Tears for Ms. Fluke

Jeeeeebus, what a bunch of STUPID brainwashed hater dupe sexist SHYTTEHEADS.

A) It's cheaper for insurers and the country to have free birth control, for single AND married women.
B) Will decimate number of abortions
C) Teddy/Romneycare ALREADY proves ACA will cut costs- rises in Mass are now 2%/year- Hell, national cost under OBAMACARE, which hasn't really started yet, is down to 4%! Instead of 15% for total BS Pubcare we have now.
D. Dupes are so dumb, you wonder how you breathe. Assume the position, ya lying POSs.

look, there are other methods of birth contol besides free pills.

1. rubbers

2. not getting drunk

3. crossing the legs

4. swallowing ( my favorite)

but really it seems like a lifestyle choice moe than anything. for thinkng that that we are haters and sexists?

Bullshit on that

We love women more than you limp wristed fairies and I'm sure they like us better too

Another genius Rushbot braindamaged MORON>

It's that they are so shamelessly stupid that makes it depressing. What ever happened to having at least an ounce of self-esteem?
Again, it's CHEAPER to have free BC, dumbazzes, AND decimates abortions- and another idiot brainwashed Rushbot thread FAIL. Assassinating the character of a witness based on nothing is a typical for dupes only disgrace.
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The Democrat model is to make people dependent on the government, sadly, because of Democrat policies many simply can't survive without government having control over them anymore.

Population control by culling undesirables and preventing propagation is the model.
In the congressional testimony she said she wanted her insurance companies to cover the meds so she would just have her co-pay as she would for vicodin, celebrex, or amoxicillin.

I am unaware of her wanting it for free. Maybe subsequent statements were made???
She was free to switch insurance providers that would provide those drugs in their coverage. The insurance program she had, which was being paid for by someone else, did not; because it was against their religious beliefs.

She testified and demanded that government make the program she had, which was being provided by that someone else, include the drugs she wished.

It was, to her and the lefts way of thinking, unreasonable for her to have to find another insurance program that would meet her desires or needs.
In our system most insurance comes from the organizations to which we belong. If I wanted Congress's insurance system; I would have to join congress. The health system I work for does not offer the Congressional system.

She had the right to testify before a congressional panel, no? Lawmakers make those laws.

She was more than able to shop around for an insurance program that met her needs and to pay for the insurance program.

So, what she wanted was for someone else to pay for her medical needs.
Nonsense. She would pay her insurance when she has to pay for her insurance and therefore pay for her meds in accordance with the policy's mandates. You're simply telling a lie at this point.

Plain and simple. From that, the loony tune leftist conclude that the right are conducting a war on women.

The funny thing about all this is that when Ms Fluck graduates, she will immediately enter the 1% of this countries wealthy.

Why is that funny?
That is correct. You will have to join congress to get their health plan. Failing that, you will have to provide for your own health insurance.

I never implied once that she did not have a right to testify in front of congress. I simply impeached her motives and rationale.

Nonsense. She would pay her insurance when she has to pay for her insurance and therefore pay for her meds in accordance with the policy's mandates. You're simply telling a lie at this point.
You may want to clarify that from the gibberish that was posted. she would pay for her insurance when she paid for her insurance? I'm not sure what the argument is. So, what lie have I told?

She was testifying that the organization she was getting insurance from should be required to provide the drugs she wanted, regardless of their religious convictions. That right there is wrong. She is free to shop around for insurance that does provide for it. She has no right to demand that the Constitutional rights of others be violated because she doesn't want to pay for it.

It is funny on two levels. She will soon become one of the wealthy and successful in our country. . More power to her and good for her. However, she is demanding that while she is getting a first class education, that the rest of us should provide for her medical needs.

It is also funny because she could have gone to the university she attends and promoted a program whereby the alumni of that university provides 10% of their income for the first 5 or 10 years, to the university to help pay for unfortunate women who cannot afford the kinds of medical insurance needed to care for their reproductive health.

You don't see the irony in this?
The Democrat model is to make people dependent on the government, sadly, because of Democrat policies many simply can't survive without government having control over them anymore.

