Term Limits for SCOTUS?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Recent talk about SCOTUS retirements and confirmations during a lame duck session highlights one of the problems with the current appointment process: Due to accidents of fate, one President may have an unwarranted influence on the composition of the Court while another may have no influence at all.

One way to equalize the appointment process would be to specify 20 year terms for SCOTUS members. Each Presidential term, two Justices would be nominated, with the Chief Justice be nominated in the fifth term. Lifetime appointments were justifiable 200 years ago, but increasing longevity has made this practice obsolete.

What say you?
If it isn't broke don't fix it. It was formed this way by the Founding Fathers for a reason. It has worked for a very long time. It shouldn't be changed.

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