Teen admits to strangling girl


But why is this crime brought to our attention?

What are we supposed to feel, care, do about it?
If you click on the link and look at the pictures, you'll discover that THIS particular act of murder was committed by some -- psstt shhhhh black guys shhhh shhhhh -- and that the murder victim was a white girl.

I suspect that the motivation for talking about THIS case is to express just a bit of racism.
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If you click on the link and look at the pictures, you'll discover that THIS particular act of murder was committed by some -- psstt shhhhh black guys shhhh shhhhh -- and that the murder victim was a white girl.

I suspect that the motivation for talking about THIS case is to express just a bit of racism.

Ya think?


The outrage queens post this sort of nonsense all the time.

It's what they can understand.
Having never been a huge proponent of murder, I think my problem with the OP is that there appear to be SOME murders that matter more to him than other murders.

IF someone had walked up to Osama bin Laden, during his lifetime, and pulled out a gun and shot him in his balls permitting him to bleed to death, that might qualify as "murder." Honestly, I wouldn't have been concerned about it.

But if, in the civilized world, any person is victimized by some violent killer, I kind of "do" feel concern over it.

It isn't somehow more important or less important based on the victim's race or ethnicity or sexual orientation. And it also isn't more important or less important based on the killer's race or ethnicity or sexual orientation.

I know. I'm cuckoo that way.
oh, are you under the impression that your post to me was snappy, peewee?

Which one, skippy?

the first one, of course, slappy.

It was not a matter of being "snappy." It was a trifile; just a tiny little tweak. But it wasn't a "comeback" at all. Your effort was an attempt at a "comeback" which effectively drooled, as you did, in your pathetic effort at posting a "rejoinder."

You have once again exposed your intellectual lethargy and lack of wit, there, poindexter.
Which one, skippy?

the first one, of course, slappy.

It was not a matter of being "snappy." It was a trifile; just a tiny little tweak. But it wasn't a "comeback" at all. Your effort was an attempt at a "comeback" which effectively drooled, as you did, in your pathetic effort at posting a "rejoinder."

You have once again exposed your intellectual lethargy and lack of wit, there, poindexter.

my effort reflects the worth of your trifile, whatever that is, welshy.
Did your HIV meds make you change the topic?

novasteve hasn't figured out how to identify the person to whom he is talking, yet, evidently.

And what is the "topic?"

Is it that some kids killed another kid?

OR is it (as I have concluded) only about black kids who committed a murder against a white victim?

If it's the former, then I guess I musta missed all the hundreds of posts you've put up about crime in GENERAL.
the first one, of course, slappy.

It was not a matter of being "snappy." It was a trifile; just a tiny little tweak. But it wasn't a "comeback" at all. Your effort was an attempt at a "comeback" which effectively drooled, as you did, in your pathetic effort at posting a "rejoinder."

You have once again exposed your intellectual lethargy and lack of wit, there, poindexter.

my effort reflects the worth of your trifile, whatever that is, welshy.

"trifile" is merely a typo. Congratulate yourself on spotting one. Nah. I'll do it for you. :clap:

But your efforts only reflect what a plodding dull-witted fail you are.

True story, zippo.
Did your HIV med make you not want to discuss the topic? Which is this case you fucking mutant

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