Tennessee House Republicans call for investigation after Memphis removes Confederate statues


When the town of Gettysburg erects a marker at the battle scene commemorating and explaining what happened THERE, that's a legitimate monument. When the UDC trudges out to fucking Montana to perch some Confederate figure from two thousand miles away in front of a public building --- that's friggin' propaganda.
Propaganda? For what purpose? To promote what idea?
White Supremacy.
I've tried but cannot understand how the presence of statues commemorating two Confederate military icons who functioned in a White vs White civil conflict can serve the purpose of propaganda in the interest of White supremacy.

How would that work? Please explain.
How can anyone be stupid enough to not know the entire confederacy was based on White Supremacy?

How can anyone be stupid enough to think that it was?

When the town of Gettysburg erects a marker at the battle scene commemorating and explaining what happened THERE, that's a legitimate monument. When the UDC trudges out to fucking Montana to perch some Confederate figure from two thousand miles away in front of a public building --- that's friggin' propaganda.
Propaganda? For what purpose? To promote what idea?
White Supremacy.
I've tried but cannot understand how the presence of statues commemorating two Confederate military icons who functioned in a White vs White civil conflict can serve the purpose of propaganda in the interest of White supremacy.

How would that work? Please explain.
How can anyone be stupid enough to not know the entire confederacy was based on White Supremacy?

How can anyone be stupid enough to think that it was?

You definitely are not too bright.
Wow! Who knew you placed so much value in the opinion of the CSA's Vice-President? Live and learn I guess.
And I'm sure you must also know that politicians never ever say just whatever they think their audience wants to hear.
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Wow! Who knew you placed so much value in the opinion of the CSA's Vice-President? Live and learn I guess.
Geezuz Christ. What a dumb fuck.

Do I have to drag out the words of the President of the CSA which were even worse?

How about the secessionist documents where they made it quite clear?

Or how about a thousand other leading confederates speeches, words, documents and actions?

How about the Confederate constitution?

Man alive. You'd have to be dumb as a box of rocks to not know White Supremacy and African Slavery were the core and basis of the Confederacy.
Wow! Who knew you placed so much value in the opinion of the CSA's Vice-President? Live and learn I guess.
Geezuz Christ. What a dumb fuck.

Do I have to drag out the words of the President of the CSA which were even worse?

How about the secessionist documents where they made it quite clear?

Or how about a thousand other leading confederates speeches, words, documents and actions?

How about the Confederate constitution?

Man alive. You'd have to be dumb as a box of rocks to not know White Supremacy and African Slavery were the core and basis of the Confederacy.

What you seem simply too dense to understand is that "white supremacy" is a term that had not yet been coined, was not an issue or even a question. So it could not have been the basis for anything. African slavery on the other hand had become absolutely vital to the economy in that time and place. The Civil War was far more about wealth power and (on the part of the North) greed than the humanitarian claims made by the North.
Wow! Who knew you placed so much value in the opinion of the CSA's Vice-President? Live and learn I guess.
Geezuz Christ. What a dumb fuck.

Do I have to drag out the words of the President of the CSA which were even worse?

How about the secessionist documents where they made it quite clear?

Or how about a thousand other leading confederates speeches, words, documents and actions?

How about the Confederate constitution?

Man alive. You'd have to be dumb as a box of rocks to not know White Supremacy and African Slavery were the core and basis of the Confederacy.

What you seem simply too dense to understand is that "white supremacy" is a term that had not yet been coined, was not an issue or even a question. So it could not have been the basis for anything. ....
OMG, The Stupid, it Burns. ^

The term had been used decades before --

Immediate, not gradual abolition

(1824) ^

And the supreme idiocy of saying a term "had not yet been coined" so it couldn't have happened is so fucknut off the wall spitshootingly stupid, there are hardly any words.

Negro subordination was a grand ole term used prolifically by the southerns from the start, and to even begin to say that wasn't about....fuck, I just can't continue.

It's like talking to the braintrust of a slimy toad.

Have fun in your ignorance.
White supremacy was, in effect, what the War was about.

White supremacy over who?

Are you suggesting the Confederates went to war to assert their "supremacy" over the Black African slave class? That audacious notion carelessly confuses the social status of the negro in America in 1861 with that of today.

While it is true that slavery played a major role in fomenting the Civil War the provocative issue was not morality but economics. The North was opposed to slavery because of the threat it posed to the salaried White working class which had become the engine of the rapidly developing Northern economy: well-paid workers had money to spend, thereby promoting the growth of business and industrial progress. The introduction of slaves into that equation would promptly collapse it.
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White supremacy was, in effect, what the War was about.

White supremacy over who?

Are you suggesting the Confederates went to war to assert their "supremacy" over the Black African slave class? That audacious notion carelessly confuses the social status of the negro in America in 1861 with that of today.

While it is true that slavery played a major role in fomenting the Civil War the provocative issue was not morality but economics. The North was opposed to slavery because of the threat it posed to the salaried White working class which had become the engine of the rapidly developing Northern economy: well-paid workers had money to spend, thereby promoting the growth of business and industrial progress. The introduction of slaves into that equation would promptly collapse it.

That economics was the end game is irrelevant here. Slavery was already a moral dilemma, had been for centuries, and the US was already lagging behind its contemporaries in the world, the then-colonial powers all having abandoned it by then. The Republican Party itself, as well as earlier parties such as the Free Soilers, had been formed to address it. Bottom line being, without white supremacy, that system of slavery --- whatever its economic implications might be --- could not exist.

Or to put it a slightly different way, without the racism that maintains that one race should dominate another, race-based slavery --- an entirely new concept developed by the Atlantic slave trade -- has no basis for its own existence.

Therefore, regardless what the ultimate impact on the economy of one region/country or another might be, you cannot have that model of slavery without white supremacy, and you cannot have white supremacy without racism. Therefore white supremacy must be maintained in order for the African slavery to be maintained.

This is not to suggest the Union's cause was entirely noble/altruistic and the Confederacy's was entirely ignoble, or that economics played no part. Of course it did. It's more a contrast of the latter's resistance to progress, to accept the moral basis to which the world was already turning, and to which most of it had turned --- a basis that in practical terms made the slavery system impossible.

I tried to note all this originally with the phrase "in effect".
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