Ted Nugent: Unarmed Victims Of Gun Violence Are ‘Losers’ Who Had It Coming


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The face and spokesperson for the NRA nutsack vermin

The NRA’s constant efforts to blame the victims of mass shootings are as vile and reprehensible as anything else the lobby of arms dealers and delusional paranoiacs puts their energies towards, but recent comments by board member and proud racist Ted Nugent go beyond the pale. Nugent published an op-ed at WND.com titled “The Answer: Get A Damn Handgun,” in which he insulted the victims of gun massacres as “losers:”

Ted Nugent: Unarmed Victims Of Gun Violence Are ‘Losers’ Who Had It Coming
Ted Nugent is a human turd. What a piece of shit.

I hope this wack job moves to somalia or some other rat hole.
Nugent has what it takes to be a Republican candidate for President
There isn't a ounce of human decency in the entire fucking tea party. What a goddamn evil group of dog shit.
Nugent never said that but it doesn't matter to the radicals who rely on propaganda. The left seems to rely on obscure and scary sites like "occupy democrats" to do their thinking for them and the spin is more fun than the truth.
So with the "he never said it" excuse burned out and put away, what is the next defense that the shitty pants, draft dodger and kid molester rapist is not a genuine certified scum bag?
Ted Nugent is a human turd. What a piece of shit.

I hope this wack job moves to somalia or some other rat hole.

Nugent is exactly right. Why on Earth would anyone not carry a gun to defend themselves unless they subscribe to some loser wack-job ideology like libtartdism or have some physical handicap comparable to the libtard mental handicap?

Arm yourselves or be sitting ducks if the proverbial shit hits the fan. Its not a nice thing to say, but Nugent is right; it is your own damned fault so don't come crying to me.

Also the OP article is wrong; the school was a gun free zone because the student manual and faculty policies banned guns on campus and campus buildings had gun prohibited. Newsweek is just blowing more bull shit.
So with the "he never said it" excuse burned out and put away, what is the next defense that the shitty pants, draft dodger and kid molester rapist is not a genuine certified scum bag?

He is lucky by the Grace of God to not be an ass hat like you?
Hell sounds good to me.
Nugent never said that but it doesn't matter to the radicals who rely on propaganda. The left seems to rely on obscure and scary sites like "occupy democrats" to do their thinking for them and the spin is more fun than the truth.

I empathize with your desire to defend Nugent but...
1. Nugent did say it. "Meanwhile, those losers amongst us – spinelessly discarding self-evident truth, logic, common sense and pure human instinct – continue to fall for the big lie of political correctness, and get cut down by murderous maniacs like blind sheep to slaughter."
2. No need to deny what is said when it is EXACTLY RIGHT.

People live in a country where they have the right to arm themselves from ass hats like the killer, and to not take advantage of this right and leave yourself and others around you completely defenseless is a pathetic loser frame of mind.

But I can tell you one thing for myself; I would not pull a gun to defend a college professor and risk the slightest penalty from these realms of ideological suicide. No Fucking Way. Kiss my ass libtards, but if the killer isn't coming after me, you can go hide and cry for all I care and pray the guy doesn't go near you.

I carry to defend ME and MINE and that does not include libtard morons.
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The first thing that entered my mind.
The first thing that entered your mind was the whoosh of air blowing through and the second thing was the echo of the whoosh, rdean you pathetic loser. Nugent had people exactly like you in mind I am sure when he stated the Truth.
Notice the subhuman vermin who support him
There isn't a ounce of human decency in the entire fucking tea party. What a goddamn evil group of dog shit.

Whats that, little more prejudice from Matthew? I guess Tea Party people are held in disfavor in your mind right along with how many other groups, like Blacks, Jews, who else, Matthew?

Dude you need to lay off the caffeine and get more sleep.

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