Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Rick Perry will win this HANDS DOWN with ease.. He has EVERY FUCKING right to not fund her office when she refused to step down.. EVERY RIGHT..


Liberals stand with the drunk bat demanding taxpayers close their eyes, let her stay in the top law enforcement job.. LIBERALS ARE USELESS and would overlook murder for one of their own.

Let's see...As I recall, you were talking about a typical liberal meltdown?
Democrats are so funny. Harp with disdain about a young Bush who held no office being a drunk as an excuse to defend a drunk lesbian attorney in charge of the Public Integrity Unit. You can't make it up. Priceless.

They won't win this...even James Carville and David Axelrod said yesterday it's a farce.. only the kook fringe left are using it get a nut off of it. :lol:
From David Axelrod:

Perry also got support from Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal and appeared to get support from one of the country's most powerful Democrats and former President Obama political advisers, David Axelrod.

"Unless he was demonstrably trying to scrap the ethics unit for other than his stated reason, Perry indictment seems pretty sketchy," Axelrod tweeted.

:)Perry responds to indictment, calls it a political 'farce,' vows to defend himself | Fox News
Apparently, coercion and using your elective office and the budge to intimidate people doesn't really bother conservatives as much as we were led to believe...as long as it's a conservative who's doing it, that is.

Did you watch the videos of her?
Apparently, coercion and using your elective office and the budge to intimidate people doesn't really bother conservatives as much as we were led to believe...as long as it's a conservative who's doing it, that is.

Did you watch the videos of her?

Of course that moonbat didn't.. LMAO Nor does he care.. He only cares about hating Israel and demanding funds for drunk liberals. The videos tell the truth.. they don't lie.
Democrats are so funny. Harp with disdain about a young Bush who held no office being a drunk as an excuse to defend a drunk lesbian attorney in charge of the Public Integrity Unit. You can't make it up. Priceless.

They won't win this...even James Carville and David Axelrod said yesterday it's a farce.. only the kook fringe left are using it get a nut off of it. :lol:
The left nuts are positive it"s Bush's fault; therefore they win.
Democrats are so funny. Harp with disdain about a young Bush who held no office being a drunk as an excuse to defend a drunk lesbian attorney in charge of the Public Integrity Unit. You can't make it up. Priceless.

They won't win this...even James Carville and David Axelrod said yesterday it's a farce.. only the kook fringe left are using it get a nut off of it. :lol:
The left nuts are positive it"s Bush's fault; therefore they win.

LOL They've already brought him up as if he has anything to do with it..
Political Payback: Rick Perry Indicted in Power Struggle with Democrat-Controlled DA Office

Lehmberg’s sentence, a fine and 45 days in jail, was most likely the highest in history in Travis County for a first-time DWI charge. The investigation into her case also revealed a less-than-flattering picture of her drinking habits. Subpoenaed receipts from Twin Liquors showed her buying 72 bottles of Cirroc vodka—totaling more than 23 gallons—in a 15-month period, and that Lehmberg spread her purchases out among different stores. This amount only covers purchases made with her credit card at that one liquor store chain, not cash purchases or alcohol obtained elsewhere.
In Texas, the district attorney is the county’s lead law enforcement officer, and the Travis County District Attorney has the additional responsibility of prosecuting public crimes under the Public Integrity Unit, leading to a loud outcry for Lehmberg’s resignation from lawmakers and public safety groups. State Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) sharply condemned her behavior, saying that what he’d seen on the videos from her arrest “showed incredible belligerence and disrespect” and an “utter contempt and disrespect for the law and for the office."

The Texas Local Government Code, in Chapter 87, allows public officials like district attorneys to be removed from office for "incompetency, official misconduct, habitual drunkenness, or other causes defined by law." The 1987 revision to the law added a single incidence of intoxication on or off duty as a potential cause for removal.
However, because Lehmberg is a Democrat, elected in Travis County, one of the most Democratic-heavy areas of the state, and Governor Perry, a Republican, would be able to pick her replacement, other Democrats quickly rallied to her defense. Other prosecutors who worked under Lehmberg publicly supported her remaining in office, as did State Senator Kirk Watson (D-Austin).

PMH asked if if a DUI was grounds for terminating a public servant. If that public servant runs the PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT and WONT step down --- the governor has every right to DEFUND that unit..

