Tell BP To Fire CEO Tony Hayworth

Firing the CEO is nothing but window dressing. Let the AG and the commission do thier investigations and then see what needs to be done.

Another example of grandstanding by people and form over function.
Firing the CEO is nothing but window dressing. Let the AG and the commission do thier investigations and then see what needs to be done.

Another example of grandstanding by people and form over function.

That it achieves nothing is neither here nor there (to the drooling fools), it's all about window dressing to them. They don't give a shit about reality - they're focused only on gestures and faux outrage.
Apparently Tony is not suffering. This is part of what he told stockholders during a conference call today:

"I'm so far unscathed," he told analysts in a conference call. "No one has actually physically harmed me. They've thrown some words at me. But I'm a Brit, so sticks and stones can hurt your bones but words never break them, or whatever the expression is."

BP chief to face investors, questions about job |

Hayward reassured them they would receive a dividend this year. BP paid over $10 Billion in the each of the past two years. That's "Billion" with a "B". In a company now estimated to be worth a total of $112 Billion, another dividend that size would be almost 10% of its value -- money that should be tied up to pay for the clean up and to satisfy judgments in the lawsuits that BP will face.

I say we extradict this "Brit" and throw him into a cell in Louisiana with no air conditioning. This man is GUILTY. In the meantime, let's at least demand that BP fire him. I don't happen to agree with martybegan but even if he's right, so what?

I dunno about you, but I could use some cheering up -- and watching Tony pack up his crap and do the Walk Of Shame out of BP headquarters would cheer me up a little bit.

Hayward landed BP's top job three years ago, promising to focus on safety after a series of accidents, including the 2005 Texas City refinery explosion that killed 15 people. Previously, he was head of the company's exploration and production division.

Hayward joined BP in 1982 as a rig geologist and moved through a range of positions at the company, including president of BP's operations in Venezuela and group treasurer.
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The bp company will recover, this is small change to them...

But will the Gulf ever recover or recover as quickly as BP, instead of decade or two, is still an unknown.
that's the trouble with stupid libruls who type in blue, they do shit just cause the NYT tells em too.. wowser.
The bp company will recover, this is small change to them...

But will the Gulf ever recover or recover as quickly as BP, instead of decade or two, is still an unknown.

Tony Hayward estimates it will cost at least £20bn (UK Sterling) and has gone on the record saying they'll pay that - and more if necessary. He also said today that BP will stay on the coast until the region is returned to its former state. Exactly how the hell they intend to do that I do not know but, according to him, they'll put it right.
Apparently Tony is not suffering. This is part of what he told stockholders during a conference call today:

"I'm so far unscathed," he told analysts in a conference call. "No one has actually physically harmed me. They've thrown some words at me. But I'm a Brit, so sticks and stones can hurt your bones but words never break them, or whatever the expression is."

BP chief to face investors, questions about job |

Hayward reassured them they would receive a dividend this year. BP paid over $10 Billion in the each of the past two years. That's "Billion" with a "B". In a company now estimated to be worth a total of $112 Billion, another dividend that size would be almost 10% of its value -- money that should be tied up to pay for the clean up and to satisfy judgments in the lawsuits that BP will face.

I say we extradict this "Brit" and throw him into a cell in Louisiana with no air conditioning. This man is GUILTY. In the meantime, let's at least demand that BP fire him. I don't happen to agree with martybegan but even if he's right, so what?

I dunno about you, but I could use some cheering up -- and watching Tony pack up his crap and do the Walk Of Shame out of BP headquarters would cheer me up a little bit.

Hayward landed BP's top job three years ago, promising to focus on safety after a series of accidents, including the 2005 Texas City refinery explosion that killed 15 people. Previously, he was head of the company's exploration and production division.

Hayward joined BP in 1982 as a rig geologist and moved through a range of positions at the company, including president of BP's operations in Venezuela and group treasurer.

Then this basically becomes vengence and not justice. Also would he not be able to post bail? Trying to hold him without bail would result in and instant habeas filing by even the most dim witted lawyer.

What if they then find out that some idiot at mid level was the one who shirked "Procedure XX-1A whatever" and the CEO had no knowledge of it. You then arrested and charged the wrong person.

All this has to wait until all investigations are done. I would agree to an immediate supeona on all documents at BP. Freeze the documents in place. I'm would actually be suprised if this didnt happen already.
Apparently Tony is not suffering. This is part of what he told stockholders during a conference call today:

"I'm so far unscathed," he told analysts in a conference call. "No one has actually physically harmed me. They've thrown some words at me. But I'm a Brit, so sticks and stones can hurt your bones but words never break them, or whatever the expression is."

BP chief to face investors, questions about job |

Hayward reassured them they would receive a dividend this year. BP paid over $10 Billion in the each of the past two years. That's "Billion" with a "B". In a company now estimated to be worth a total of $112 Billion, another dividend that size would be almost 10% of its value -- money that should be tied up to pay for the clean up and to satisfy judgments in the lawsuits that BP will face.

I say we extradict this "Brit" and throw him into a cell in Louisiana with no air conditioning. This man is GUILTY. In the meantime, let's at least demand that BP fire him. I don't happen to agree with martybegan but even if he's right, so what?

I dunno about you, but I could use some cheering up -- and watching Tony pack up his crap and do the Walk Of Shame out of BP headquarters would cheer me up a little bit.

Hayward landed BP's top job three years ago, promising to focus on safety after a series of accidents, including the 2005 Texas City refinery explosion that killed 15 people. Previously, he was head of the company's exploration and production division.

Hayward joined BP in 1982 as a rig geologist and moved through a range of positions at the company, including president of BP's operations in Venezuela and group treasurer.

Guilty of what exactly?
I've seen several threads calling for the firing of this person or that.. Some of you are very trigger happy.

I'm glad you're not my boss, holy crap. The guy is front and center on the firing line and has been very communicative. It's gonna take awhile to fix this mess but it will take even longer if they switch horses in mid stream.

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