
Apr 22, 2007
First, it provides no incentive for the teacher to keep learning and better oneself. I mean if you can't get fired, nor will the fruits of your labor lead to more pay why work harder? I know liberals will say they do if for the kids? Some will (as some worked hard for various reasons in the USSR), but most won't. It creates lazy teachers. The by far worst professors I had in college were tenure ones!

Second, at the video shows it PROTECTS BAD TEACHERS. The video is an extreme example. The woman is a sexual predator (stalking other teachers, and telling 8th graders to remove their shirts and bras), consistly missed worked, has no class circulum and failed student for no reason, yet she is a great example of tenures stupidity. You would think case closed, she should be fired. Yet the school hasn't been able to fire her yet (going on three years) and the bitch is getting paid and hasn't been in a classroom in 3 years!!! The piece even stated if she passes a psycological exam, then she could teach again in a year!!! WTF.

The piece stated that it only takes THREE years to get tenure, yet it's nearly impossible to fire a teacher and it costs the school $280K to do it! Amazing.

And this is an extreme case. What about the tenure teachers that just SUCK at their job. That their performance and effort are so low they shouldn't have a job. They are letting down the students, yet these scumbags won't be fired in fact they will be protected until the end!

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com
"Public educators, like Soviet farmers, lack any incentive to produce results, innovate, to be efficient, to make the kinds of of difficult changes that private firms operating in a competitive market must make to survive." Carolyn Lochhead
This makes good teachers look bad, and bad teachers look worse.
It's a freakin' scam. Always was.
Make it merit based...The higher the classes SAT scores are=higher pay. Nothing less should be expected. We're competing against east asia.
I think any kind of measurement would have to be taken within the environment. So a test would be given to the class at the beginning of the year and then a different test measuring the same skills would be given at the end and then the average of improvement would determine how well a teacher is doing. Comparing scores to other classrooms wouldn't be fair because of so many outside factors.
Actually the way it often worked before tenure was when a new school board from the other political party was elected, teachers, office personell, janitors all could be replaced with the people from the new political party. Those that helped with money or work were usually first in line for the new jobs. Politics decided jobs, it was part of the spoils system.
Civil service was introduced to stop the turnover with new elections and tenure introduced for teaching jobs.
This makes good teachers look bad, and bad teachers look worse.
It's a freakin' scam. Always was.

There are many great teachers, as there were many hard-worker Soviets, yet the system is created to kill incentive, promote and provide raises based on length not merit and a pension system that siphons all the money that should go to education, but instead goes to retired teacher's unfunded retirement plans!

It's a travesty!
Make it merit based...The higher the classes SAT scores are=higher pay. Nothing less should be expected. We're competing against east asia.

That too was too high of stakes and who claims the student? I mean the a highschool student can have as many as 6 teachers. Does the students PE teacher get a cut. How would it be judged?

Merit pay increases, at will employment and individual retirement plans (401k and IRAs) are the right direction.
I don't think anyone would mind spending vast sums of money and teacher tenure if American Education at all levels was #1 in the world.

I know I wouldn't.
First, it provides no incentive for the teacher to keep learning and better oneself. I mean if you can't get fired, nor will the fruits of your labor lead to more pay why work harder? I know liberals will say they do if for the kids? Some will (as some worked hard for various reasons in the USSR), but most won't. It creates lazy teachers. The by far worst professors I had in college were tenure ones!

Second, at the video shows it PROTECTS BAD TEACHERS.

Tenure does not protect bad teachers because Tenure still allows firing of teachers with cause. Those stupid Afro teachers who were hired in spite of being functionally illiterate don't need tenure to keep their jobs. Same with perverted lesbos. Doubly so for Afro lesbos. The concept of tenure doesn't require that it be nearly impossible to fire bad teachers.

The vast majority of teachers are reasonably good (at least among the white teachers). Tenure, even incompetently implemented tenure, isn't big problem with public education. You can get closer to the problem when you consider the incompetence that leads to bad implementation of tenure.

Teachers aren't the problem with public education. Government is.
Actually the way it often worked before tenure was when a new school board from the other political party was elected, teachers, office personell, janitors all could be replaced with the people from the new political party. Those that helped with money or work were usually first in line for the new jobs. Politics decided jobs, it was part of the spoils system.
Civil service was introduced to stop the turnover with new elections and tenure introduced for teaching jobs.

That is not even close to true and you know it!
I don't think anyone would mind spending vast sums of money and teacher tenure if American Education at all levels was #1 in the world.

I know I wouldn't.

Heck if that was the case, I would support both also!
First, it provides no incentive for the teacher to keep learning and better oneself. I mean if you can't get fired, nor will the fruits of your labor lead to more pay why work harder? I know liberals will say they do if for the kids? Some will (as some worked hard for various reasons in the USSR), but most won't. It creates lazy teachers. The by far worst professors I had in college were tenure ones!

Second, at the video shows it PROTECTS BAD TEACHERS.

Tenure does not protect bad teachers because Tenure still allows firing of teachers with cause. Those stupid Afro teachers who were hired in spite of being functionally illiterate don't need tenure to keep their jobs. Same with perverted lesbos. Doubly so for Afro lesbos. The concept of tenure doesn't require that it be nearly impossible to fire bad teachers.

The vast majority of teachers are reasonably good (at least among the white teachers). Tenure, even incompetently implemented tenure, isn't big problem with public education. You can get closer to the problem when you consider the incompetence that leads to bad implementation of tenure.

Teachers aren't the problem with public education. Government is.

So uneducated. First, watch the clip if a teacher contests the firing it will cost the school district at least $280K to fire the teacher. Next have you never heard of the rubber rooms in NY, where they keep suspended teacher who are getting paid with full benefits when they try but can't fire them.

The laws make getting rid of tenure teachers very difficult.

Lastly, many African Americans make outstanding teachers! Some of the best I had were African Americans!
Why were civil service and tenure made into laws, what was the reason?
Tenure is needed for some sort of protection when grades are assigned and discipline is enforced.

With no protection, one fussing parent could instantly mean your job as well as disciplining a student.
Slaps will be ignored. If a kid is taken to the office his parents might call and say he didn't do it. Rather than cause a stink, the teacher will be let go.

No protection could backfire and mean all "As" and remaining uninvolved when seeing bad behavior.

Kids will love it though. The old "I'll have my mother come in and get you fired" will be a reality.

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