Teachers may go to prison for 20 years

Wow. How is this going to help kids? Sounds like the state is doubling down on testing and pissed that teachers realized it was just a scam to be "gamed".
That's not the fix. Children don't roll off an assembly line, nor should they be tested like products.

Actually, yes they should be tested. How else can you figure out what they're deficient in.
Standardized tests don't really do that. And they cannot be added to a child's grade. Once a child knows that, do you think they try? Especially if they are getting tested to death as it is?
That's not the fix. Children don't roll off an assembly line, nor should they be tested like products.
Actually, yes they should be tested. How else can you figure out what they're deficient in.
The tests that really matter test only one thing, what does the child need help with, what are they having a hard time learning, and that is not what we are testing for. If that were true only the teachers and administrators would see the tests and then work out how best to help the child. They are people, not products. There is no quality control. Let the teachers teach and the kids learn as well as they are able to. If their math sucks but they are a wiz on the guitar life will go on, and that is not the fault of the school most times.

These aren't tennis shoes, they are people and it's long past time we started respecting them as such. Testing has ruined education, ironic as that might sound.
So Bodey and PMH supports a Superintendent that had teachers change test answers so she could get awards and bonuses. WOW
So Bodey and PMH supports a Superintendent that had teachers change test answers so she could get awards and bonuses. WOW
Nope, the exact opposite. These test should never have happened in the first place, and absolutely never been tied to an incentive program. That's what killed the mortgage industry, paying for performance so people lied.

If you test the kids spelling on Fridays, and most of kids can't spell Education, you put the word back on the study list for next week. That's as far as it goes, and as far as it should.
they wont go to jail. Least not most of them, thats just for the story. Odds are they will be fired and pay some fines etc.

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