Ted Cruz : Americans have a reason for optimism

That's a resume enhancement among people with critical thinking skills.

There are no democrooks who "buck party lines", because there is no thinking in the democrook party.

We prefer a conflict of ideas and thoughts.

Democrooks can not tolerate independent thinking.

That's why they glorify the conflict within the GOP, as well as meatheads like MccLame and Romney.

Until they need to defeat them of course. Then these "moderates" suddenly become puppy fucking extremists.

Ever notice how there are no "leftwing extremists " or "moderates" in the democrook camp?

How about some cites to back up your crap? You're critiquing a referenced post with stuff you've apparently pulled out of your ass. Rather than a destroyer of Marxism, you seem to only be a destroyer of your own credibility.


SOOOOOOO..., more crap, eh? :lol::lol::lol:
Then let Rafael run. Ted is a loser.

thank you for that deep cogent analysis.

Why is it Democrats cannot get beyond "My team--Yay!. Other team--Suck!"?

Why can you never get beyond the most simplistic of analyses? I'm just suggesting that your man sucks. I've said repeatedly that you have a guy that can win, but he keeps getting trashed because of his last name. That's hardly MY problem! :eusa_boohoo:
your post says "your man sucks" and I'm guilty of simplistic analysis?
You are a total boob. I dont mean a garden variety moron or having temporary brain fart. I mean total low information, low intelligence boob.
You couldn't describe what's wrong with Cruz if you wanted. It's just "oh hes that Canadian. Oh he's that Tea Party guy. Oh he shut down the federal government". You have nothing.
thank you for that deep cogent analysis.

Why is it Democrats cannot get beyond "My team--Yay!. Other team--Suck!"?

Why can you never get beyond the most simplistic of analyses? I'm just suggesting that your man sucks. I've said repeatedly that you have a guy that can win, but he keeps getting trashed because of his last name. That's hardly MY problem! :eusa_boohoo:
your post says "your man sucks" and I'm guilty of simplistic analysis?
You are a total boob. I dont mean a garden variety moron or having temporary brain fart. I mean total low information, low intelligence boob.
You couldn't describe what's wrong with Cruz if you wanted. It's just "oh hes that Canadian. Oh he's that Tea Party guy. Oh he shut down the federal government". You have nothing.

Well, he DID shut down the government...costing the taxpayers millions and for what? Did he repeal "Obamacare"?
Ted Cruz would be a formidable opponent. Especially with his father stumping for him. Rafael Cruz is reputed to be an excellent speaker, in English and Spanish.

Yes, let's get those Castro supporters out there front and center.

How many Castro supporters are in the Cuban community, dunce?

One that I know of -- Cruz's father. You know, the Castro supporter who Katzndogz was saying could stump for Cruz.

I'm in agreement -- get him out there front and center.
Yes, let's get those Castro supporters out there front and center.

How many Castro supporters are in the Cuban community, dunce?

One that I know of -- Cruz's father. You know, the Castro supporter who Katzndogz was saying could stump for Cruz.

I'm in agreement -- get him out there front and center.

By all means. Democrats should keep hammering on him being a Castro supporter too. That will lose them the youth vote who doesn't know who Castro is and doesn't care anyway.
If Cruz wants to run, he's going to have to do something about Daddy...or not. :lol:
thank you for that deep cogent analysis.

Why is it Democrats cannot get beyond "My team--Yay!. Other team--Suck!"?

Why can you never get beyond the most simplistic of analyses? I'm just suggesting that your man sucks. I've said repeatedly that you have a guy that can win, but he keeps getting trashed because of his last name. That's hardly MY problem! :eusa_boohoo:
your post says "your man sucks" and I'm guilty of simplistic analysis?
You are a total boob. I dont mean a garden variety moron or having temporary brain fart. I mean total low information, low intelligence boob.
You couldn't describe what's wrong with Cruz if you wanted. It's just "oh hes that Canadian. Oh he's that Tea Party guy. Oh he shut down the federal government". You have nothing.