Then they should be allowed to perish for the good of the species. Those too weak to fend for themselves (except children and seniors) are a detriment to the race as a whole.
No one's going to fuck that skank anyway, wtf does she need birth control for?

There's a convention in town. Drunk and high electors will most likely screw anything that doesn't move faster than they do...it's the Democrat way.
Good question. Sometimes birth control jas a legit medical purpose, just like viagra and they should be covered. Buy if used for fun , it should be on you dime and not covered

So Medicare for example should only cover lifesaving healthcare, and not quality of life type healthcare?

Maybe Medicare should cover nose jobs and boob jobs and penis enlargement since these procedures also improve quality of life, and while we are at it, maybe Medicare should cover hookers, both male and female, since these would certainly improve the quality of the lives of many Medicare recipients.

Not everything that can only be done safely by a medical provider is health care; some things such as nose jobs, boob jobs, penis enlargement, contraception, abortion, are lifestyle choices, and should not be covered by Medicare, Medicaid or government health insurance mandates, if we have to have them. Without Obama's heavy hand wrapped around their throats, insurance companies are willing to cover anything consumers are willing to pay for, so some group health insurance plans already covered contraception and abortion before Obama became president because the participants in the plan decided they were willing to pay for it and some plans didn't cover these things because the participants weren't willing to pay higher premiums to cover them.

When the federal government mandates that all insurance plans, public or private, must pay for contraception/abortion, that is equivalent to levying a tax on all Americans to pay for the lifestyle choices of only some. If Obama believes no one should have to pay for contraception or abortion, that is a social welfare issue, not a health care issue, and it should be handled elsewhere and funded by an explicit new tax, not by a tax Obama is trying to sneak in through health insurance companies.

Down deep, we all know obama could give a flying rat's ass about whether or not contraception is covered, or who pays for it. As long as he thinks he'll wrap up the bimbo/slut vote, or the promiscuous college coed vote, he's all for anything they demand. Sadly enough, there are many who fall for shit promises like that...they'll manage to drag their butts off the mattress and put their panties on long enough to go to the polling booths on campus.
She was free to switch insurance providers that would provide those drugs in their coverage. The insurance program she had, which was being paid for by someone else, did not; because it was against their religious beliefs.

She testified and demanded that government make the program she had, which was being provided by that someone else, include the drugs she wished.

It was, to her and the lefts way of thinking, unreasonable for her to have to find another insurance program that would meet her desires or needs.
In our system most insurance comes from the organizations to which we belong. If I wanted Congress's insurance system; I would have to join congress. The health system I work for does not offer the Congressional system.

She had the right to testify before a congressional panel, no? Lawmakers make those laws.

Nonsense. She would pay her insurance when she has to pay for her insurance and therefore pay for her meds in accordance with the policy's mandates. You're simply telling a lie at this point.
Why is that funny?
That is correct. You will have to join congress to get their health plan. Failing that, you will have to provide for your own health insurance.
I never implied once that she did not have a right to testify in front of congress. I simply impeached her motives and rationale.
Well, to qualify for the Congressional Healthcare Plan, I have to be a member of Congress. My insurance is offered at the beginning of each year during our open enrollment period. I am not able to change insurance outside of the open enrollment period, I don't think.
Nonsense. She would pay her insurance when she has to pay for her insurance and therefore pay for her meds in accordance with the policy's mandates. You're simply telling a lie at this point.
You may want to clarify that from the gibberish that was posted. she would pay for her insurance when she paid for her insurance? I'm not sure what the argument is. So, what lie have I told?
Ah, She pays for her insurance--you know premiums. So when she goes to the pharmacy, she is hoping to have the contraceptives on the insurance--what she is paying for. The same way she would pay for other insurance covered items such as vicodin or amoxicillin.

It isn't costing you or me a dime. That is the lie.

She was testifying that the organization she was getting insurance from should be required to provide the drugs she wanted, regardless of their religious convictions. That right there is wrong.
Well no, she was testifying that the insurance companies be required to cover this along with other preventative healthcare medications. She is entitled to her opinion, no?

