Texas Governor Leads The Charge

The New BS GOP is certifiable. They may recover when the black president is succeeded....
They are afraid the next Democratic president will be able to appoint some reasonable people. Unlike Scalia or Thomas.
aka Crony Judges who are nothing more than Liberal Hacks..............

Then you will use Judicial Activism to get your way. No fucking thanks.
And what way is that?

The idea behind the Court is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Just because Republicans want gays executed doesn't mean it right.

That's only one function of the court, unfortunately they are venturing in to powers they don't have, that's why there needs to be checks placed on them and who better to do it than the entities that created the court in the first place?
Any time the majority doesn't like a Supreme Court ruling, they ALWAYS say "they are venturing in to powers they don't have". Always.

But right wingers better be careful. Their numbers are shrinking. Soon, they will wish they hadn't changed the constitution because they will have no protection.

Like the birther thing they tried to use against Obama. Now it's being effectively used against Rafael Edwardo Cruz because he wasn't actually born in this country.

Republicans have fucked over so many Americans. Gays, blacks, Hispanics, veterans, Muslims, women and so on. If they aren't careful, soon, it will be their turn.

I should have known it was a waste of time responding to you. You're just like all the other regressives, spouting your talking points as facts.

Tell me, where does the supremes get the authority to rewrite legislation, like they did twice with the ACA, altering black letter law? Where do they get the authority to expand federal power beyond explicit constitutional limits, like they've done with the commerce clause and many other powers?

Come on hero, answer those two questions, let's see how smart you really are.

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