TEST to prove who is smarter

Funny thing is, many ‘atheists’ are more knowledgeable about Christianity than many Christians.

And an even larger number of ‘atheists’ are better Christians than Christians.

You would have to qualify such a statement. Because if such ignore God, they surely cannot love Him. And if they do not love God they likely do not care for everyone they encounter.

And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus said to him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)


Christians hold no ‘monopoly’ on ‘morality.’

An ‘atheist’ just as capable of loving and respecting his fallow man as any Christian, if not more so.
Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. I repeat, not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Funny thing is, many ‘atheists’ are more knowledgeable about Christianity than many Christians.

And an even larger number of ‘atheists’ are better Christians than Christians.

Funny thing, I aced that test. I am willing to bet I am one of less than ten people om this board who even hear of Jonathon Edwards and Charles Finney, much less read their work.

by the way, what was your score on the test? I aced it, mostly because I have a solid grasp of trivia. I also know that trivia doesn't make a person smart.

By the way, it is impossible to be a Christian unless God makes you one, which means you have to believe in Him to be one. If you were half as smart as you think I am you would know that.
God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom?
- Unknown
Yes, radical Muslims have committed deadly terror attacks. Why are you inflating radical muslims with peaceful muslims?..

ALL Muslimes are terrorists/support terrorism. At best they plan your demise in their mosques. At worst they saw your face off as you scream in agony. In the middle they blow themselves/buildings/innocent people up for allah their moon god and mohammed the pedo. Fck Islam. Fck Muslimes. :mad:

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. -Samuel Taylor Coleridge
That guy was a manic-depressive lunatic. NO ONE cares what he said.
Uh....Many more people care about what Coleridge said than care about what you say.

You may be right about him being a manic-depressive lunatic. You should have more experience of that than most people.

Yes, radical Muslims have committed deadly terror attacks. Why are you inflating radical muslims with peaceful muslims?..

ALL Muslimes are terrorists/support terrorism. At best they plan your demise in their mosques. At worst they saw your face off as you scream in agony. In the middle they blow themselves/buildings/innocent people up for allah their moon god and mohammed the pedo. Fck Islam. Fck Muslimes. :mad:


Grrrrr... one of the things I hate most is when I read my posts a day later and realize all the mistakes I've made. I wrote "inflating" when I obviously meant "conflating". It's not easy being anal retentive and prone to mistakes at the same time. Double grrrrr.
Yes, radical Muslims have committed deadly terror attacks. Why are you inflating radical muslims with peaceful muslims?..

ALL Muslimes are terrorists/support terrorism. At best they plan your demise in their mosques. At worst they saw your face off as you scream in agony. In the middle they blow themselves/buildings/innocent people up for allah their moon god and mohammed the pedo. Fck Islam. Fck Muslimes. :mad:

Yes, radical Muslims have committed deadly terror attacks. Why are you inflating radical muslims with peaceful muslims?..

ALL Muslimes are terrorists/support terrorism. At best they plan your demise in their mosques. At worst they saw your face off as you scream in agony. In the middle they blow themselves/buildings/innocent people up for allah their moon god and mohammed the pedo. Fck Islam. Fck Muslimes. :mad:


People like you are precious. You cannot make a rational response to anything and yawl like a spanked infant when countered.:mad:
ALL Muslimes are terrorists/support terrorism. At best they plan your demise in their mosques. At worst they saw your face off as you scream in agony. In the middle they blow themselves/buildings/innocent people up for allah their moon god and mohammed the pedo. Fck Islam. Fck Muslimes. :mad:


People like you are precious. You cannot make a rational response to anything and yawl like a spanked infant when countered.:mad:
that's the best rationalization I've seen to day...
christians are no better or no worse than muslims.
I've read many of your posts not one of them is rational.

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