Texas GOP releases statement on SCOTUS decision

Then, like Texas, you have no skin in the game.
No... I have no say... And that's how it should be. That doesn't mean I don't have any skin in the game. That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read that you've wrote.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
Not unless they want to be sued.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
Not unless they want to be sued.

But sueing after an election is worthless. You have to cheat during the actual vote counting. Then no judge will want to invalidate votes after the fact because, hey, which votes are real and which ones are fake?

On a go forward I expect each party to refine election cheating down to a fine art because there is zero consequence for cheating during the actual vote counting.

Stalin said the most important thing about an election is who counts the votes. The Dims obviously learned this well. I am sure the GOP understands now as well. :thup:
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
Not unless they want to be sued.

But sueing after an election is worthless. You have to cheat during the actual vote counting. Then no judge will want to invalidate votes after the fact because, hey, which votes are real and which ones are fake?

On a go forward I expect each party to refine election cheating down to a fine art because there is zero consequence for cheating during the actual vote counting.

Stalin said the most important thing about an election is who counts the votes. The Dims obviously learned this well. I am sure the GOP understands now as well. :thup:
Yeah and you and Trump have evacuated the most common denominator that wins cases, evidence...

U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig, a Trump appointee, dismissed Trump’s federal lawsuit asking the court to order the Republican-controlled Legislature to name Trump the winner over Democrat Joe Biden. The judge said Trump’s arguments “fail as a matter of law and fact.”

Trump always falls short on facts because he has none.
Justice Rebecca Dallet, like Karofsky another liberal justice, questioned why Trump didn’t raise his concerns about the absentee ballot process in the 2016 election that he won in Wisconsin. Troupis said Trump was not an aggrieved party that year.

:auiqs.jpg: It don't get no better than Trumped up logic!
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
Not unless they want to be sued.

But sueing after an election is worthless. You have to cheat during the actual vote counting. Then no judge will want to invalidate votes after the fact because, hey, which votes are real and which ones are fake?

On a go forward I expect each party to refine election cheating down to a fine art because there is zero consequence for cheating during the actual vote counting.

Stalin said the most important thing about an election is who counts the votes. The Dims obviously learned this well. I am sure the GOP understands now as well. :thup:
Yeah and you and Trump have evacuated the most common denominator that wins cases, evidence...

U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig, a Trump appointee, dismissed Trump’s federal lawsuit asking the court to order the Republican-controlled Legislature to name Trump the winner over Democrat Joe Biden. The judge said Trump’s arguments “fail as a matter of law and fact.”

Trump always falls short on facts because he has none.

It's all good. :) Like I said the most important thing is who counts the votes. The GOP will do a great job of "counting" votes on a go forward. Those rural counties will suddenly get 95% voter participation will 80% going to GOP candidates. Who needs proof? What an old fashioned idea. :lol:
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.
Then the military are a bunch of flipping idiots, but I don't think that they are. It's just you leftist lying that they aren't in support of the man who brought accountability to the VA organization, who gave the military the resources needed to be strong again, plenty of spare parts, higher pay, great benefits, pride back in their country, and brought them home again (no new wars), and a backbone to stand with again.

You keep pushing your lies, but no one in their right mind believes you. Dragonlady eh ? What are you, satan's mistress or wife or something ? Pfft.
After taking the night to read carefully through the SCOTUS decision, and references made therein, there is absolutely ZERO reason to panic or be upset. Justice Alito and Thomas did us a major favor in their response. The SCOTUS didn’t say Texas is done. They simply stated that Texas should have filed the motion differently, and even listed case references for us. They gave us a roadmap. By responding the way they did, all Texas and the other states have to do is reword their motions and refile. Thomas and Alito specifically stated they’d have no discretion to deny hearing the case at that point. This is far from over. I still believe Trump’s 2018 EO and the military are the key, but they will be the final safety net. Keep praying, keep sharing the truth and waking your friends and family up. Those not yet awake have some hard days ahead. The media have lulled them into a false sense of security. Be prepared, a storm is coming.

from an email
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

So do States or local Governments have the right to ignore their own election laws if suits their agenda?
Not unless they want to be sued.

But sueing after an election is worthless. You have to cheat during the actual vote counting. Then no judge will want to invalidate votes after the fact because, hey, which votes are real and which ones are fake?