Not to mention the law that SUPPORTS her removal. Is there a public safety interest here? Of course. Unless you value partisan politics more highly than PUBLIC INTEGRITY..
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Nasty lying rude drunk lezbo in charge of "The Public Integrity Unit." What's the problem, you racist hateful homophobic bullying conservative poopy pants......
Nasty lying rude drunk lezbo in charge of "The Public Integrity Unit." What's the problem, you racist hateful homophobic bullying conservative poopy pants......

I didn't know that had to be run by a saint? And what part of getting drunk out of your mind and arrested means you aren't an honest person? A bit stupid maybe, but dishonest? Only a Mormon would think that...
Political Payback: Rick Perry Indicted in Power Struggle with Democrat-Controlled DA Office

Lehmberg’s sentence, a fine and 45 days in jail, was most likely the highest in history in Travis County for a first-time DWI charge. The investigation into her case also revealed a less-than-flattering picture of her drinking habits. Subpoenaed receipts from Twin Liquors showed her buying 72 bottles of Cirroc vodka—totaling more than 23 gallons—in a 15-month period, and that Lehmberg spread her purchases out among different stores. This amount only covers purchases made with her credit card at that one liquor store chain, not cash purchases or alcohol obtained elsewhere.
In Texas, the district attorney is the county’s lead law enforcement officer, and the Travis County District Attorney has the additional responsibility of prosecuting public crimes under the Public Integrity Unit, leading to a loud outcry for Lehmberg’s resignation from lawmakers and public safety groups. State Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) sharply condemned her behavior, saying that what he’d seen on the videos from her arrest “showed incredible belligerence and disrespect” and an “utter contempt and disrespect for the law and for the office."

The Texas Local Government Code, in Chapter 87, allows public officials like district attorneys to be removed from office for "incompetency, official misconduct, habitual drunkenness, or other causes defined by law." The 1987 revision to the law added a single incidence of intoxication on or off duty as a potential cause for removal.
However, because Lehmberg is a Democrat, elected in Travis County, one of the most Democratic-heavy areas of the state, and Governor Perry, a Republican, would be able to pick her replacement, other Democrats quickly rallied to her defense. Other prosecutors who worked under Lehmberg publicly supported her remaining in office, as did State Senator Kirk Watson (D-Austin).

PMH asked if if a DUI was grounds for terminating a public servant. If that public servant runs the PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT and WONT step down --- the governor has every right to DEFUND that unit..

Not to mention the law that SUPPORTS her removal. Is there a public safety interest here? Of course. Unless you value partisan politics more highly than PUBLIC INTEGRITY..
I'm betting there's a process to follow, which Perry ignored just like the law. If he had tried to do this the right and legal way, he wouldn't be facing two felony charges now would he?
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Nasty lying rude drunk lezbo in charge of "The Public Integrity Unit." What's the problem, you racist hateful homophobic bullying conservative poopy pants......

I didn't know that had to be run by a saint? And what part of getting drunk out of your mind and arrested means you aren't an honest person? A bit stupid maybe, but dishonest? Only a Mormon would think that...

She runs the Public Integrity Unit. My god, you're a dumb ass. I really do believe you work for stupid people.
Apparently, coercion and using your elective office and the budge to intimidate people doesn't really bother conservatives as much as we were led to believe...as long as it's a conservative who's doing it, that is.

Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?
Democrat Joe Trippi with Jeanine Pirro

Jeanine Pirro tears it up... Even Joe Trippi see's this as crazy and trumped up.

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Apparently, coercion and using your elective office and the budge to intimidate people doesn't really bother conservatives as much as we were led to believe...as long as it's a conservative who's doing it, that is.

Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?

Seriously------he's a republican---It's the ONLY reason that you are pleased with the indictment...enuff of the horseshit explanations.
Nasty lying rude drunk lezbo in charge of "The Public Integrity Unit." What's the problem, you racist hateful homophobic bullying conservative poopy pants......

I didn't know that had to be run by a saint? And what part of getting drunk out of your mind and arrested means you aren't an honest person? A bit stupid maybe, but dishonest? Only a Mormon would think that...

She runs the Public Integrity Unit. My god, you're a dumb ass. I really do believe you work for stupid people.

Help me out here, where's the DUI = Dishonest part? If she's said, Hey, I'm so fucked up I can't even walk tonight officer, would that have made this all better? Most people find drunks to be too honest, at least when drunk.

Okay, DUI = Dishonest? Explain...

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