Texas GOP releases statement on SCOTUS decision

This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.

This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
Yeah..but in this iteration..Trump IS King George!

you are very confused. Obama and Soros share the kingly duties, while Biden is their puppet who can be eliminated at their command.

Trump is more like Washington. this country is on the brink. a secession or break up may be the only solution.
True, but it won't be without war.

Sessesion is a very frowned upon thing because it would break the hold that government has on a supposed but forced United nation/states in America. A hold that it now isn't going to give up without a fight. The modern day politician's are to much invested in the agenda to just let it go by the wayside that easily.

The problem being experienced today, is that we have a large group of citizen's and political leaders that have become corrupted or brainwashed by use of the very freedom's this nation had afforded all of us in hopes that it would somehow continue to mesh together in spite of.....

The radical changes in ideologies and thought processes have strained our freedom's to it's core now, otherwise we see that our very freedom's are being found to be used by individuals who may have been indoctrinated by outside forces or inside forces by way of these trusted unchecked freedom's to abuse us with, and for whom since allowed are having not the same loyalties and patriotic views of this nation as were known in the past any longer because of the brainwashing and indoctrination that was allowed to go to far.
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Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that are put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

AG Paxton (R-Twat Face) tried to invalidate my vote from 1400 miles away all b/c his political master lost. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just kicked the State of Texas in their tits and told them to mind their own business.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

AG Paxton (R-Twat Face) tried to invalidate my vote from 1400 miles away all b/c his political master lost. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just kicked the State of Texas in their tits and told them to mind their own business.
If the voting was corrupt, then it needs to be invalidated. You being selfish about that speaks volumes.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that are put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

I think you have a workable solution.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that are put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

I think you have a workable solution.
It seems to only solution at this point.

Allowing the feds to conduct social experiments on all state's without any say so by the citizen's or leaders within the state's, uhhh has been a disaster, and a failed system of federal government use upon us, and it has shown where the federal government has way overstepped it's boundaries by way of Democrat's targeting the state's (by way of and/or by use of government force), when using the federal government power in ways that it was never intended to be used upon the state's in such way's.
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This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

AG Paxton (R-Twat Face) tried to invalidate my vote from 1400 miles away all b/c his political master lost. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just kicked the State of Texas in their tits and told them to mind their own business.
If the voting was corrupt, then it needs to be invalidated. You being selfish about that speaks volumes
It wasn’t corrupt. President Trump’s sycophants and cucks had dozens of chances to prove it in courts all across the land and they failed miserably. Grow the fuck up and take your L like a man.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
Where are those affidavits right now? You were told there were affidavits did you ever see one that was notarized and had a docket number along with an ID number for evidence?

At their news conference Thursday, President Trump’s lawyers implored reporters to take their thus-far-baseless allegations of massive voter fraud more seriously. And in the course of doing so, they repeatedly referred to the hundreds of affidavits they had assembled as genuine evidence of fraud.

“It’s your job to read these things and not falsely report that there’s no evidence,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.
“We have evidence that we will present to the court,” Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis said.
“These people are under penalty of perjury,” Giuliani assured again about the affidavits. “Their names are on an affidavit.”

But how much weight do these affidavits carry? And what is their true reliability?
The Trump campaign has repeatedly cited the hundreds of sworn affidavits it has assembled. It has even shown stacks of them to illustrate the supposed heft of its legal case. Many of them are not available because they haven’t been filed in actual lawsuits or made available publicly. (Giuliani cited the alleged targeting of their authors for keeping them obscured.)

But among the witnesses who have had their allegations aired in court, many have been dismissed by judges as inadmissible or not credible. One particularly high-profile one alleged many precincts in Michigan had more votes than actual voters, but shortly after Giuliani et al. raised the issue Thursday — alongside their pleas to take the affidavits seriously — it fell apart.

A key issue is whether the affidavit is filed in court, as most filed by the Trump team haven’t been. Beyond that, any false statements would need to be deemed to be “material” to the proceedings — i.e. relevant to the actual claims. And from there, any legal jeopardy would require that the statements made were knowingly false.

But you keep on repeating the same old lies and misinformation der fuhrer has planted in yer mind that is of no use to anyone but those that exploit it...
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

AG Paxton (R-Twat Face) tried to invalidate my vote from 1400 miles away all b/c his political master lost. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just kicked the State of Texas in their tits and told them to mind their own business.
If the voting was corrupt, then it needs to be invalidated. You being selfish about that speaks volumes
It wasn’t corrupt. President Trump’s sycophants and cucks had dozens of chances to prove it in courts all across the land and they failed miserably. Grow the fuck up and take your L like a man.
Spoken just like an upstanding citizen in our society (NOT), and sadly for your state or this nation you are allowed to vote at all.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
No, they probably weren't "lying". It's just that "a pollworker was rude to me" doesn't actually count as evidence of fraud, little fishy.

