Texas GOP releases statement on SCOTUS decision

This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.
They filed an amicus curia brief ( also known as friend of the court brief)
Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae and Brief Amicus Curiae of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson and 105 Other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint and Motion for a Preliminary Injunction

Identity of Amici Curiae
As members of the federal legislature, Amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in establishing the manner by which Presidential Electors are appointed to ensure the Electoral College selects the candidate for President of the United States that was chosen by counting only lawful votes. Amici include 106 U.S. Representatives currently serving in the 116th Congress, listed above.

Relevance of Amicus Brief to Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint

This brief amicus curiae presents the concern of amici as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections. Amici respectfully aver that the broad scope and impact of the various irregularities in the Defendant states necessitate careful and timely review by this Court.

On the merits, this amicus brief defends the constitutional authority of state legislatures as the only bodies duly authorized to establish the manner by which presidential electors are appointed, one of the central issues in the pending litigation. As members of the federal legislature, these amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in determining the manner by which states choose their electors.

The Supreme Court rejected the brief because of a lack of legal standing for one state to sue another state over this matter, in other words it is unconstitutional....Which is exactly the rules under the Election Clause..

So eat me dip-shit...
thats exactly what I said, dingleberry dipshit. They did not rule that the suit was unconstitutional, only that there was lack of standing to bring it to the court.

I think the justices were also motivated by the threats of violence to themselves and others if they ruled in Trump's favor. they should not have considered that, but it seems that they did.

yes, it seems that the socialists are winning currently and it amazes me that so many americans are so ignorant that they celebrate the loss of their freedoms.
The lack of standing was its' unconstitutionality...Socialist are winning? Have you told them that yet cause I don't see Bernie as president and AOC as vice president....Nor do I see a mass of them in any positions of power...Loss of freedoms, oh you are mentioning Reagan and Bush sr. eras....
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.
They filed an amicus curia brief ( also known as friend of the court brief)
Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae and Brief Amicus Curiae of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson and 105 Other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint and Motion for a Preliminary Injunction

Identity of Amici Curiae
As members of the federal legislature, Amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in establishing the manner by which Presidential Electors are appointed to ensure the Electoral College selects the candidate for President of the United States that was chosen by counting only lawful votes. Amici include 106 U.S. Representatives currently serving in the 116th Congress, listed above.

Relevance of Amicus Brief to Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint

This brief amicus curiae presents the concern of amici as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections. Amici respectfully aver that the broad scope and impact of the various irregularities in the Defendant states necessitate careful and timely review by this Court.

On the merits, this amicus brief defends the constitutional authority of state legislatures as the only bodies duly authorized to establish the manner by which presidential electors are appointed, one of the central issues in the pending litigation. As members of the federal legislature, these amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in determining the manner by which states choose their electors.

The Supreme Court rejected the brief because of a lack of legal standing for one state to sue another state over this matter, in other words it is unconstitutional....Which is exactly the rules under the Election Clause..

So eat me dip-shit...
thats exactly what I said, dingleberry dipshit. They did not rule that the suit was unconstitutional, only that there was lack of standing to bring it to the court.

I think the justices were also motivated by the threats of violence to themselves and others if they ruled in Trump's favor. they should not have considered that, but it seems that they did.

yes, it seems that the socialists are winning currently and it amazes me that so many americans are so ignorant that they celebrate the loss of their freedoms.
The lack of standing was it's unconstitutionality...Socialist are winning? Have you told them that yet cause I don't see Berny as president and AOC as vice president....Nor do I see a mass of them in any positions of power...

nope, I understand why you failed law school.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.
They filed an amicus curia brief ( also known as friend of the court brief)
Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae and Brief Amicus Curiae of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson and 105 Other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint and Motion for a Preliminary Injunction

Identity of Amici Curiae
As members of the federal legislature, Amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in establishing the manner by which Presidential Electors are appointed to ensure the Electoral College selects the candidate for President of the United States that was chosen by counting only lawful votes. Amici include 106 U.S. Representatives currently serving in the 116th Congress, listed above.

Relevance of Amicus Brief to Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint

This brief amicus curiae presents the concern of amici as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections. Amici respectfully aver that the broad scope and impact of the various irregularities in the Defendant states necessitate careful and timely review by this Court.

On the merits, this amicus brief defends the constitutional authority of state legislatures as the only bodies duly authorized to establish the manner by which presidential electors are appointed, one of the central issues in the pending litigation. As members of the federal legislature, these amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in determining the manner by which states choose their electors.

The Supreme Court rejected the brief because of a lack of legal standing for one state to sue another state over this matter, in other words it is unconstitutional....Which is exactly the rules under the Election Clause..

So eat me dip-shit...
thats exactly what I said, dingleberry dipshit. They did not rule that the suit was unconstitutional, only that there was lack of standing to bring it to the court.

I think the justices were also motivated by the threats of violence to themselves and others if they ruled in Trump's favor. they should not have considered that, but it seems that they did.

yes, it seems that the socialists are winning currently and it amazes me that so many americans are so ignorant that they celebrate the loss of their freedoms.
The lack of standing was it's unconstitutionality...Socialist are winning? Have you told them that yet cause I don't see Berny as president and AOC as vice president....Nor do I see a mass of them in any positions of power...

nope, I understand why you failed law school.
I can understand why you ended up being a janitor in a law firm...You have zero ability to back up anything you play rhetorically.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
Trump comes with nothing and will leave the same.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
Trump comes with nothing and will leave the same.

