Tens of Thousands of union workers and community activists to be hired for Obamacare


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Tens of thousands of health care professionals, union workers and community activists hired as "navigators" to help Americans choose Obamacare options starting Oct. 1 could earn $20 an hour or more, according to new regulations issued Wednesday.

The 63-page rule covering navigators, drawn up by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, also said the government will provide free translators for those not fluent in English -- no matter what their native language is.
"The proposed requirements would also include that such entities and individuals provide consumers with information and assistance in the consumer's preferred language, at no cost to the consumer, which would include oral interpretation of non-English languages and the translation of written documents in non-English languages when necessary to ensure meaningful access," said the regulations.

The rules also addressed conflict of interest and other potential issues that navigators could face as the public's first stop on the Obamacare trail.

It is still not clear how many navigators will be required. California, however, provides a hint. It wants 21,000.

That could be an expensive proposition. The proposed rules, now open for public comment, suggest an estimated pay of $20-$48 an hour.

Tens of thousands Obamacare 'navigators' to be hired | WashingtonExaminer.com
A system so complex we have to hire navigators to guide the peons through it?

Heaven help us.
Obama will claim the jobs created and the reduction in unemployment instigated by his
ObamaCare Bullshit.

The cost of all these people should be included in the total cost of health care in the United States.
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A system so complex we have to hire navigators to guide the peons through it?

Heaven help us.

Insurance agents and brokers already exist. And, lo and behold, they'll be reincarnated as navigators: "The proposed conflict-of-interest standards for Navigators would permit agents and brokers to serve as Navigators in an Exchange operated by HHS, provided that the agent or broker can satisfy the standards that will apply to all Navigators in the Exchange."
Then he will hire tens of thousands of people to act as supervisors
so these people will have someone to report to.
JUST the beginning...look at the lovely IRS in the diamond...whoohoo

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If your healthcare law needs it's own navigator to help someone understand it, then it must suck. Repeal it please.
A system so complex we have to hire navigators to guide the peons through it?

Heaven help us.

I'll bet the "navigators" wont have very much to say when they asked to explain why people were told that they could keep their current Health care plan, and why they cannot now.
Obama signed it into law...
I wonder if he has a clue just exactly what's in it.
A system so complex we have to hire navigators to guide the peons through it?

Heaven help us.

Insurance agents and brokers already exist. And, lo and behold, they'll be reincarnated as navigators: "The proposed conflict-of-interest standards for Navigators would permit agents and brokers to serve as Navigators in an Exchange operated by HHS, provided that the agent or broker can satisfy the standards that will apply to all Navigators in the Exchange."

Obamacare is a Government program, people wouldn't dare abuse it. :lol:
Sounds like it's time to start contacting House Reps to deny funding for these positions and the bureaucracy required to support them. This shit is going to cost 5 time what was originally projected, of course the Dems knew that going in.
Its funny how much Obamacare blew up in their face. It will get less and less popular as time goes on.
A system so complex we have to hire navigators to guide the peons through it?

Heaven help us.

Insurance agents and brokers already exist. And, lo and behold, they'll be reincarnated as navigators: "The proposed conflict-of-interest standards for Navigators would permit agents and brokers to serve as Navigators in an Exchange operated by HHS, provided that the agent or broker can satisfy the standards that will apply to all Navigators in the Exchange."

You idiot these will be government employees, Obama care is way to complicated and will screw up our whole healthcare system
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Gee, what a surprise!!! Yet another expansion of the Democrat-Union money laundering scheme. Use taxpayers money to pay the salaries and pensions for these new union employees, and of course....there are those union dues. And guess what the unions do with the money from these dues, donate it right back to the Democrat party. White collar criminals and the mafia can learn alot from the Democrat Party.
Gee, what a surprise!!! Yet another expansion of the Democrat-Union money laundering scheme. Use taxpayers money to pay the salaries and pensions for these new union employees, and of course....there are those union dues. And guess what the unions do with the money from these dues, donate it right back to the Democrat party. White collar criminals and the mafia can learn alot from the Democrat Party.

Democrat party money laundering what else is new:eusa_eh:

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