Terror threat to restaurants in D.C.


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
WASHINGTON - The terror group tied to the Ft. Hood killings and the Christmas Day undies airbomber urge wannabe American jihadis to open fire on crowded restaurants in the nation's capital to massacre U.S. government workers.

The advice appears in "Inspire," the latest issue of a slick propaganda publication by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Osama Bin Laden's franchise in Yemen.

"A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C., at lunch hour might end up knocking out a few government employees," Yahya Ibrahim writes in the 74-page jihadi how-to magazine.

Other trash talk came from "Samir Khan," an American who came to AQAP from North Carolina, who produces the publication and wrote that he is "proud to be a traitor in America's eyes."

"This guy is bad news, and given the fact that he helps publish AQAP trash, he certainly spreads a lot of it around, too," said a senior U.S. official.

Ibrahim praised the killings of a dozen victims at the U.S. Army post in Texas allegedly committed by accused homegrown terrorist Maj. Nidal Hasan, who was in contact with and inspired by U.S.-born AQAP cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

In 1993, Pakistani killer Mir Aimal Kasi opened fire on CIA employees at a stoplight, who were targeted because their cars were in a turn lane for the agency's Virginia headquarters.

Read more: Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C.

What can (or should) the government do about this?
Cage in the entire city, do full scans on everyone and check all vehicles with bomb sniffing dogs. Eliminate firearms from within the cage and have a team to check the incoming water sources for toxins.............other than the one you pay them to put in it.
Hey. You wanna be safe, right ? You have to make sacrifices to let them defend your FreeDumbs.

murka is so in love with IsNtReal they're going to grow up to be just like them.
" Honey what's that noise ?" Just an RPG flying past"."Watch out for that box ! it might be an IED".
Sad to say, but psychos shooting up McD's or Applebee's happen on a regular basis anymore it seems, and all over the country. What should government do to protect all people eating in any restaurant anywhere from nutjobs? Would you like to dine under surveillance, after passing through a security checkpoint with metal detectors?
Goldcatt - I should have been more specific in my question. I'm sure the DC police and FBI have some kind of crisis plan if the threat is specific.

I'm more interested in how they can prevent circulation of this magazine.
Goldcatt - I should have been more specific in my question. I'm sure the DC police and FBI have some kind of crisis plan if the threat is specific.

I'm more interested in how they can prevent circulation of this magazine.

They probably can't, any more than they can prevent circulation of information telling neo nazi scum how to make explosives and conduct lynchings. Or certain milita types how to stockpile weapons, evade taxes and plot uprisings against the government. That pesky First Amendment in action, if it doesn't meet Brandenburg it's protected.

Officials are obviously aware of the publication and its source, we do not hear of all of their national security efforts in monitoring individuals for a very good reason. You can trust them in what they do or not, but if you don't then asking what they can do is kinda silly since you already don't trust them to take care of business in the first place.
Goldcatt - I should have been more specific in my question. I'm sure the DC police and FBI have some kind of crisis plan if the threat is specific.

I'm more interested in how they can prevent circulation of this magazine.

It's all over the internet chanel. What the hell do you expect them to do about it?
WASHINGTON - The terror group tied to the Ft. Hood killings and the Christmas Day undies airbomber urge wannabe American jihadis to open fire on crowded restaurants in the nation's capital to massacre U.S. government workers.

The advice appears in "Inspire," the latest issue of a slick propaganda publication by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Osama Bin Laden's franchise in Yemen.

"A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C., at lunch hour might end up knocking out a few government employees," Yahya Ibrahim writes in the 74-page jihadi how-to magazine.

Other trash talk came from "Samir Khan," an American who came to AQAP from North Carolina, who produces the publication and wrote that he is "proud to be a traitor in America's eyes."

"This guy is bad news, and given the fact that he helps publish AQAP trash, he certainly spreads a lot of it around, too," said a senior U.S. official.

Ibrahim praised the killings of a dozen victims at the U.S. Army post in Texas allegedly committed by accused homegrown terrorist Maj. Nidal Hasan, who was in contact with and inspired by U.S.-born AQAP cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

In 1993, Pakistani killer Mir Aimal Kasi opened fire on CIA employees at a stoplight, who were targeted because their cars were in a turn lane for the agency's Virginia headquarters.

Read more: Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C.

What can (or should) the government do about this?

Awareness. That's what we do in one of the last societies where freedom of speech is golden.
I picked a great time to move downtown, huh? Wellllll.....I guess I'll be eating at small cafes instead of major eateries for the foreseeable future. Not too much of a sacrifice, I prefer that anyway.

Please, don't try to "protect us" just try to stop the bad guys if they come. I don't need any more metal scanners in my life. I don't need any more censorship of the Internet. Work on finding the guys that want to do this instead of "protecting me."
I picked a great time to move downtown, huh? Wellllll.....I guess I'll be eating at small cafes instead of major eateries for the foreseeable future. Not too much of a sacrifice, I prefer that anyway.

Please, don't try to "protect us" just try to stop the bad guys if they come. I don't need any more metal scanners in my life. I don't need any more censorship of the Internet. Work on finding the guys that want to do this instead of "protecting me."
The weather is still nice, so pack and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Parks are everywhere.

I picked a great time to move downtown, huh? Wellllll.....I guess I'll be eating at small cafes instead of major eateries for the foreseeable future. Not too much of a sacrifice, I prefer that anyway.

Please, don't try to "protect us" just try to stop the bad guys if they come. I don't need any more metal scanners in my life. I don't need any more censorship of the Internet. Work on finding the guys that want to do this instead of "protecting me."
The weather is still nice, so pack and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Parks are everywhere.


I know. I'm right next to a park. I might have to nudge a few homeless guys out of the way to eat, but it's doable. We do have place to eat on our roof too.

We just moved in though so we're checking all the cool places to eat.
I say we go about our daily lives, armed, and if anyone starts any shit, shoot the mofo.
Not a bad plan, but it's the District - the ones who were bitch-slappedby the SCOTUS about a year ago on the 2nd Amendment, just for those rights in one's home.

They only bitch-slapped us cuz they figured someone might shoot a politician. The way I see it, that's justifiable homicide. :lol:

"A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C., at lunch hour might end up knocking out a few government employees," Yahya Ibrahim writes in the 74-page jihadi how-to magazine.


What can (or should) the government do about this?

Hmmmmmm....quite a dillema....it sounds like the only effective method of decreasing the size of the federal government on the one hand, but on the other, I suppose it is a little harsh.

Perhaps the feds should voluntarily shrink the size of their bloated bureaucracy, thus making themselves a smaller target?
What can (or should) the government do about this?

What can they do about foreign terrorist groups suggesting potenial target in America?

Not much apparently.

We might consider focusing on taking down terrorist organizations, of course, but we're trying to do that by nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those activities appear to be making Islamofacist terrorisism stronger rather than weaker.
It would be helpful if the feds got a hold of their circulation list. Do we get any cooperation from the Yemeni government?
I say we go about our daily lives, armed, and if anyone starts any shit, shoot the mofo.
Not a bad plan, but it's the District - the ones who were bitch-slappedby the SCOTUS about a year ago on the 2nd Amendment, just for those rights in one's home.

Yep, that's what I was going to say. Now if it were VA, that would be different.
Yes. I'm now in Fairfax. It's amazing the inalienable rights this commonwealth protects for her citizens. If they could just ease up on registering cars, though. Yikes.

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