LOL, he came in a billionaire successful businessman and will leave exactly the same but now with the respect and admiration of more than half of the USA. His successful term will go down in history as one of the best ever. record low unemployment, no new wars started, mid east peace deals, record stock market, vaccine in record time, NATO paying its fair share, USMCA negotiated, the balance of trade with China fixed. dialog rather than war with North Korea. US companies expanding and relocating in the USA. Troops brought home.

But he had to go because he was exposing the DC corruption in both parties and the media. Truth is the enemy of the left and the power crazed DC deep state.

but now we have an old senile pervert and a power whore in charge. America deserves what it votes for.
Allen West was chased out of Florida, so he went to the only place more batshit crazy than Florida, Texas.

And what is the most batshit institution in Texas?

The Texas Republican Party.
Yeah, it's time to divvy this mother fucker up and quit pretending we don't want to shoot every fat stormtrooper dyke and fucking soy boy in the face. It's not going to work anymore. It's over.
Yeah, it's time to divvy this mother up and quit pretending we don't want to shoot every fat stormtrooper dyke and fucking soy boy in the face. It's not going to work anymore. It's over.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....

that is not what the ruling was about. they ruled that Texas and the other states did not have standing to bring the suit. look up lack of standing, you might learn something and stop posting like an idiot.

Yeah, about 100 posters here told the cult that TX didn’t have standing. But the poorly educated cultists really thought TX could win. The ruling was effectively 9-0 as Thomas and Alito said there were no remedies.

It was all Kabuki Theater. But cults gonna cult.

like your fellow libs, you also do not understand what lack of standing means in a court of american law. It is not the final straw. It is certainly a set back, but not the end of the fight. It may be that the only workable remedy is secession or breaking up the country into conservative and liberal separate countries. None of us want that, but with the country so divided philosophically it may be the only solution. If we cannot live together, lets live separately. Then we can see which system actually works.
Does yer Rascal hovers round have enough battery power to propel you into the front lines of another civil war?

I don't have whatever that is, but I have several guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. We would also have the police and the military and you would have the trannys who don't know which bathroom to use. it would be a very short war. A peaceful secession or division would be much better for everyone and would allow each side to live under its own ideology. We would take constitutional freedom and you can have socialist domination. Ready?
In yer wet, wild dreams homeboy...Your bloodlust is showing what will Jesus Christ do with you?

I think he is with me. Right will prevail, it may take a while, but in the end right and truth will win out. the founders knew that when they went against king George and signed the declaration of independence.
Yeah..but in this iteration..Trump IS King George!

YES YES YES! I am ready to pack and move because I know damn well my spineless coward of a governor would sit on his ass and do nothing!

And now another matter may come before the Supreme Court:

Nope. stop it. it's clearly beyond your grasp.
I have great, simple English, comprehension skills- and I can pick out word parsing with the best of them- so, STFU, stupid.
the texas suit failed at the first hurdle. they could not present persuasive arguments for standing. as predicted by anyone with a little understanding. that leaves you out.
Isn’t Texas the state that doesn’t want anyone else telling them what to do? But they want to tell other states how to run their election.

YES YES YES! I am ready to pack and move because I know damn well my spineless coward of a governor would sit on his ass and do nothing!

And now another matter may come before the Supreme Court:

View attachment 428161

They should all be impeached and tossed out. This was an attempted coup d'etat. Seditious in its intent to override the will of the people, having done so in 2016 legally using the Electoral College.
In a Capitalist economy Greed is not only not a sin, but a cardinal Virtue!

So you think Ted Cruz had something to do with the SCOTUS tossing the case/ Well..after all Trumop said Cruz's Dad killed Kennedy or something, right?
And Rubio are working behind the scene. Trying to sabotage all of his chances to regain his position back. The Dems already has control of both House and Senate due to them smuggling in a few RINOs among the lambs. But they are trying to make sure that Pres. Trump doesn't overturn the election which it will cause other Republican candidates who lost the Primary and Genera; elections to demand for a revote.
But one thing about Pres. Trump. It is that he will never give up.
But I wished that he will have Cynthia Mckinney to speak for him. She will make a better Aaron rather than Cruz.
But they have Pres. Trump looking in areas where they want him to look at. He needs to look on the outside of the box that they have put him into.
And he needs to change the head military officers just in case he decides to declare martial law.

You have faith in it only if it's in your favor.
Eight years ago. I've said this shit eight years ago. Fuck off with that.

It does seem to be that people who say that... Seem to apply it to themselves... Present company may be excluded.
Edit: I'll go find it again.

Aug 25, 2012

I voted for anyone other than Rump in 2020 and it still worked. It ain't perfect but it's the best in the World and the rest of the world knows it.
We absolutely disagree on this.

I listened to the TED broadcast. While that does sound nice, it would be a nightmare to administer. I have served on a Jury where the ballots were anon on plain white pieces of paper. Of course, my writing could tell it was me but no one ever looked that close. We can overthink things. The Anon voting has been done since the creation of this Nation. And it works.

If a computer does the encrypting then another computer can break that encryption. You accomplished nothing but made things more difficult for the Administrators. Better for no one to know exactly who voted for what in the computer but the paper ballots will have that information which will be on file and NOT in the computer. I know who I voted for and what I voted for. If the proper audits are done, the computer will agree with the paper ballot. When I vote in person, a paper ballot is generated with all the information including who I voted for and what I voted for. That is fed into the computer but I am not included in the computer. If someone were to monkey with the computer an Audit where it's compared with the paper generated ballot will catch it. Before we drop the paper ballot into the slot to have it entered into the computer, we are instructed to review the ballot to ensure that it's correct. If a state is doing anything other than that then you need to get on your state Legislators and get it cleaned up. I can't speak for other states, only Colorado. And we have, on an average, about 3 voter frauds per election cycle out of over 2 million and those generally get caught.

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