Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

I'm not sure, but I think that Rick is also a creationist, which would mean, I suppose, that he will defund the Texas public school system if they don't change their textbooks to his liking....
I didn't know that had to be run by a saint? And what part of getting drunk out of your mind and arrested means you aren't an honest person? A bit stupid maybe, but dishonest? Only a Mormon would think that...

She runs the Public Integrity Unit. My god, you're a dumb ass. I really do believe you work for stupid people.

Help me out here, where's the DUI = Dishonest part? If she's said, Hey, I'm so fucked up I can't even walk tonight officer, would that have made this all better? Most people find drunks to be too honest, at least when drunk.

Okay, DUI = Dishonest? Explain...

:lol::lol: ONLY IN BATSHYT crazy kookland can a leftist defund drunk driving and this dishonest biatch in the video's caught LYING HER ASS off saying she had NOTHING to drink with an open bottle of vodka found on her seat and ask, "Dohhh duhhhh where's the dishonest part?"

YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHYT up.. Just sit back and watch the kook extreme left.. Popcorn anyone? :)
She runs the Public Integrity Unit. My god, you're a dumb ass. I really do believe you work for stupid people.

Help me out here, where's the DUI = Dishonest part? If she's said, Hey, I'm so fucked up I can't even walk tonight officer, would that have made this all better? Most people find drunks to be too honest, at least when drunk.

Okay, DUI = Dishonest? Explain...

:lol::lol: ONLY IN BATSHYT crazy kookland can a leftist defund drunk driving and this dishonest biatch in the video's caught LYING HER ASS off saying she had NOTHING to drink with an open bottle of vodka found on her seat and ask, "Dohhh duhhhh where's the dishonest part?"

YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHYT up.. Just sit back and watch the kook extreme left.. Popcorn anyone? :)

Ah, she was drunk, and therefore out of her mind. For all I know she thought she was Queen Victoria? How exactly does that make her a dishonest person and unable to do her job, when not drunk? Seems like I've said when drunk, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world." a couple of times, only to discover in the morning that this wasn't actually true...
In Austin Texas, the only liberal county and city in Texas, you can indict a Republican just for farting. This is a bogus charge and any judge will throw it out.
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.

It's a disgraceful show of political corruption....by corrupt democrats.
In Austin Texas, the only liberal county and city in Texas, you can indict a Republican just for farting. This is a bogus charge and any judge will throw it out.
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.

It's a disgraceful show of political corruption....by corrupt democrats.
Well apparently the Grand Jury doesn't think so.
I bet you leftist trash were licking your lips and clapping like circus seals when you first heard this. Funny shit.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

A governor exercising his veto power is breaking the law? Democrats are going to look like the fools they are.
This "witch hunt thing has a sort of Deja vu ring to it. Does anyone remember how many years and millions of dollars the republicans spent trying to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about his personal sex life?
Just keep thinking that while the evidence shows otherwise and Rickyboy gets booked into (and quickly out of) jail next week. Perry's mugshot should hit the net soon enough.

It's a disgraceful show of political corruption....by corrupt democrats.
Well apparently the Grand Jury doesn't think so.


"Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich" what is being said by both sides of the aisle in regard to the Perry indictment.. While you and your kook fringe here double down on stooopid, your leftist leaders are distancing themselves as far as possible from this circus sideshow.. you're just an old anti semitic fool who jumps on the batshyt crazy bandwagon because it's a liberal..
I bet you leftist trash were licking your lips and clapping like circus seals when you first heard this. Funny shit.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

A governor exercising his veto power is breaking the law? Democrats are going to look like the fools they are.
Of course. I note that they've all abandoned the "gentile giant Brown" threads and are concentrating on defending an alcoholic DA who is something of a thug anyway.

I can't imagine being prosecuted for DUI by her or her staff.
Apparently, coercion and using your elective office and the budge to intimidate people doesn't really bother conservatives as much as we were led to believe...as long as it's a conservative who's doing it, that is.

Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?

You didn't answer my question. Did you watch the videos of her?
It's a disgraceful show of political corruption....by corrupt democrats.
Well apparently the Grand Jury doesn't think so.


"Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich" what is being said by both sides of the aisle in regard to the Perry indictment.. While you and your kook fringe here double down on stooopid, your leftist leaders are distancing themselves as far as possible from this circus sideshow.. you're just an old anti semitic fool who jumps on the batshyt crazy bandwagon because it's a liberal..

I always enjoy your crazy-rightwinger-cat-lady commentary.

