Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

Even though he is an adult, he is not a public figure…the attacks on him were horrible. We’re you ok with the horrible attacks on Melania Trump?

Melania Trump and Paul Pelosi are both adults who are fully capable of making choices. Where they make choices, yes indeed, they are open for "attacks"--ie, criticism. You want to put a complete buffer around Paul Pelosi, an adult man, the same buffer you NEVER put around any of the Trumps. I'm saying within reason, any adult is open to criticism for their choices and the way they live their lives.

But minor children and teens--no.

Does Paul Pelosi deserve the same protection we are giving Cruz' daughter, Baron Trump, ANY politicians' children? Not by a long shot. Neither do the Trump adults, btw
Did Biden stand up to Kamala Harris? The real leaders in the shadows like Obama, Rice, Jarret and others who are destroying us muted that.

Your ignorance is profound. You don't know anything about any of those people.
And how would you react to constant attacks on your family?

You attack people because it's all you have. You can't win on truth and honesty so you pull this emo crap and pretend it's, justified by your own rage.

Trump attacked Cruz's wife.
You sure you don't want to add the customary baby murder remark? It is kinda expected from you MAGAs
Are you sure you want to lump everyone into a box that is/might be/ Maga? Although it is expected from liberals to do such a thing. See how lumping works? It goes both ways, doesn't it? I have no clue if you are a liberal or not, but what the hell. May as well do a turn about is fair play thing, right?

I see nothing wrong with wanting to make America great again..as in wanting the best for our country regardless of party. Has nothing to do with lumping, a box, automatic assumptions that those who want that, are MAGA or deplorables which means BAD. Its all so fucking stupid.
In case wasn't clear earlier, FUCK YOU!!
No one is interested, no wants filth like you to touch them.

Just self-immolate already. Whatever you say from here on out is meaningless. You’re just unburnt refuse that needs to be burnt.

Accusing anyone of wanting to kill babies is way across the line of decency.
You gaslighting motherfucker.

You support the ongoing mass homicide of millions of babies.

Just burn.
Melania Trump and Paul Pelosi are both adults who are fully capable of making choices. Where they make choices, yes indeed, they are open for "attacks"--ie, criticism. You want to put a complete buffer around Paul Pelosi, an adult man, the same buffer you NEVER put around any of the Trumps. I'm saying within reason, any adult is open to criticism for their choices and the way they live their lives.
Within reason, yes. But the attacks on Pelosi, who was viciously attacked were disgusting and not “within reason”; calling Melania a whore, the things said about Laura Trump’s auto accident, accusing Michelle Obama of being a man, etc are not within reason imo. As far as a buffer, Inanka and Jared were actively actively engaged policy, making them fair targets. I certainly don’t advocate for a complete buffer, just a little less cess and fiction.

But minor children and teens--no.

Totally agree.

Does Paul Pelosi deserve the same protection we are giving Cruz' daughter, Baron Trump, ANY politicians' children? Not by a long shot. Neither do the Trump adults, btw

No, not the same. Just some common decency. He is not a public figure, was badly injured, and the entire spin, sans any evidence, by the right just goes to show how low we’ve sunk.
Are you sure you want to lump everyone into a box that is/might be/ Maga? Although it is expected from liberals to do such a thing. See how lumping works? It goes both ways, doesn't it? I have no clue if you are a liberal or not, but what the hell. May as well do a turn about is fair play thing, right?

I see nothing wrong with wanting to make America great again..as in wanting the best for our country regardless of party. Has nothing to do with lumping, a box, automatic assumptions that those who want that, are MAGA or deplorables which means BAD. Its all so fucking stupid.
MAGAs are a known entity. While I understand your embarrassment at what your party has become, it's a little bit late for you to try to separrate yourself from them. You voted for the crazies. You encouraged the crazies. You are just another one of the crazies. I understand. I would be embarrassed too.
No one is interested, no wants filth like you to touch them.

Just self-immolate already. Whatever you say from here on out is meaningless. You’re just unburnt refuse that needs to be burnt.

You gaslighting motherfucker.

You support the ongoing mass homicide of millions of babies.

Just burn.
You just made my point as well as I could. Your disgusting remark about the mass homicide of millions of babies is acceped as just another remark expected from MAGAs instead of the vile and absurd accusation that it is.
Actually, bisexuality is a mental disorder - and can become prevalent in young teens due to extensive alone time on the internet and attending public school systems.
The American Psychiatric Institute disagrees with you.

"The experts found that homosexuality does not meet the criteria to be considered a mental illness."
"[A]ltering sexual orientation is not an appropriate goal of psychiatric treatment."

I'm confident that the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and every other reputable source would say the same.
You just made my point as well as I could. Your disgusting remark about the mass homicide of millions of babies is acceped as just another remark expected from MAGAs instead of the vile and absurd accusation that it is.
Fuck you, you lying, gaslighting piece of shit.

It is objectively true - and yes, your support for this human rights abuse is absolutely disgusting.

What is absurd is that you would dare lie about it, but again, why am I bothering talking to kindling?
Fuck you, you lying, gaslighting piece of shit.

It is objectively true - and yes, your support for this human rights abuse is absolutely disgusting.

What is absurd is that you would dare lie about it, but again, why am I bothering talking to kindling?
You have repeated that vile lie so much till you believe it. You are a disgusting pig.
The American Psychiatric Institute disagrees with you.

I'm confident that the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and every other reputable source would say the same.
The American Psychiatrist Institute is a disease within itself. They are simply on board with the leftist agenda to normalize sexually perversion for the tax dollars.
You meant to be an incendiary little fuckwit from jump - so just go all the way in your flame war and incinerate your worthless ass already.
I meant to start trying a few of those MAGA tactics. More to come, bitch.

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