn't happen in my state.

The gas tax was increased. Some idiots didn't like it so they got a petition and signatures to repeal the penny per gallon increase.

It got on the ballot and LOST miserably. The people of my state voted to keep that penny per gallon tax on gas. We want 21st century infrastructure and are willing to pay for it.

Then a couple years later we again voted to raise our taxes again to pay to build light rail and more public transportation.

France isn't America.

Color me a bit skeptical, what state do you live in where people got all upset about a penny a gallon?

The eastern side of the state is all conservatives. The petition came out of the eastern side of the state. They have enough people to get an initiative on the ballot with signatures on a petition but they don't have enough people to actually pass their initiatives.

We on the west side of the state voted to retain that penny. Actually it wasn't even a penny, it was 9 tenths of a penny per gallon.

Are you talking about Prop 6? That was more than one freakin' penny. Exactly when was this raise of 9 tenths of one penny per gallon gas tax?

In April 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 1 into law. The bill increases the price of regular gas by 12 cents a gallon, diesel fuel by 20 cents per gallon, the sales tax on diesel to 5.75 percent, and raised the vehicle registration fee by $25 to $175, depending on the value of the vehicle on Jan. 1. Hybrid and electric car owners will have to pay a $100 annual fee starting in July 2020.

According to state officials, the tax would bring in approximately $52 billion in revenue over the next decade, $5 billion per year. Officials say that the money goes toward highway and road maintenance and repairs as well as transit programs.

Amanda Young Rigby, Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Rancho Santa Fe businessman John Cox, who is running as a Republican for governor in 2018.

“People do want roads repaired, they do want money spent on infrastructure,” Cox said. “But they know that the money is being wasted.”

The group said the gas tax increase costs a typical family of four $779 a year.

Breaking down Prop 6, the measure to repeal the gas tax

Petition kicks off to repeal increase in California gasoline tax

There is no prop 6 in my state.

I don't live in California.

Where do you live? And is there a reason why you aren't telling us? I'm guessing there's more to the story that you left out.
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