Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

The old fat liberal cow caught on video, VIOLENT, DRUNK, LYING


Let's get to court and watch them throw out this trumped up political gotcha fiasco.. then watch Rick Perry use the full weight of the law to prosecute those who wasted tax dollars for political gain..

Well the lawyers are certainly going to be happy regardless.
So after the drunk liberal dingbat breaks every law being the top law enforcer in her county, she refuses to resign.. Rick Perry has the power to veto the bill which funded her office.. '

GO RICK GO.. We would all do the same thing.. except for LEFTISTS.. they want taxpayers to close their eyes to a drunken old bat abusing her power and have them pay her salary.
Rick Perry will win this HANDS DOWN with ease.. He has EVERY FUCKING right to not fund her office when she refused to step down.. EVERY RIGHT..


Liberals stand with the drunk bat demanding taxpayers close their eyes, let her stay in the top law enforcement job.. LIBERALS ARE USELESS and would overlook murder for one of their own.
If I was writing rightwinger satire, I couldn't do much better...
Rick Perry will win this HANDS DOWN with ease.. He has EVERY FUCKING right to not fund her office when she refused to step down.. EVERY RIGHT..


Liberals stand with the drunk bat demanding taxpayers close their eyes, let her stay in the top law enforcement job.. LIBERALS ARE USELESS and would overlook murder for one of their own.
If I was writing rightwinger satire, I couldn't do much better...

its spazzing-out AGAIN.

Texas and DUI arrests, hmmm :eusa_think: Didn't the last Repub in the WH get one?
This is how drunk the old liberal bat was:
According to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Lehmberg must have consumed about 10 alcoholic drinks in one hour to achieve a .23 blood alcohol rating.

District Attorney Lehmberg also had an open bottle of vodka in her car, violating Texas’ longstanding open container law.

During processing after her arrest, Lehmberg denied that she was drunk, despite that .23 blood alcohol level, and the fact that she had been reported to police for driving the wrong way down an Austin street.

You can watch Lehmberg attempt to abuse her power in the video of her processing in jail after her arrest. Lehmberg is belligerent and violent in the video, and had to be restrained. When Lehmberg asks the officers if they have called “Greg,” she is referring to Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton, who she assumed would spring her from jail despite the overwhelming evidence that she had committed drunk driving.

Lehmberg’s taunt at the officers to “call Greg” is at the 1:49 mark in the video.

The PJ Tatler » Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg?s Drinking Problem and Abuse of Power, By the Staggering Numbers

LIBERALS DEMAND FOR TEXANS to shut up and let the abusive drunk stay in office , funding her..
This drunk liberal bat PUT LIVES at risk.. could have killed anyone, children that night on the road.. BUT ALL THAT matters to leftists is circling the wagons.. SHE REFUSED TO RESIGN.. her liberal comrades sent over a spending bill to fund the fucking drunk bat at the taxpayers expense.. RICK PERRY VETOED IT

Common Sense says that once your DA has been arrested and in jail,someone has to do something about it.Lehmberg showed poor judgement and such disdain for Law enforcement she obviously should have resigned but that would have been respectful and dignified.
Rick Perry will win this HANDS DOWN with ease.. He has EVERY FUCKING right to not fund her office when she refused to step down.. EVERY RIGHT..


Liberals stand with the drunk bat demanding taxpayers close their eyes, let her stay in the top law enforcement job.. LIBERALS ARE USELESS and would overlook murder for one of their own.
If I was writing rightwinger satire, I couldn't do much better...

its spazzing-out AGAIN.

Texas and DUI arrests, hmmm :eusa_think: Didn't the last Repub in the WH get one?
A couple of them, for booze and coke. He's was a serious dry drunk.
You have to especially love this video:


LMAO She threatens to spit on cops in this one..kicking and banging on the door
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Democrats are so funny. Harp with disdain about a young Bush who held no office being a drunk as an excuse to defend a drunk lesbian attorney in charge of the Public Integrity Unit. You can't make it up. Priceless.

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