Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

pretty much..lol
some links in the article


The Star Chamber Comes to Texas

August 16th, 2014 - 5:40 pm

The old saying goes that a grand jury could indict a ham sandwich. In reality, it’s worse.

Forget innocuous sandwiches, with or without Russian dressing. In Texas, at least in Austin’s Travis County, you can indict the state’s governor, Rick Perry, for doing the job any intelligent citizen would want him to do — trying to get rid of an absolutely atrocious public official.

That official was District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, a dimwitted and abusive drunk driver who ran that county’s — wait for it — “Public Integrity Unit.” Perry threatened to veto funding for said unit as long as Lehmberg was in control. Maybe he had a little actual concern for public integrity — not that the good burghers of Austin would care. Perry’s fortunate Lehmberg wasn’t found guilty of DUW (driving under weed) rather than alcohol, as she was. Given the preferred lifestyle thereabouts, they would have erected a statue to her and summarily sent Perry off to Guantanamo without trial to be swapped out for the last remaining al Qaeda maniacs.

(In case, you’re one of the 12 people left who hasn’t seen the video of Lehmberg’s DUI booking, it’s an eye-roller. You can find it here. Even more of an eye-roller are these dashboard videos of the DA’s arrest.)

Oh, Orwell, where art thou?

all of it here:
In Austin Texas, the only liberal county and city in Texas, you can indict a Republican just for farting. This is a bogus charge and any judge will throw it out.
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.
In Austin Texas, the only liberal county and city in Texas, you can indict a Republican just for farting. This is a bogus charge and any judge will throw it out.
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.

Chances are you'll grow a carrot out of your ass before that happens.
I bet you leftist trash were licking your lips and clapping like circus seals when you first heard this. Funny shit.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?
Boy, they want something so bad on Perry they will take this drunks side over his

she probably could run over someone and killed them and still take her side

damn sad people

They did with Ted Kennedy...

Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car than Dick Cheney did with his gun. I admire Cheney. Shot a lawyer in the face and got by with it.
Boy, they want something so bad on Perry they will take this drunks side over his

she probably could run over someone and killed them and still take her side

damn sad people

They did with Ted Kennedy...

OH YES they did. I forgot about that..
they stood by Clinton too. now we know why we have this tyrant government that we are dealing with...
I bet you leftist trash were licking your lips and clapping like circus seals when you first heard this. Funny shit.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay me to do what they can't understand.
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For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.
In Austin Texas, the only liberal county and city in Texas, you can indict a Republican just for farting. This is a bogus charge and any judge will throw it out.
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.

Chances are you'll grow a carrot out of your ass before that happens.
Oh no, it's required for someone charged with a felony, two in this case. If you had been keeping up you would know that the DA is meeting tomorrow with Perry's attorneys, to work out the details of when and how he will turn himself in. These are Felony charges boys. Even in Texas that's serious business and requires one to be booked by the police.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay to do what they can't understand.

Cool. I'm extremely wealthy, look like George Clooney, own four homes scattered throughout the world, have a fleet of luxury cars and a yacht, and my girlfriend is Miss Arkansas.
I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay to do what they can't understand.

Cool. I'm extremely wealthy, look like George Clooney, own four homes scattered throughout the world, have a fleet of luxury cars and a yacht, and my girlfriend is Miss Arkansas.
As expected. The truth is presented, and you reject it out of hand.
The left are the ones running with the impeachment rhetoric to rouse the base. This is all political posturing by the left because they have nothing to run on. Obama's a disaster.

He is a disaster in the mind of right wing nutjobs. Everyone else thinks he's doing well or are indifferent about him. The bottom line is that he's not doing as bad as you wish he was, because he has set the table for Hillary becoming the next POTUS, and you cons can't seem to figure out how to stop that train. BTW, the impeachment talk started with other right wing loons like Sarah Palin. Get your head out of your ass.

The Speaker of the House said impeachment is not on the table. That's where impeachment happens, dumb ass, not with Sarah Palin. MSNBC has mentioned it more than anyone because it rouses the useful idiots like they're doing in Ferguson. Dumb ass cocksucker.

Of course Obama is doing fine if you're a dumb ass like you. The world is laughing at us. Dumb ass.

Ever ask yourself how you became so dumb? Why do you think it is that Boehner had to tell everyone that impeachment was off the table? It wasn't because Democrats were suggesting it you twit. Now go crawl back into your little hole.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay me to do what they can't understand.

As you think your clients are stupid, that says a lot about you, bub. They must have truly impaired judgement to take your bogus advice.
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.
He was within his rights to veto, and to ask her to resign, but not to hold it over her head to try and force her out. He wanted to get his way, and couldn't, so he broke the law trying.
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.
He was within his rights to veto, and to ask her to resign, but not to hold it over her head to try and force her out. He wanted to get his way, and couldn't, so he broke the law trying.

ANd if the Legislature doesn't like that, they could override his veto, or even modify the veto provisions so that sort of thing isn't possible.

Liberals, this is not the hill you want to die on.
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.
He was within his rights to veto, and to ask her to resign, but not to hold it over her head to try and force her out. He wanted to get his way, and couldn't, so he broke the law trying.

not proven guilty--only indicted
He is a disaster in the mind of right wing nutjobs. Everyone else thinks he's doing well or are indifferent about him. The bottom line is that he's not doing as bad as you wish he was, because he has set the table for Hillary becoming the next POTUS, and you cons can't seem to figure out how to stop that train. BTW, the impeachment talk started with other right wing loons like Sarah Palin. Get your head out of your ass.

The Speaker of the House said impeachment is not on the table. That's where impeachment happens, dumb ass, not with Sarah Palin. MSNBC has mentioned it more than anyone because it rouses the useful idiots like they're doing in Ferguson. Dumb ass cocksucker.

Of course Obama is doing fine if you're a dumb ass like you. The world is laughing at us. Dumb ass.

Ever ask yourself how you became so dumb? Why do you think it is that Boehner had to tell everyone that impeachment was off the table? It wasn't because Democrats were suggesting it you twit. Now go crawl back into your little hole.

Okay. Now tell us why MSNBC has mentioned it far more than anyone else. Demented slug.

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