She is free to shop around for insurance that does provide for it. She has no right to demand that the Constitutional rights of others be violated because she doesn't want to pay for it.

It is funny on two levels. She will soon become one of the wealthy and successful in our country. . More power to her and good for her. However, she is demanding that while she is getting a first class education, that the rest of us should provide for her medical needs.
How is she requesting that? If she pays Blue Cross every month and the drugs are on or not on her health insurance it isn't costing you or me a penny.

It is also funny because she could have gone to the university she attends and promoted a program whereby the alumni of that university provides 10% of their income for the first 5 or 10 years, to the university to help pay for unfortunate women who cannot afford the kinds of medical insurance needed to care for their reproductive health.

You don't see the irony in this?

In a twisted way yes...sort of in the same way pro-life republicans have no problem frying a murderer...you have to look hard for it.
In our system most insurance comes from the organizations to which we belong. If I wanted Congress's insurance system; I would have to join congress. The health system I work for does not offer the Congressional system.

She had the right to testify before a congressional panel, no? Lawmakers make those laws.

Nonsense. She would pay her insurance when she has to pay for her insurance and therefore pay for her meds in accordance with the policy's mandates. You're simply telling a lie at this point.
Why is that funny?
That is correct. You will have to join congress to get their health plan. Failing that, you will have to provide for your own health insurance.
I never implied once that she did not have a right to testify in front of congress. I simply impeached her motives and rationale.
Well, to qualify for the Congressional Healthcare Plan, I have to be a member of Congress. My insurance is offered at the beginning of each year during our open enrollment period. I am not able to change insurance outside of the open enrollment period, I don't think.

Ah, She pays for her insurance--you know premiums. So when she goes to the pharmacy, she is hoping to have the contraceptives on the insurance--what she is paying for. The same way she would pay for other insurance covered items such as vicodin or amoxicillin.

It isn't costing you or me a dime. That is the lie.

Well no, she was testifying that the insurance companies be required to cover this along with other preventative healthcare medications. She is entitled to her opinion, no?


It is funny on two levels. She will soon become one of the wealthy and successful in our country. . More power to her and good for her. However, she is demanding that while she is getting a first class education, that the rest of us should provide for her medical needs.
How is she requesting that? If she pays Blue Cross every month and the drugs are on or not on her health insurance it isn't costing you or me a penny.

It is also funny because she could have gone to the university she attends and promoted a program whereby the alumni of that university provides 10% of their income for the first 5 or 10 years, to the university to help pay for unfortunate women who cannot afford the kinds of medical insurance needed to care for their reproductive health.

You don't see the irony in this?

In a twisted way yes...sort of in the same way pro-life republicans have no problem frying a murderer...you have to look hard for it.
Ah, i see your damage now.

You see, when she was offered the insurance, it lists the things that it covers. This means that she would have known that the drugs she want were not covered prior to accepting the insurance. This is how it works. If you do not like the insurance being offered, you simply move on to pay for a plan you DO like. You are NOT permitted to demand that the insurance offered meets with your approval. Understand?

This is not a matter of what it costs you and Me, but an unreasonable belief that someones Constitutional Rights should be ignored in favor of one persons demands. You do not have the right to demand that someone goes against their religious beliefs. Neither did she. They offered plan A. She can take it, or pay for something else.

You mean pro-life Republicans who support protecting the most innocent is somehow comparable to holding the guilty responsible for their actions?

I guess you don't see it.
Good question. Sometimes birth control jas a legit medical purpose, just like viagra and they should be covered. Buy if used for fun , it should be on you dime and not covered

Birth control is covered by insurance. What the stupid twat was after was for the school which had a religious bent to cover her meds, even though its against their morals. I have no sympathy for her. She is a political operative. She is the hitter that sucks at baseball so bad that the coach just has her lean into the pitch. She put it out there and got hit.
That is correct. You will have to join congress to get their health plan. Failing that, you will have to provide for your own health insurance.
I never implied once that she did not have a right to testify in front of congress. I simply impeached her motives and rationale.
Well, to qualify for the Congressional Healthcare Plan, I have to be a member of Congress. My insurance is offered at the beginning of each year during our open enrollment period. I am not able to change insurance outside of the open enrollment period, I don't think.

