Texas GOP releases statement on SCOTUS decision

Nope. stop it. it's clearly beyond your grasp.
I have great, simple English, comprehension skills- and I can pick out word parsing with the best of them- so, STFU, stupid.
You clearly don’t understand how those words function in a legal ruling. Take some free advice from an actual attorney before you make yourself look like an idiot.
Rod and I are in agreement with Allen West's statement. If SCOTUS is worried about threats being directed towards them or their family members maybe they shouldn't be on the bench. Citizens in America today have those same concerns but no one including SCOTUS apparently cares. The above posts show how ridiculous the leftist are.

Austin, TX, Release: December 11, 2020. For Immediate Release

Below is Chairman Allen West’s statement regarding the decision by the Supreme Court to dismiss Texas’ constitutionally legitimate and critical lawsuit.

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law. Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences. This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable. This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

The Texas GOP will always stand for the Constitution and for the rule of law even while others don’t.

Unconstitutional according to who?

The issues were adjudicated by State courts in each state. And no such violations of the constitution were found. These issues were raised in federal court, and federal judges also found no such violations. The USSC has found no appeal from these cases contain a constitutional issue worth their time, having denied cert for all of them.

So who? Not the States in question, not the State Judiciaries, not the federal courts, not the USSC.

No, you have no faith in the legal process, which the Trump Team had many, many opportunities to make their case, they failed ALL of them in a number of places, with some who are conservative judicial appointees, even one chosen by Trump himself.

SCOTUS went 9-0 on rejecting the case based in what Texas posted, that means it is a massive NO!

It is time to go on, no more legal options left to pursue, it is time to let the transition process take place.
No... I have no faith in the electoral process... The legal process, from a federal standpoint, did what I thought it would do. The state, no matter if it's right or legal or not, chose what it did... And it's legislative branch has chosen not to do anything about it. I don't believe that any state has the right to tell another state what it's legislative duties are, or how to handle them. Even if they are clearly illegal by their own standards.

I'm not a citizen of the four states in question. I have no right to dictate anything to those states.

I have no faith in the electoral process. Much like many Biden/Hillary supporters had back in 2016. I'm sure some of them can understand that. Unlike the Biden/Hillary supporters however, I've been saying it for almost a decade...
judicially cognizable interest
that is not what it means.
cognizable interest is precisely what that means-
Nope. stop it. it's clearly beyond your grasp.
«Cognizable judicial interest» is either a wad of chewing tobacco in the judge's mouth or an open invitation to bribery.

Or just a word you don't know. Which wouldn't be particularly hard....as English isn't your first language, Comrade

Cognizable: within the jurisdiction of a court

YES YES YES! I am ready to pack and move because I know damn well my spineless coward of a governor would sit on his ass and do nothing!

Why am I not surprised at all.....


Down with the union

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This is NOT over by a long shot.

It's not over til' is over!

Bless Trump! Bless all Patriots!:up:
Put a fork in it!

No blessings for the hundreds of thousands of Americans dead on Sweet Potato Hitler's watch? Sad.
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This is NOT over by a long shot.

It's not over til' is over!

Bless Trump! Bless all Patriots!:up:
Hang Trump and his seditious followers from the highest tree
We know who's guilty of sedition and treason, and it ain't Trump or his followers. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows the deal now.

Who is arguing for secession? Who is demanding that the election be overturned? Who is now threatening violence now that all of their long shot court attempts have failed?

Its not democrats.
This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable.

The US Constitution has no provisions for how states run an election.

The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. It grants each level of government the authority to enact a complete code for such elections, including rules concerning public notices, voter registration, voter protection, fraud prevention, vote counting, and determination of election results. Whenever a state enacts a law relating to a congressional election, it is exercising power under the Elections Clause; states do not have any inherent authority to enact such measures.

I never was able to complete my law degree and I take great offence to the state AG who is ignorant of just how the Constitution works along with state control of elections....
All you have to do to offend you is being a Republican

Going against the ruling has nothing to do with being a Republican.
No, you have no faith in the legal process, which the Trump Team had many, many opportunities to make their case, they failed ALL of them in a number of places, with some who are conservative judicial appointees, even one chosen by Trump himself.

SCOTUS went 9-0 on rejecting the case based in what Texas posted, that means it is a massive NO!