And a ham sandwich, that's Perry off to turn himself into the cops alright. Maybe next time he won't break the law, but that's not his style...
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Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?

You didn't answer my question. Did you watch the videos of her?

Nah.. They don't want to see old liberal fat girl slurring all over the place, falling when trying to doing the sobriety test, lying over and over, kicking and screaming, threatening to spit on police officers.. THE LIBERAL WHO RUNS THE INTEGRITY UNIT lmfao.. Rick Perry said NO, I WILL NOT FUND THE INTEGRITY UNIT of this DA who refused to resign.. so he vetoed the spending bill.. and they indict him in DEMOCRATLAND.. I am loving it because like so many Dems have said over the past 24 hrs, this is going to come back to haunt these idiots..
Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?

Seriously------he's a republican---It's the ONLY reason that you are pleased with the indictment...enuff of the horseshit explanations.

Frankly, for the most part, I don't give a shit about what happens in Texas. I've been there a couple of times, and never really cared for it. I also think the state is run terribly and the citizenry routinely get the shaft from the State gov't which is constantly cutting services (like education funding) and putting their citizens at a competitive disadvantage.

As for me, I live in Colorado, and I feel compelled to say the following. Our state gov't (as well as the city and county of Denver) does a pretty damn good job of governance and addressing problems before they become crises. In my opinion, that's been true of Governors, regardless of political party.

For example, our state and local gov'ts do a great job in addressing the decay and replacement of infrastructure BEFORE it becomes an overly costly disaster. This is true for roads, bridges, sewer systems, water mains, etc. But when I've been in Texas, I've been pretty shocked by the poverty, the poor planning, and the general state of decay I've seen.

So, to sum it up. I don't really care about political parties. I just want to know can person X govern effectively. Can they allocate resources wisely and well. In other words, as the old adage goes, can they make the damn trains run on time? If they can do that, their party affiliation matters to me not one bit.

But that doesn't change the fact that my analogy stands regarding any President of any political party and a state official (also of any political party).

Perry could have fired Lehmberg if she was a political appointee or if she was answerable to him as a member of his administration. But she wasn't. So, he tried to force her out of office. That doesn't mean I think her behavior was acceptable. It means that it wasn't within his power of his office to force her out. What Perry did could conceivably be taken to the nth degree by ANY governor if a governor decided that HIS will would be the determining factor in who should be able to serve anywhere within the State, even on the county or city level. What's next? Is Perry going to think he can force Mayors to resign? City commissioners? Sheriffs? County health officials? Those are decisions that should be left to the citizens and the officials within their respective counties and cities. I would think that conservatives, with ALL their talk of Obama being a dictator, would get that. But like I said in an earlier post, apparently it's not a big deal to conservatives that Perry overstepped his authority...because he's a conservative Republican. This outrage of conservatives at the indictment makes a complete mockery of conservatives' long stated claims that they're principled and intellectually consistent.
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Did you watch the videos of her?

Believe it or not, the specifics of her offense is not relevant to Perry's abuse of his power since there's not some kind of sliding scale of acceptability to when a governor can or can't use the budget to force other public officials out of office. Keep in mind that Lehmberg was not a Perry political appointee nor was she a member of his administration. My understanding is that District Attorneys are elected by the counties in which they serve.

An equivalent on the national level would be if any President tried to use the budget to force an elected State official (like a State Attorney General) to resign. I'm sure that YOU would agree that would be an abuse of power for the President of the United States, who's the head of the Federal Gov't, to try to force the State Attorney General of Texas to resign. Or do you think that would be okay?

You didn't answer my question. Did you watch the videos of her?

Aside from the prosecution, this appears weak, at best. Excercising powers of an office oone is elected to fill........same with the 'impeachment' of Obama. Skating on thin ice.
Well apparently the Grand Jury doesn't think so.


"Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich" what is being said by both sides of the aisle in regard to the Perry indictment.. While you and your kook fringe here double down on stooopid, your leftist leaders are distancing themselves as far as possible from this circus sideshow.. you're just an old anti semitic fool who jumps on the batshyt crazy bandwagon because it's a liberal..

I always enjoy your crazy-rightwinger-cat-lady commentary...



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I bet you leftist trash were licking your lips and clapping like circus seals when you first heard this. Funny shit.
Actually breaking the law as he did isn't funny but that's business as usual for GOPers with no morals so you say, move along, nothing to see here.

A governor exercising his veto power is breaking the law? Democrats are going to look like the fools they are.
It's not the veto, it's the fact that he was blackmailing her with it.

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