Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

Welfare recipients are the true patriots.................

So, uh, you think the Constitution should be trashed and basic rights should be taken away from people who get assistance from the government?

Bet I can guess which of the other nutters will pile on for this one.

You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children, people who have worked all their lives but are now down and out through no fault of their own but by gawd, you just love this draft dodger who sat in his own shit so he wouldn't have to serve.

WHAT is WRONG with you people?

What happened to the REAL GOP, the Grand Old Party? How did you froot loops get in and what did you do with the REAL Americans who used to be the pub party?

You're think back on a time when government wasn't growing like a cancerous tumor, deficits were sensible, and the debt was a fraction what it is today.

Along the way people got angry about it, and that's understandable.

Ted the Family Guy

He has had two wives and has eight children, including three out of wedlock in two liaisons almost 30 years apart.

In the late 1960s, prior to his first marriage, Nugent fathered a boy, Ted (Mann) and a girl, whom he gave up for adoption in infancy. In 2005 Nugent was involved in a legal battle for not paying enough child support.

In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa’s parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the “100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock”

More: Ted Nugent: draft dodger (deadbeat dad and creepy ‘teen dater’ too) : The Reid Report
he is. Piece of shit.
Welfare recipients are the true patriots.................

So, uh, you think the Constitution should be trashed and basic rights should be taken away from people who get assistance from the government?
Bet I can guess which of the other nutters will pile on for this one.

You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children, people who have worked all their lives but are now down and out through no fault of their own but by gawd, you just love this draft dodger who sat in his own shit so he wouldn't have to serve.

WHAT is WRONG with you people?

What happened to the REAL GOP, the Grand Old Party? How did you froot loops get in and what did you do with the REAL Americans who used to be the pub party?

That would mean all of corporate America wouldn’t be allowed to vote.
This will be very hard on welfare queens like Walmart.
So Ted Nugent roams a concert stage while toting automatic weapons, calls Barack Obama "a piece of -----" and says he told Obama to suck on one of his machine-guns. He also calls Hillary Clinton a "worthless bitch" and Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore."

That Nugent, he's a man's man. He talks the talk and walks the walk, right?

Except when it was time to register for the draft during the Vietnam era. By his own admission, Nugent stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces, winning a deferment. Creative!

Ted Nugent: Draft Dodging Coward | Crooks and Liars

Remember how the rw's were whining cuz President Obama had all kinds of big names throwing fund raisers and backing him all the way ...

Well, see? Mittens also had big names backing him - senile movie star yelling obscenities at a chair, drunk never was son of a hank Williams, ole poopy pants and - well, I cant think of any others but the point in that the rw's had no reason to whine and cry.

Except that Etch a Sketch and a bunch of other Rs, lost, that is.:lol:
Now we see for sure what the 'Conservatives' definition of patriotism is. Sit in your own shit so you won't have to serve in the military. Wave guns around and shoot anything that can't shoot back. And state that all Americans, vets included, that cannot work or are old, should just go out and die. Oh ya, what a bunch of sweet hearts.
The story about how Nugent avoided the draft is in his own words. And at the end of that disgusting tale he has the balls to say "But you know the funny thing about it? I'd make an incredible Army man. I'd be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I would have the the baddest bunch of mother fucking killers you ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn't into it. I was too busy doing my own thing, you know".

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

This is the fellow that the 'Conservatives' are braying about as the epitome of patriotism. This is the fellow that the NRA puts up on the podium as an example of American Manhood.
One day Nugent is going to accidentally fall into his own big mouth and never be seen again.
Somewhere on his own website, he once said he couldn't get it up unless he killed something.


Perfect for the rw's to worship.
The story about how Nugent avoided the draft is in his own words. And at the end of that disgusting tale he has the balls to say "But you know the funny thing about it? I'd make an incredible Army man. I'd be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I would have the the baddest bunch of mother fucking killers you ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn't into it. I was too busy doing my own thing, you know".

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

This is the fellow that the 'Conservatives' are braying about as the epitome of patriotism. This is the fellow that the NRA puts up on the podium as an example of American Manhood.
Wow, Nugent sure pulled the wool over the cons' eyes....not that that's hard to do.
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Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

Nugent for Prez! :thup:

Well he'd certainly be an improvement over the asshat we're stuck with.

Nugent. He puts the "laughter" in "slaughter".

I think I heard that about Chuck Norris, but it fits Ted too.

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