It is time to go on, no more legal options left to pursue, it is time to let the transition process take place.
No... I have no faith in the electoral process... The legal process, from a federal standpoint, did what I thought it would do. The state, no matter if it's right or legal or not, chose what it did... And it's legislative branch has chosen not to do anything about it. I don't believe that any state has the right to tell another state what it's legislative duties are, or how to handle them. Even if they are clearly illegal by their own standards.

I'm not a citizen of the four states in question. I have no right to dictate anything to those states.

I have no faith in the electoral process. Much like many Biden/Hillary supporters had back in 2016. I'm sure some of them can understand that. Unlike the Biden/Hillary supporters however, I've been saying it for almost a decade...

You have faith in it only if it's in your favor. The System works as painful as it can be. I voted for Bush in 2000 and it worked then. I voted for anyone but Rump in 2016 and it still worked. I voted for anyone other than Rump in 2020 and it still worked. It ain't perfect but it's the best in the World and the rest of the world knows it.
We were told this SCOTUS would always rule in Trump’s favor. How is this possible?
I don't know why Pres. Trump appointed Ted Cruz to speak. But he knows that Cruz is a career politician.
These politicians fight to keep these positions because they knows that there's big money to be made in these positions. And some of them are CIA creations, that they were ordinary people that were struggling to survive. Playing the Lottery is taking a chance. But being a politician or head federal official is like hitting the jackpot. You are automatically going to get paid to do certain favors for certain people. That is why they battles for these positions. Hillary battled it out with Obama for the presidency it is because they've both wanted to hit the jackpot. It is because the presidency is the highest position, that offers more money in bribes.
And the Globalist pays these politicians a salary to stay in office to make sure that their laws or regulations that they've paid to get passed, stays in effect or don't get repealed.
And one of the major source of income for this Global cabal, is the GMO. That's is their cash crop,
Pres. Trump is the only one who doesn't care about becoming more richer. But the rest are greedy.
There was a time when greed was considered a sin. But now they calls it being very productive. That the phrase Dog eat Dog world is consider as a great philosophy to live by.

Hosea 4:18
Even when their drinks are gone, they continue their prostitution; their rulers dearly love shameful ways

Is everything corrupt, even all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States of America now ??
Just now catching on? The SC only exists to safeguard the centralised state.
Are they intimidated that bad by the left ??
Nope, they are all part of the same club, we ain’t members.
What the heck is wrong in giving justice a chance ?
Honestly, the suit never stood a chance. The justices were/are risk averse and the upheaval would be enormous, though wonderful.
What's wrong with hearing the case ??
It was flawed enough to justify getting tossed. I think Paxton knew it and this was just a grandstanding move on his part. Sorry folks, we gave it the old college try thing.
We as citizen's should demand that the levers of justice work, and that those levers are functioning correctly.

We are seeing this nation destroyed right before our very eyes, and seemingly our representatives are on the take or have gone corrupt on us. What a shame it all is, and now true Americans are going to have to decide if they want to lay down in the garbage dump with the Democrat's or not.
Again, it’s a large club and we aren’t invited.
We were told this SCOTUS would always rule in Trump’s favor. How is this possible?
I don't know why Pres. Trump appointed Ted Cruz to speak. But he knows that Cruz is a career politician.
These politicians fight to keep these positions because they knows that there's big money to be made in these positions. And some of them are CIA creations, that they were ordinary people that were struggling to survive. Playing the Lottery is taking a chance. But being a politician or head federal official is like hitting the jackpot. You are automatically going to get paid to do certain favors for certain people. That is why they battles for these positions. Hillary battled it out with Obama for the presidency it is because they've both wanted to hit the jackpot. It is because the presidency is the highest position, that offers more money in bribes.
And the Globalist pays these politicians a salary to stay in office to make sure that their laws or regulations that they've paid to get passed, stays in effect or don't get repealed.
And one of the major source of income for this Global cabal, is the GMO. That's is their cash crop,
Pres. Trump is the only one who doesn't care about becoming more richer. But the rest are greedy.
There was a time when greed was considered a sin. But now they calls it being very productive. That the phrase Dog eat Dog world is consider as a great philosophy to live by.

Hosea 4:18
Even when their drinks are gone, they continue their prostitution; their rulers dearly love shameful ways

View attachment 428079

In a Capitalist economy Greed is not only not a sin, but a cardinal Virtue!

So you think Ted Cruz had something to do with the SCOTUS tossing the case/ Well..after all Trump said Cruz's Dad killed Kennedy or something, right?
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