Ah, She pays for her insurance--you know premiums. So when she goes to the pharmacy, she is hoping to have the contraceptives on the insurance--what she is paying for. The same way she would pay for other insurance covered items such as vicodin or amoxicillin.

It isn't costing you or me a dime. That is the lie.

Well no, she was testifying that the insurance companies be required to cover this along with other preventative healthcare medications. She is entitled to her opinion, no?


How is she requesting that? If she pays Blue Cross every month and the drugs are on or not on her health insurance it isn't costing you or me a penny.

It is also funny because she could have gone to the university she attends and promoted a program whereby the alumni of that university provides 10% of their income for the first 5 or 10 years, to the university to help pay for unfortunate women who cannot afford the kinds of medical insurance needed to care for their reproductive health.

You don't see the irony in this?

In a twisted way yes...sort of in the same way pro-life republicans have no problem frying a murderer...you have to look hard for it.
Ah, i see your damage now.

You see, when she was offered the insurance, it lists the things that it covers. This means that she would have known that the drugs she want were not covered prior to accepting the insurance. This is how it works. If you do not like the insurance being offered, you simply move on to pay for a plan you DO like. You are NOT permitted to demand that the insurance offered meets with your approval. Understand?
Good to know. So blacks knew their schools were segregated. Your stance is that they can't demand that they be allowed to go to school with whites. There was no secret about the segregation right?

Apparently you disagree with Brown v. Board of Education...you would take the side that blacks should have to look for a school that accepts kids of all races and attend those schools.

Are you sure that there were other insurance companies that covered OCPs?

This is not a matter of what it costs you and Me, but an unreasonable belief that someones Constitutional Rights should be ignored in favor of one persons demands. You do not have the right to demand that someone goes against their religious beliefs. Neither did she. They offered plan A. She can take it, or pay for something else.

It doesn't cost us anything. You've yet to show how it costs you a dime.
So Medicare for example should only cover lifesaving healthcare, and not quality of life type healthcare?

Sorry, but sex is different. If you have ra then im ok with enbrel or humira. If you have gout, im ok with that, but recreation is different.

What percent of sexual relations between a man and wife would you estimate are solely for the purpose of reproduction?

For most people, a hell of a lot closer to zero% than 5%, and for those who already have all the kids they want, the answer is zero. I believe that if sex was unpleasant, difficult, and painful, no one would do it. The only reason there are so many children is that fucking is fun and people - in the heat of passion - are irresponsible and careless.
I hope that this is not too repetitive of earliar posts.

I am one of tens of millions of seniors that take pills every day, which are not free of
charge, that are needed to keep me ALIVE! How can Ms. Fluke feel entitled to have
others pay for pills that allow her to be on her back all day, while others are forced to
pay for life-sustaining medication?

Sounds like you may be comparing apples to oranges. My understanding is that Ms. Fluke is advocating that health insurance companies should be required to cover female contraceptives - just like they do for men's Viagra and penis pumps for erectile dysfunction. In other words, she's saying that if women pay for health insurance directly, or indirectly through their employer as part of their benefits package, then female contraceptives (birth control) should be covered. Female contraceptives do more for women's health than just prevent pregnancy.

Please correct me if I'm wrong...
My understanding is that Ms. Fluke is advocating that health insurance companies should be required to cover female contraceptives - just like they do for men's Viagra and penis pumps for erectile dysfunction. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Fluke signaled out and went after the religious aspect in a religious institution..
So Medicare for example should only cover lifesaving healthcare, and not quality of life type healthcare?

Medicare is one of the reasons why our health care costs are so high.

No, US healthcare costs are the reason our healthcare costs are so high. Many countries have Medicare-similar healthcare programs and pay half what we pay for healthcare.

Sorry NY you apparently dont know anything about Medicare.....which sucks....compared to private insurance. And as for the other places, their healthcare sucks, long waits, less care and much less innovation than the US

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