Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Wow what a great opportunity for Perry. He gets to show leadership skills and standing up to corrupt Democrats. There is no doubt a President Perry would clean out the vermin infesting the Justice Dept, the IRS, the EPA, and other agencies that have become nothing more than subcontractors for the DNC.

Actually, no, it is called "ABUSE OF POWER", and if the jury agrees with the grand jury, it is a felony.

Do you believe she is fit to run the Department of Public Integrity after her act on video being tested and in the booking office?
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Here's the drunk biatch in jail melting down like the typical librul

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ROFLMAO ONLY IN KOOKYLIBERAL land do these idiots go after Rick Perry for a drunk violent democrat for refusing to fund her office..
Here's the liberal DA Travis COUNTY TOP LAW OFFICER LYING HER ASS OFF about drinking and driving when she was pulled over,

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Here's the Police Association EMBARRASSED and ASHAMED demanding the old drunk bat resign..

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Rick Perry will win this HANDS DOWN with ease.. He has EVERY FUCKING right to not fund her office when she refused to step down.. EVERY RIGHT..


Liberals stand with the drunk bat demanding taxpayers close their eyes, let her stay in the top law enforcement job.. LIBERALS ARE USELESS and would overlook murder for one of their own.
I'm going to vote for Perry in 2016. We need a Texan in the White House.
The old fat liberal cow caught on video, VIOLENT, DRUNK, LYING


Let's get to court and watch them throw out this trumped up political gotcha fiasco.. then watch Rick Perry use the full weight of the law to prosecute those who wasted tax dollars for political gain..
DRUNK LIBERAL BAT who refused to resign the DA office after violently reacting to her drunken arrest

LMAO She slurs, "You just ruined my career"
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