But among the witnesses who have had their allegations aired in court, many have been dismissed by judges as inadmissible or not credible. One particularly high-profile one alleged many precincts in Michigan had more votes than actual voters, but shortly after Giuliani et al. raised the issue Thursday — alongside their pleas to take the affidavits seriously — it fell apart.[...]
A key issue is whether the affidavit is filed in court, as most filed by the Trump team haven’t been. Beyond that, any false statements would need to be deemed to be “material” to the proceedings — i.e. relevant to the actual claims. And from there, any legal jeopardy would require that the statements made were knowingly false.
In the case of affidavits from election observers, for example, it would be difficult to prove that what they were saying was false, especially in instances in which they alleged other people involved in the ballot-counting process said something to them. In addition, statements from those like the Texas security consultant who mistook data from Minnesota to be from Michigan could be understood as an honest mistake or resulting from a lack of expertise in the subject matter — rather than an outright lie.
The Trump campaign’s affidavits also have a checkered history, to put it kindly. When they have been used in court, they’ve often been cast aside.[...]
Other witnesses signed affidavits that said, “I believe my vote for Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence was not counted.” But when pressed by judges, they admitted they didn’t have any actual evidence to support that.
A similar thing happened in Chatham County, Ga., where the GOP called two witnesses as part of its allegation that 53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid. But under questioning, the witnesses acknowledged they didn’t know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline, while witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that they were received on time.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
Where are those affidavits right now? You were told there were affidavits did you ever see one that was notarized and had a docket number along with an ID number for evidence?

At their news conference Thursday, President Trump’s lawyers implored reporters to take their thus-far-baseless allegations of massive voter fraud more seriously. And in the course of doing so, they repeatedly referred to the hundreds of affidavits they had assembled as genuine evidence of fraud.

“It’s your job to read these things and not falsely report that there’s no evidence,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.
“We have evidence that we will present to the court,” Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis said.
“These people are under penalty of perjury,” Giuliani assured again about the affidavits. “Their names are on an affidavit.”

But how much weight do these affidavits carry? And what is their true reliability?
The Trump campaign has repeatedly cited the hundreds of sworn affidavits it has assembled. It has even shown stacks of them to illustrate the supposed heft of its legal case. Many of them are not available because they haven’t been filed in actual lawsuits or made available publicly. (Giuliani cited the alleged targeting of their authors for keeping them obscured.)

But among the witnesses who have had their allegations aired in court, many have been dismissed by judges as inadmissible or not credible. One particularly high-profile one alleged many precincts in Michigan had more votes than actual voters, but shortly after Giuliani et al. raised the issue Thursday — alongside their pleas to take the affidavits seriously — it fell apart.

A key issue is whether the affidavit is filed in court, as most filed by the Trump team haven’t been. Beyond that, any false statements would need to be deemed to be “material” to the proceedings — i.e. relevant to the actual claims. And from there, any legal jeopardy would require that the statements made were knowingly false.

But you keep on repeating the same old lies and misinformation der fuhrer has planted in yer mind that is of no use to anyone but those that exploit it...
Affidavits existance ? Heck they showed up as witnesses attesting to their signed affidavits in light of their sworn testimony given at those hearings based on their affidavits.
Oh so don't challenge the Democrat states no matter what they do eh ?? That's very un-American, and could lead to the break up of the state's into tiny small countries of their own or joining together to form several states into one culturally in tune country within the country, yet still remaining part of the overall by rules and regulations within reason that put forth by the federal government, but in doing so never allowing the state or small country created to be used as a social experiment conducted by the federal government upon them, in which would then threaten the very culture, cultural dynamic, and domestic security of the state/small country newly created.

AG Paxton (R-Twat Face) tried to invalidate my vote from 1400 miles away all b/c his political master lost. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just kicked the State of Texas in their tits and told them to mind their own business.
If the voting was corrupt, then it needs to be invalidated. You being selfish about that speaks volumes
It wasn’t corrupt. President Trump’s sycophants and cucks had dozens of chances to prove it in courts all across the land and they failed miserably. Grow the fuck up and take your L like a man.
Spoken just like an upstanding citizen in our society (NOT), and sadly for your state or this nation you are allowed to vote at all.
Only people that agree with me should be allowed to vote. :lol:

Get bent.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
No, they probably weren't "lying". It's just that "a pollworker was rude to me" doesn't actually count as evidence of fraud, little fishy.

