Tens of People Show Up For Pro Dorner Rally in L.A.

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Dozens of protesters (only 1 dozen) rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer and suspected killer of four who died after a shootout and fire this week at a mountain cabin following one of the biggest manhunts in recent memory.
One protester does make a valid point though:
Michael Nam, 30, who held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus," said it was "pretty obvious" police had no intention of bringing Dorner in alive. "They were the judge, the jury and the executioner," Nam said. "As an American citizen, you have the right to a trial and due process by law."
The sad thing is that Habeas Corpus actually went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama.
Since Dorner, like so many before him, shot himself, the police weren't going to bring him in alive no matter what else happened.
Habeas corpus in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In January 2007, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee that in his opinion: "There is no express grant of habeas in the Constitution. There's a prohibition against taking it away." He was challenged by Sen. Arlen Specter who asked him to explain how it is possible to prohibit something from being taken away, without first being granted.[36] Robert Parry wrotes in the Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel:

Applying Gonzales's reasoning, one could argue that the First Amendment doesn't explicitly say Americans have the right to worship as they choose, speak as they wish or assemble peacefully. Ironically, Gonzales may be wrong in another way about the lack of specificity in the Constitution's granting of habeas corpus rights. Many of the legal features attributed to habeas corpus are delineated in a positive way in the Sixth Amendment ...[37]
I am forming a protest group in opposition of Dorner shooting himself. As a cop, he should know that he does not have the right to execute a criminal without due process. He should have tried himself, and shot himself only if he found himself guilty. If he did this, where is the transcript of the trial?
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Dozens of protesters (only 1 dozen) rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer and suspected killer of four who died after a shootout and fire this week at a mountain cabin following one of the biggest manhunts in recent memory.
One protester does make a valid point though:
Michael Nam, 30, who held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus," said it was "pretty obvious" police had no intention of bringing Dorner in alive. "They were the judge, the jury and the executioner," Nam said. "As an American citizen, you have the right to a trial and due process by law."
The sad thing is that Habeas Corpus actually went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama.

And what was Obama suppose to do with the NDAA?

I am forming a protest group in opposition of Dorner shooting himself. As a cop, he should know that he does not have the right to execute a criminal without due process. He should have tried himself, and shot himself only if he found himself guilty. If he did this, where is the trscript of the trial?

Habeas corpus in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In January 2007, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee that in his opinion: "There is no express grant of habeas in the Constitution. There's a prohibition against taking it away." He was challenged by Sen. Arlen Specter who asked him to explain how it is possible to prohibit something from being taken away, without first being granted.[36] Robert Parry wrotes in the Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel:

Applying Gonzales's reasoning, one could argue that the First Amendment doesn't explicitly say Americans have the right to worship as they choose, speak as they wish or assemble peacefully. Ironically, Gonzales may be wrong in another way about the lack of specificity in the Constitution's granting of habeas corpus rights. Many of the legal features attributed to habeas corpus are delineated in a positive way in the Sixth Amendment ...[37]

Under Gonzalez' reasoning, the president could suspend Habeas Corpus at will! Oh wait, the president DID. Abraham Lincoln did.
Funny how the tiny group of left wing supporters of mass murder seem concerned about Habeas Corpus" in this case when the president just got finished telling us that he has the right to order the execution of American citizens anywhere in the world when some unnamed bureaucrat deems them to be a threat to National security. Don't they understand the concept?
Dozens of protesters (only 1 dozen) rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer and suspected killer of four who died after a shootout and fire this week at a mountain cabin following one of the biggest manhunts in recent memory.
One protester does make a valid point though:
Michael Nam, 30, who held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus," said it was "pretty obvious" police had no intention of bringing Dorner in alive. "They were the judge, the jury and the executioner," Nam said. "As an American citizen, you have the right to a trial and due process by law."
The sad thing is that Habeas Corpus actually went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama.

Dozens of protesters (only 1 dozen) rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer and suspected killer of four who died after a shootout and fire this week at a mountain cabin following one of the biggest manhunts in recent memory.
One protester does make a valid point though:
Michael Nam, 30, who held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus," said it was "pretty obvious" police had no intention of bringing Dorner in alive. "They were the judge, the jury and the executioner," Nam said. "As an American citizen, you have the right to a trial and due process by law."
The sad thing is that Habeas Corpus actually went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama.

And what was Obama suppose to do with the NDAA?


Ummmmm veto it? Fuck the military :cool:
Dozens of protesters (only 1 dozen) rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer and suspected killer of four who died after a shootout and fire this week at a mountain cabin following one of the biggest manhunts in recent memory.
One protester does make a valid point though:
Michael Nam, 30, who held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus," said it was "pretty obvious" police had no intention of bringing Dorner in alive. "They were the judge, the jury and the executioner," Nam said. "As an American citizen, you have the right to a trial and due process by law."
The sad thing is that Habeas Corpus actually went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama.
And what was Obama suppose to do with the NDAA?
You don't know? Why am I not surprised?

First Obama said he wanted the the part that allows Indefinite Detention of Americans taken out when in fact HE was the one who worked behind the scenes to get that language put in. If I remember correctly Harry Reid called him out on it.

Then he said it didn't matter if it passed Congress because he wouldn't sign it, right before he signed it.

Obama is a Criminal, a Liar and a Tyrant.
Dorner supporters:

We're glad because cops were killed.
We're glad because white cops were killed.
We're glad because two other white people were killed too.

Oh, they weren't white! One was asian and one was black! No matter we'll just say they were white and after awhile no one will even bother to question it.
"went out the window when the NDAA was signed by Obama"

Not necessarily...at least not yet..as a judge issued an injunction against the application of the provision that might affect Americans when the DOJ attorneys could not guarantee that journalists and activists would retain their 1st Amendment rights. Blame congress for voting for it.
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