Teabagger Thrown Out Of Office For Carring A Sign With Obama's Head On A Stake

Every group has their village idiot, for example Obama has Harry Reid. The other guys behavior is not acceptable ever.

Making accusations without evidence = threatening to kill the President of the United States

got it.

You got something, all right. You got it wrong.

I hope you have learned from your mistake. Just because someone depicts the President with his head on a pike or a bullet hole in the center of his forehead, that does not equate to "threatening to kill the President of the United States".
Promoting hate and violence at the teabaggers rallies is very common, but this time around there is some good news.
A video was found of a tea party councilman carrying a sign with Obama's head on a stake, riddled with bullet holes. The city counsel voted to have him throw out of office for this despicable act. Not to mention the bagger' got a visit from the secret service. :eusa_clap:

Michigan councilman gets Secret Service visit after depicting Obama’s head on a spike | The Raw Story

You actually got a thrill up your leg that someone exercising their free speech rights got a visit from the SS?
They got in big trouble for that.

Additionally there was a thread on it here..and I don't think anyone thought it was cool.
True enough and it would be very unfair to judge every liberal by the actions of those on Game of Thrones and it 's equally unfair to judge every Tea Party person by this mans actions. This thing with both sides picking out some idiot and trying to brand a whole party or group by their actions is getting very old and tiresome.

The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

Actually you have media dreaming up stories, planting stories, doctoring videos, holding up signs during rallies.

I'm sure every once in awhile you may find somebody out of line, but for the most part the Tea Party is made up of the very Middle-class Americans Obama claims he wants to strengthen.

Instead he has told his media friends to attack them, accuse them of racism, call them terrorists. Obama is the Middle-classes enemy. He wants to enslave the middle-class, turn them into dependent mindless supporters.

It sure worked on your dumb ass.
They got in big trouble for that.

Additionally there was a thread on it here..and I don't think anyone thought it was cool.
True enough and it would be very unfair to judge every liberal by the actions of those on Game of Thrones and it 's equally unfair to judge every Tea Party person by this mans actions. This thing with both sides picking out some idiot and trying to brand a whole party or group by their actions is getting very old and tiresome.

The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.
Actually you have media dreaming up stories, planting stories, doctoring videos, holding up signs during rallies.

You baggers' always come with those same tinfoil excuses, but never show proof. How about doing so,....
At least the Tea Party threw him out... more than can be said for the lefties and their hate mongers.

Nothing to see here...


Don't you know how to read? The city council thew him out of his councilman job. You really are a shit stain.

I know how to read as well as comprehend what I read.
The Sterling Heights City Council on Wednesday called for the resignation of Councilman Paul Smith after Mayor Pro Tem Michael Taylor discovered a YouTube video of him at a 2009 tea party rally holding signs that showed Obama’s head on a spike, Pelosi’s head riddled with bullet holes and Granholm’s head in noose. The resolution was passed 6-1, with Smith being the only “no” vote, according to The Detroit News.

Smith also said that he would not resign from the city council.

A resolution calling for an elected councilman to resign is not throwing him out. The voters in the city council man's district may decide not to send him back to the city council the next election, but barring being convicted of a felony, he can stay the rest of his term. And his actions are certainly considered freedom of speech, which is a Constitutional right.
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True enough and it would be very unfair to judge every liberal by the actions of those on Game of Thrones and it 's equally unfair to judge every Tea Party person by this mans actions. This thing with both sides picking out some idiot and trying to brand a whole party or group by their actions is getting very old and tiresome.

The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.

Gladly. Unlike the right wing trolls, I never make up accusations without proof

Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters in a brawl at the Oklahoma GOP convention | Washington Times Communities

Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.

Kentucky Police Consider More Arrests in Rand Paul Activist 'Assault' - ABC News
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The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.

Gladly. Unlike the right wing trolls, I never make up accusations without proof

Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters in a brawl at the Oklahoma GOP convention | Washington Times Communities

Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.

Kentucky Police Consider More Arrests in Rand Paul Activist 'Assault' - ABC News

I remember the last one from a while back. If I'm not mistaken, those guys were arrested and charged with assault. Also, everybody and their mother condemned those that did it.

As for the others, thank you. I will read them and follow up.
The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.

Gladly. Unlike the right wing trolls, I never make up accusations without proof

Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters in a brawl at the Oklahoma GOP convention | Washington Times Communities

Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.

Kentucky Police Consider More Arrests in Rand Paul Activist 'Assault' - ABC News

Smith is still a city council man. Only the people that elected him can throw him out.

The Sterling Heights City Council on Wednesday called for the resignation of Councilman Paul Smith after Mayor Pro Tem Michael Taylor discovered a YouTube video of him at a 2009 tea party rally holding signs that showed Obama’s head on a spike, Pelosi’s head riddled with bullet holes and Granholm’s head in noose. The resolution was passed 6-1, with Smith being the only “no” vote, according to The Detroit News.

