Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay me to do what they can't understand.

As you think your clients are stupid, that says a lot about you, bub. They must have truly impaired judgement to take your bogus advice.
I'm very good at what I do, the best around, which is why they pay me by the hour. I make in a couple of hours what most people do in a day. Then I knock off and screw around here. And my clients are stupid. If they weren't they wouldn't need me, and they do. I make money and they make more. Capitalism baby, gotta love it...
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.
He was within his rights to veto, and to ask her to resign, but not to hold it over her head to try and force her out. He wanted to get his way, and couldn't, so he broke the law trying.

not proven guilty--only indicted
Yes, I am aware of that. I'm not going to say every damn time that in my humble opinion he broke the law. The DA and the Grand Jury think that he did so let's run with that eh?
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.

My GOD! YOU found a LICK of honesty and common sense....NOW PUT IT BACK!
The DA's blood alcohol level was .23, nearly 3 times the legal limit.

And this doesn't appear to be a one time binge.

Check out her receipts:

http://www.keyetv.com/images/Lehmberg receipts.pdf

From January 2012 to April 2013 — 15 months — Lehmberg made 59 purchases of alcohol at various Twin Liquors stores, a rate of nearly one purchase a week.

She bought 76 bottles of alcohol. According to the receipts, Lehmberg prefers Ciroc vodka. Lehmberg routinely purchased 1.75 liter bottles of vodka, at a price of nearly $60 each. On occasions, she bought more than one 1.75 liter bottle of Ciroc at a time.

Those 76 bottles add up to 24.7 gallons of alcohol purchased over 15 months. The last purchase in the KEYE-compiled list was on April 2, 2013 — 10 days before her arrest for drunk driving, and the subsequent attempt to abuse her power by trying to intimidate the officers who processed her in jail. Lehmberg purchased vodka on that day. An open bottle of vodka was found in her car during her arrest....

The PJ Tatler » Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg?s Drinking Problem and Abuse of Power, By the Staggering Numbers

Perry used very good executive judgement to pressure her to resign. The Dems are making themselves into laughingstocks trying to defend this Drunk Loon.
In other words, Perry hasn't been convicted of anything, and there is no proof.

This is the standard liberals constantly throw up to exonerate Obama when that person's many sins are discussed.

So it's true for Perry, too, isn't it, libbies?
I have a hand it to ya. You're the number one dumb fuck here. What do you do for a living to support yourself?

I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay to do what they can't understand.

Cool. I'm extremely wealthy, look like George Clooney, own four homes scattered throughout the world, have a fleet of luxury cars and a yacht, and my girlfriend is Miss Arkansas.

In other words, Perry hasn't been convicted of anything, and there is no proof.
No proof? Sure thing, the Grand Jury is just winging it. Nothin' like handing out felony charges just for fun.

Next week they're calling for a guy to be executed, he wore cowboy boots with Bermuda shorts.
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The Speaker of the House said impeachment is not on the table. That's where impeachment happens, dumb ass, not with Sarah Palin. MSNBC has mentioned it more than anyone because it rouses the useful idiots like they're doing in Ferguson. Dumb ass cocksucker.

Of course Obama is doing fine if you're a dumb ass like you. The world is laughing at us. Dumb ass.

Ever ask yourself how you became so dumb? Why do you think it is that Boehner had to tell everyone that impeachment was off the table? It wasn't because Democrats were suggesting it you twit. Now go crawl back into your little hole.

Okay. Now tell us why MSNBC has mentioned it far more than anyone else. Demented slug.

As politicians go, Dems are a bit smarter than Republicans. Republicans started the idiotic talk about impeachment, so the Dems ran with it. You are too dumb to realize this, so you try to suggest that Dems started this to begin with. This is the same type of thinking that had all you nuts convinced that Romney was going to beat Obama all the way up to the point that the returns started coming in.
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Boy, they want something so bad on Perry they will take this drunks side over his

she probably could run over someone and killed them and still take her side

damn sad people
That's where you're wrong, Steph. No one is taking sides over this issue. Perry brought all of this on himself with his own actions and no one else's so don't try to throw a red herring into this matter.

