Texas FLEE-baggers Get Help From Tx Democrat Judge In Escaping Justice Once They Return To Tx

You have never been to Texas I can see. If you attempt at using the Political Logic of any of the other states in Texas you will just get a headache.
You don't see too good boy. I lived and worked there. I played ball there and I vacationed there.
Happy faces, fully vaccinated, no masks, one or two gang member signs and away they went. They came back with the virus and didn't warn the V.P. who met with them to show her support and the V.P. tested positive. They would be laughed out of town if not indicted they were republicans but little or no response and certainly no outrage from the media.
Denying a quorum is legal
If Republicans want to eliminate the requirement for a quorum, let them do that
If voters don’t like their representatives missing votes…..vote them out

It is all part of Minority Rule
If you don’t like Democrats doing it, then don’t cheer when Republicans rule from a minority
Fleeing the state while the legislature is in session isn’t. Hence the arrest warrant.….
So far, there are more than 400 people charged with just that and the convictions are just starting to come in. The Intent WAS there in enough force that "MOB Rule" would have lead to a lot more injuries and deaths than did occur.
As they pose for selfies with the police and take pics lime tourists.
Since when are family vacations after working a full term a bad thing?

Avoiding work is a democrat trait.

Cancun Ted will have to answer to the voters
So will the Democrats who fled to DC
What they are doing is essentially the same thing Mitch McConnell is doing when he filibusters

Using Parliamentary Procedure to block legislation
A filibuster actually requires people to be present. Poor comparison.

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