Tech Monopolies vs. Americans?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is it time to break up the tech monopolies Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet (Google) etc.?
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They aren't real monopolies, in the true sense of the word. It's just that they kick a lot of ass and blow their competitors out of the water. Why break them up? They earned their success.

I do think people need to stop using Facebook though, as it's an evil platform straight from the bowels of hell.
Was MicroSoft left out because the OP is a sock for Bill Gates?

Nope .... :popcorn:

I'll add it to the list and if you have more you'd recommend, I'll add those as well...

I was just starting the conversation basically...

Sheesh Harry .. don't you know me... o_O
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Pheh...these all pale in comparison to agribusiness their products actually make us sick and kills more Americans than the tobacco industry could ever imagine.
Just a note - did you know that e-coli, prior to the corporate take over of our food, was basically harmless and merely caused a bit of intestinal discomfort?
I know Trump supporters are focused on destroying our tech industry, but if you want to talk about breaking up monopolies there are way more companies to look at than just those in the OP. Some have even planted agents at the highest levels of our government.

You should start a thread or explain what you actually mean perhaps.

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