Besides, you also have to take into account that the Special Prosecutor is a REPUBLICAN. Therefore, he could just as easily sided with Perry for the party's sake and dismissed the whole thing and there would not have been a case. But he didn't. He saw that there was enough evidence there to arrive at the conclusion that was reached. Therefore, two FELONY indictments were brought against Perry that he now has to own up to. He is the first sitting governor in One Hundred Years to be indicted. But justice must be served here. He can't expect a free pass, an easy way out just because he's a Republican governor of a red state. You have to remember that even higher people were made to resign. Remember President Richard M. Nixon, also a Republican? So yes, it happens when evidence is presented against an accused.
Perry used very good executive judgement to pressure her to resign. The Dems are making themselves into laughingstocks trying to defend this Drunk Loon.
Pressure like that, is illegal, even in Texas.

So you think that after her actions she should be allowed to remain as head of the Public Integrity Unit. Did you see the video of her booking act?
See the video? Nope, and I couldn't care less. And Perry was free to ask her to resign, that's all legally he could do, and that wasn't enough for him so he broke the law instead.
I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay me to do what they can't understand.

As you think your clients are stupid, that says a lot about you, bub. They must have truly impaired judgement to take your bogus advice.
I'm very good at what I do, the best around, which is why they pay me by the hour. I make in a couple of hours what most people do in a day. Then I knock off and screw around here. And my clients are stupid. If they weren't they wouldn't need me, and they do. I make money and they make more. Capitalism baby, gotta love it...

That must be a great gig you have going where you have so much free time that you can post 50 times per day on a message board.
Ever ask yourself how you became so dumb? Why do you think it is that Boehner had to tell everyone that impeachment was off the table? It wasn't because Democrats were suggesting it you twit. Now go crawl back into your little hole.

Okay. Now tell us why MSNBC has mentioned it far more than anyone else. Demented slug.

As politicians go, Dems are a bit smarter than Republicans. Republicans started the idiotic talk about impeachment, so the Dems ran with it. You are too dumb to realize this, so you try to suggest that Dems started this to begin with. This is the same type of thinking that had all you nuts convinced the Romney was going to beat Obama all the way up to the point that the returns started coming in.

Show my words where I suggested Dems started this. You can't. Go write your script for a cartoon show.
For the record. I think that Perry is a twit. I think it's a sad commentary on the GOP that he is considered a major leader in this party.

That said, he was completely in his rights to veto this item. This is a bogus prosecution meant to embarrass him.

this was a govenor that abused Texas state law ... we aren't talking about his right to veto a bill ...its how he went about doing it... texas law says you can't use a threat to veto money to run a government department to get what you want ... thats what perry did... I can't help if you're to stupid to look up the law he violated in texas ... you went on the thought that he was being prosicute to emparras him ... he did that when he ran for presdent when he couldn't remember what he was for... look at the state law first before you make a fool of yourself
As you think your clients are stupid, that says a lot about you, bub. They must have truly impaired judgement to take your bogus advice.
I'm very good at what I do, the best around, which is why they pay me by the hour. I make in a couple of hours what most people do in a day. Then I knock off and screw around here. And my clients are stupid. If they weren't they wouldn't need me, and they do. I make money and they make more. Capitalism baby, gotta love it...

That must be a great gig you have going where you have so much free time that you can post 50 times per day on a message board.
It is. The really scary number was when I hit 164 over the first three days. And you have to remember, I took a month off and then the Mods helped me take another five or six weeks off. I love to argue, obviously...
I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay to do what they can't understand.

Cool. I'm extremely wealthy, look like George Clooney, own four homes scattered throughout the world, have a fleet of luxury cars and a yacht, and my girlfriend is Miss Arkansas.


is there a reason you put a picture of youreself here???
I'm a consultant, to a lot of people who are almost as stupid as you are. It's big GOP territory here. The really moronic ones make me smile when I cash their checks. They pay to do what they can't understand.

Cool. I'm extremely wealthy, look like George Clooney, own four homes scattered throughout the world, have a fleet of luxury cars and a yacht, and my girlfriend is Miss Arkansas.


Pressure like that, is illegal, even in Texas.

So you think that after her actions she should be allowed to remain as head of the Public Integrity Unit. Did you see the video of her booking act?
See the video? Nope, and I couldn't care less. And Perry was free to ask her to resign, that's all legally he could do, and that wasn't enough for him so he broke the law instead.

Of course you couldn't care less. Why do you hate integrity and honesty in government?
So the far left comes in to try and take down Perry as he may run for President in 2016.

The woman in question is a far left zealot that does not have the good sense to step down after her actions. Notice how the far left on this board will not condemn their own.

The far left "news" has two things to take the eye off the illegal war Obama started in Iraq.

The complaint was filed last year by Texans for Public Justice, a far left watchdog group.

Then again if this goes through, that means all governors will be at risk of anything they veto from extremist political groups.

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