Taxpayer Money Being Used To Teach´Transgendered´ Men To Talk Like Girls

Blog Taxpayer money being used to teach transgendered men to talk like girls

These people need psychological help, not voice coaches and stuff. We like to talk about defeating ISIS and al Qaeda, but we have the equivalent to the Taliban in our midst. Instead of Allah, they have government as their God. Call me old-fashioned but in order to qualify as a woman you have to be able to born a child.

Makes me want to quit paying taxes, I'm tired of how our hard earned money is wasted, and I'm real tired of hearing about transsexuals and gays, lesbians and a sexuals.
^^^ Amen to all of that. To me, that money should go towards helping other people, not stimulate whatever mental issue it is that they have!

God bless you always!!!

This is a waste of money...Idiiots....

SHould go to infrastructure, science, r&d and education!


These are the usual NIH grants... The RW usually make some screwed veiw about it with no link to what was asked.

This research is probably for something else, but this type of research is too far away to have commercial value yet...
Blog Taxpayer money being used to teach transgendered men to talk like girls

These people need psychological help, not voice coaches and stuff. We like to talk about defeating ISIS and al Qaeda, but we have the equivalent to the Taliban in our midst. Instead of Allah, they have government as their God. Call me old-fashioned but in order to qualify as a woman you have to be able to born a child.

Would you help someone with a speech impediment to speak clearly?
Just because they were born with the wrong body does not mean they should not have access to speech therapy.
Blog Taxpayer money being used to teach transgendered men to talk like girls

These people need psychological help, not voice coaches and stuff. We like to talk about defeating ISIS and al Qaeda, but we have the equivalent to the Taliban in our midst. Instead of Allah, they have government as their God. Call me old-fashioned but in order to qualify as a woman you have to be able to born a child.

Would you help someone with a speech impediment to speak clearly?
Just because they were born with the wrong body does not mean they should not have access to speech therapy.

And they can pay for it themselves. Don't be such a horse's ass.
Blog Taxpayer money being used to teach transgendered men to talk like girls

These people need psychological help, not voice coaches and stuff. We like to talk about defeating ISIS and al Qaeda, but we have the equivalent to the Taliban in our midst. Instead of Allah, they have government as their God. Call me old-fashioned but in order to qualify as a woman you have to be able to born a child.

No. we need to increase the taxes on the rich so that we can spend it on this stuff.........

this is what I mean...the lefty assholes bitch about not giving enough of our money to the very people who will spend it on this stuff....and when we, I don't want to pay more what do they say....if you don't give us more we will take away your police, fire and teachers...........any politician who begins any tax discussion by threatening police or fire protection and teachers should be impeached and put in jail......

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