But among the witnesses who have had their allegations aired in court, many have been dismissed by judges as inadmissible or not credible. One particularly high-profile one alleged many precincts in Michigan had more votes than actual voters, but shortly after Giuliani et al. raised the issue Thursday — alongside their pleas to take the affidavits seriously — it fell apart.[...]
A key issue is whether the affidavit is filed in court, as most filed by the Trump team haven’t been. Beyond that, any false statements would need to be deemed to be “material” to the proceedings — i.e. relevant to the actual claims. And from there, any legal jeopardy would require that the statements made were knowingly false.
In the case of affidavits from election observers, for example, it would be difficult to prove that what they were saying was false, especially in instances in which they alleged other people involved in the ballot-counting process said something to them. In addition, statements from those like the Texas security consultant who mistook data from Minnesota to be from Michigan could be understood as an honest mistake or resulting from a lack of expertise in the subject matter — rather than an outright lie.
The Trump campaign’s affidavits also have a checkered history, to put it kindly. When they have been used in court, they’ve often been cast aside.[...]
Other witnesses signed affidavits that said, “I believe my vote for Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence was not counted.” But when pressed by judges, they admitted they didn’t have any actual evidence to support that.
A similar thing happened in Chatham County, Ga., where the GOP called two witnesses as part of its allegation that 53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid. But under questioning, the witnesses acknowledged they didn’t know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline, while witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that they were received on time.
Oh yeah, just like the lady politician or official who stated in a dog whistle to her so called secret police or so called underworld army that they should do to these witnesses what needs to be done eh ??? Yeah, but you all aren't worried about the testimony of these witnesses, yet you see them being threatened because their testimony was so powerful. Pfft
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

Trump was cheered at a public event where he is the Commander-In-Chief, and any booing or disrespect shown by a cadet would be punishable as a military offense? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

Why do you think that Trump carefully controls where he appears in public? Like his West Point commencement address? It's because everywhere that Trump has gone in public where he doesn't carefully control the audience, he is mocked, booed, and shouted down. Like his trip to the baseball game. Trump hides out in fortress White House, surrounded by barbed wire and riot fencing, so he doesn't have to hear the jeers of the PEOPLE outside.

Of course the police unions support him. These are the same unions which have allowed killer cops to stay on the payroll and on your streets. The cop who held his knee on George Floyd's neck had 17 complaints of "excessive force" and was involved in another shooting death of a suspect, and yet this murderer was still on the streets in black communities.


Hmmm, guess you missed the thousands who attended his rallies all over the country. no boos or jeers from them, only cheers.

guess you also missed that Biden could not generate a crowd of more than 100 for any of his attempts at campaigning. so much easier to just hide in the basement and let the dominion machines do the work for him.

Trump got more actual legal votes than Biden, the evidence of cheating is clear. this is not over.
It is over and your lies will never stand in court.

so the hundreds of americans who signed affidavits under oath are all lying? How would such a thing be coordinated? many of them are democrats who actually care about fair and accurate elections. Please prove to us that they are all lying under oath.
Where are those affidavits right now? You were told there were affidavits did you ever see one that was notarized and had a docket number along with an ID number for evidence?

At their news conference Thursday, President Trump’s lawyers implored reporters to take their thus-far-baseless allegations of massive voter fraud more seriously. And in the course of doing so, they repeatedly referred to the hundreds of affidavits they had assembled as genuine evidence of fraud.

“It’s your job to read these things and not falsely report that there’s no evidence,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.
“We have evidence that we will present to the court,” Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis said.
“These people are under penalty of perjury,” Giuliani assured again about the affidavits. “Their names are on an affidavit.”

But how much weight do these affidavits carry? And what is their true reliability?
The Trump campaign has repeatedly cited the hundreds of sworn affidavits it has assembled. It has even shown stacks of them to illustrate the supposed heft of its legal case. Many of them are not available because they haven’t been filed in actual lawsuits or made available publicly. (Giuliani cited the alleged targeting of their authors for keeping them obscured.)

But among the witnesses who have had their allegations aired in court, many have been dismissed by judges as inadmissible or not credible. One particularly high-profile one alleged many precincts in Michigan had more votes than actual voters, but shortly after Giuliani et al. raised the issue Thursday — alongside their pleas to take the affidavits seriously — it fell apart.

A key issue is whether the affidavit is filed in court, as most filed by the Trump team haven’t been. Beyond that, any false statements would need to be deemed to be “material” to the proceedings — i.e. relevant to the actual claims. And from there, any legal jeopardy would require that the statements made were knowingly false.

But you keep on repeating the same old lies and misinformation der fuhrer has planted in yer mind that is of no use to anyone but those that exploit it...
Affidavits existance ? Heck they showed up as witnesses attesting to their signed affidavits in light of their sworn testimony given at those hearings based on their affidavits.

A similar thing happened in Chatham County, Ga., where the GOP called two witnesses as part of its allegation that 53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid. But under questioning, the witnesses acknowledged they didn’t know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline, while witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that they were received on time.

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