Smith also said that he would not resign from the city council.
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The thing is with the teabaggers, it's not some kind of one off indecent. There have been countless insane actions from the baggers' that the right winger try to deflect with "well, it was just one guy" type excuses. Though when the stupid is being brought over and over again, it's pretty telling to what the teabaggers are all about,....

I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.

Gladly. Unlike the right wing trolls, I never make up accusations without proof

Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters in a brawl at the Oklahoma GOP convention | Washington Times Communities
Since when is a Romney supporter a TEA Party supporter?
Finally tensions exploded after the controversial vote went against Paul and a Romney supporter allegedly punched a Paul supporter in the back of the head.
Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video
No name, no identification, no NOTHING but a flag. And the guy didn't swing until people started shoving him around. I'll bet the charges were dropped...
Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story
In the wake of the Gifford's shooting, when all you libs were screaming "The TEA Party shot Gabby!!" You can't make this shit up, I tell ya!
and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.

Kentucky Police Consider More Arrests in Rand Paul Activist 'Assault' - ABC News

Security for Rand Paul did that, NOT a "group of TEA Party thugs". The foot to the head was overboard, and if you watched the video you saw other members of Rand Paul's group STOP the guy.

All in all, a massive fail on your part.

And you've yet to walk back your claim in the OP that the councilman was 'thrown out', you lying sack of runny dog shit!
Promoting hate and violence at the teabaggers rallies is very common, but this time around there is some good news.
A video was found of a tea party councilman carrying a sign with Obama's head on a stake, riddled with bullet holes. The city counsel voted to have him throw out of office for this despicable act. Not to mention the bagger' got a visit from the secret service. :eusa_clap:

Michigan councilman gets Secret Service visit after depicting Obama’s head on a spike | The Raw Story

I heard the actual Tea Party members yelling "It's a set-up" in the background when this creep was showing those disgusting signs. He wasn't a member. He was there to make them look bad.

OH, and you should check the dates on this crap before you post it. The story is dated for August of 2012 but the video.....It's dated April of 2009.

Epic Fail
Standard Operations for this clown. His entire life is a failure.
The councilman was an idiot, true. I would suggest he resign from office, but he still has to go a long way to match the violence that actually occured with the OW groups.
Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well
It said one man allegedly punched another in the back of the head and two women got into it four people out of how many?

Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault
Did you watch the Video? It said a man with a video camera it did not say he was a member of Tea Party nor did it say he was carrying a Tea Party flag in fact you can not see what is on the flag in the video.
Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them
In the article they say Tea Party members but never give any names and they point to blog post anyone can start a blog a claim to a member of a group and for the record there was no violence by the Tea Party or any other group after the Gaddy Giffords shooting.
and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.
This one is legit and none cheered or supported the idiots who did it. Now lets review in the first one you had four people get into a minor dust up in the second you had one person never identified as a Tea Party member in the third you had claims of Tea Party people but no one was identified by name so that can't be confirmed the last one I have addressed. So what you have are three minor incidents one more serious that being the last committed by a handful of people that do not represent the Tea Party as a whole. Thank you for these links they made my point very well.
Promoting hate and violence at the teabaggers rallies is very common, but this time around there is some good news.
A video was found of a tea party councilman carrying a sign with Obama's head on a stake, riddled with bullet holes. The city counsel voted to have him throw out of office for this despicable act. Not to mention the bagger' got a visit from the secret service. :eusa_clap:

Michigan councilman gets Secret Service visit after depicting Obama’s head on a spike | The Raw Story

Where do you lefties come up with this stuff? Media Matters or some other tax exempt propaganda machine? Were you in a coma when the crazies were burning effigies of George Bush and hollywood was promoting a movie depicting his assassination?
I would like to see this evidence of the Tea Party acting like this. If you have evidence, please produce it from a reliable source so I can judge for myself. Don't feel bad if I don't take you at your word. How about a story from both Fox News and MSNBC saying the same thing for example, That would make the story credible.

Oh, and if it's a story about one person acting a fool, a little background is in order.

Gladly. Unlike the right wing trolls, I never make up accusations without proof

Here is a recent one where a tea party/Romney supporter assaulted a Ron Paul supporter at a GOP event. Others were reporting more Romney/teaparty violence as well

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters in a brawl at the Oklahoma GOP convention | Washington Times Communities

Here's a teabagger charging the stage at a peaceful rally swinging at people. Arrested and charged with assault

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Here's four Republicans that resigned in the fear of tea party violence against them

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

and of course the best (or worst) for last, this famous one where a group of teabagger thugs tackled a young woman and stomped on her head.

Kentucky Police Consider More Arrests in Rand Paul Activist 'Assault' - ABC News

I remember the last one from a while back. If I'm not mistaken, those guys were arrested and charged with assault. Also, everybody and their mother condemned those that did it.

As for the others, thank you. I will read them and follow up.

Please do. I'm glad to see there is at least one somewhat sane person on the right on this site :up:
lol, the trolls are on a roll

lakhoda the head troll has some competition..:lol::lol:

isn't thinkprogess calling you all home?
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