My post indicated that Cruz was disliked by many in his own party. Try reading for comprehension and not just to pick out partisan bullet points.
How many Castro supporters are in the Cuban community, dunce?

One that I know of -- Cruz's father. You know, the Castro supporter who Katzndogz was saying could stump for Cruz.

I'm in agreement -- get him out there front and center.

By all means. Democrats should keep hammering on him being a Castro supporter too. That will lose them the youth vote who doesn't know who Castro is and doesn't care anyway.

Just let a Dem do the same thing and the right will be telling everyone exactly who Castro is. HYPOCRITE!!!
Not a huge Cruz fan. But he maxes out at about 40% to 45% in a national election. The far right will support him. some who are middle right might support him if he gets the nomination.

But he isn't going to win many moderates at all.

When you consider that the middle is where national elections are won or lost - I don't see him having a real future nationwide.

Paul has been busy re-positioning himself more in the middle lately because he recognizes this and maybe he's a bit better of a politician.
How many Castro supporters are in the Cuban community, dunce?

One that I know of -- Cruz's father. You know, the Castro supporter who Katzndogz was saying could stump for Cruz.

I'm in agreement -- get him out there front and center.

By all means. Democrats should keep hammering on him being a Castro supporter too. That will lose them the youth vote who doesn't know who Castro is and doesn't care anyway.
Youth tend to vote Democrat anyway, but Cruise's father's association with Castro would likely cost him Florida.
One that I know of -- Cruz's father. You know, the Castro supporter who Katzndogz was saying could stump for Cruz.

I'm in agreement -- get him out there front and center.

By all means. Democrats should keep hammering on him being a Castro supporter too. That will lose them the youth vote who doesn't know who Castro is and doesn't care anyway.
Youth tend to vote Democrat anyway, but Cruise's father's association with Castro would likely cost him Florida.

Cruz is way behind in Florida anyway. I don't think his dad has anything to do with it.
Before anyone could be ahead or behind anyplace, in any state, it might be prudent to see who is actually running.
If the democrats had a spine, they would make a big deal about ted's dad getting into this country by bribes. Imagine what the republicans would be harping about now if one of Obama's relatives bribed an official to get to USA.
Imagine what the republicans would be harping about now if one of Obama's relatives bribed an official to get to USA.

I don't believe that Republicans made a big deal about Obama's father statutorily raping his mother than then committing bigamy by marrying her when she was already 4 months pregnant and then abandoning his wife and baby one month after the birth of his son.
So we are four pages into this topic now, and not one single poster, including the person who started the topic, has stated what the reasons for optimism are.

Reading this topic, all I see are reasons to believe Left and Right will never reconcile on a single thing.

I doubt anyone here could even describe Ted Cruz's plans for America. "Moar jobz" will not impress me. Nor will "freedum and liburty and stuff". Try harder.
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Imagine what the republicans would be harping about now if one of Obama's relatives bribed an official to get to USA.

I don't believe that Republicans made a big deal about Obama's father statutorily raping his mother than then committing bigamy by marrying her when she was already 4 months pregnant and then abandoning his wife and baby one month after the birth of his son.

Sounds like Jeebus's Dad...
While it's perfectly acceptable in conservative circles to place the interests of the Republican party above the interests of the nation as a whole, it's not considered okay to place your own personal interests ahead of both the nation AND your party, and that's what Cruz did with his threatened gov't shutdown back in 2013.

Talk about fundamentally misdiagnosing a problem combined with willful blindness motivated by partisan interests. Hoo-boy.

Continuing to allow our fiscally reckless spending is to the welfare of the nation as giving a junkie his next fix of heroin is to the welfare of the junkie. Cruz performed an intervention on the spending junkies in order to SAVE the nation by getting it to address it's reckless spending addiction.

I hope he feels free to do it again this October. If he does, I hope Caribou Barbie and the guy waving a confederate flag in front of the White House decide to participate again, too.

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