On a go forward I expect each party to refine election cheating down to a fine art because there is zero consequence for cheating during the actual vote counting.

Stalin said the most important thing about an election is who counts the votes. The Dims obviously learned this well. I am sure the GOP understands now as well. :thup:

In all jurisdictions, poll watchers from both sides have watched and certified the counts.

Because of concerns raised about the machine counts, Georgia did a "hand count" and counted all ballots by hand, and they still got the same numbers. There was no "ballot flipping", nor was any evidence of ballot flipping found or presented in court.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.
Then the military are a bunch of flipping idiots, but I don't think that they are. It's just you leftist lying that they aren't in support of the man who brought accountability to the VA organization, who gave the military the resources needed to be strong again, plenty of spare parts, higher pay, great benefits, pride back in their country, and brought them home again (no new wars), and a backbone to stand with again.

You keep pushing your lies, but no one in their right mind believes you. Dragonlady eh ? What are you, satan's mistress or wife or something ? Pfft.

My but you’ve certainly memorized all of Trump’s favourite lies. Trump has talked up his pro-military accomplishments, and you’re buying his lies.

You know who doesn’t talk about what how great Trump has been for the military? The military.

Members of the military talk about how ashamed they were to abandon the Kurds. About how wrong it as to treat peaceful protestors as “enemy combatants”. Gold star families said Trump didn’t even know their loved one’s name when Trump called with “condolences”.

Last but not least, one of Trump’s voting fraud witnesses said it was “odd” that so many service members voted for Biden.

As we’ve seen this week, with the release of reports on Fort Hood, and the criminal referral of the Head of the VA, there is no accountability in the Trump Administration.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.
Then the military are a bunch of flipping idiots, but I don't think that they are. It's just you leftist lying that they aren't in support of the man who brought accountability to the VA organization, who gave the military the resources needed to be strong again, plenty of spare parts, higher pay, great benefits, pride back in their country, and brought them home again (no new wars), and a backbone to stand with again.

You keep pushing your lies, but no one in their right mind believes you. Dragonlady eh ? What are you, satan's mistress or wife or something ? Pfft.

My but you’ve certainly memorized all of Trump’s favourite lies. Trump has talked up his pro-military accomplishments, and you’re buying his lies.

You know who doesn’t talk about what how great Trump has been for the military? The military.

Members of the military talk about how ashamed they were to abandon the Kurds. About how wrong it as to treat peaceful protestors as “enemy combatants”. Gold star families said Trump didn’t even know their loved one’s name when Trump called with “condolences”.

Last but not least, one of Trump’s voting fraud witnesses said it was “odd” that so many service members voted for Biden.

As we’ve seen this week, with the release of reports on Fort Hood, and the criminal referral of the Head of the VA, there is no accountability in the Trump Administration.
Again with the lies... Show me in mass where the military rejects Trump. You can't do it, but you cherry pick in order to build up a fantasy situation that you're hoping to sell to the dummy's. Typical leftist tactics.
It's dead in da water Trump has no more time to go the legal route and not enough Hitleresque to browbeat the states into doing his bidding..
You obviously prefer your brow beating from a source you approve of. Correct?
I doubt you understand what it is like to live apart from the norms of the rat race.

Rat race??

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This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
Yeah..but in this iteration..Trump IS King George!

you are very confused. Obama and Soros share the kingly duties, while Biden is their puppet who can be eliminated at their command.

Trump is more like Washington. this country is on the brink. a secession or break up may be the only solution.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?

The problem is that the military are not with Trump, and neither is anyone else who swore to uphold the Constitution. The PEOPLE were never with Trump. He didn't win the popular vote the first time, and this time the PEOPLE made sure he didn't win the Electoral College or the popular vote.

He lost the military when he involved them in his walk across LaFayette Square, and gassing peaceful protestors. When he abandoned the Kurds. He lost the military when he didn't stand up for them against Russian bounties. When he called them suckers and losers.

And the longer that Trump tries to fight the will of the people, the less support he will have.

you are totally FOS. Did you happen to see the reception he got at the Army/Navy game yesterday? Trump has the military support, the police unions all support him, and all american patriots who own gums and ammo support him. So continue with your attempted coup, you will reap your reward eventually. The american people will only tolerate so much of this left wing socialist bullshit.

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