Texas Inmates Pool Commissary Funds To Donate $53G To Hurricane Harvey Relief


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Not sure i believe this story.

Texas inmates pool commissary funds to donate $53G to Hurricane Harvey relief | Women System

oct 12 2017 They might be convicted criminals, but when it came to the heartbreaking devastation left by Hurricane Harvey this summer, they became heroes of sorts.

Inmates in Texas’ criminal justice system wanted to help those impacted by the Category 4 hurricane, which caused $200 billion in damage in the state.
“They were requesting to donate money,” said Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark. “It’s just something they chose to do.”

Nearly 6,600 Texas prisoners have donated more than $53,000 of their commissary funds to the American Red Cross, Dallas News reported.

The inmates mostly donated money from their small allowances -- $95 every two weeks – that are used for purchasing paper, pencils, and personal hygiene items.
It's Texas so it's possible. Even bad people, or quite often, people who have done bad things (but not irredeemable), have a heart and concern for other human beings.

I saw a show some time ago about inmates at a low security prison who would be out in the yard and a dog would constantly visit them on the other side of a link fence. They would toss over some of their food, treats, pet him through the fence etc. All the inmates looked forward to seeing that dog every day.

As time went on and the dog came by constantly during their yard time, not sure if it was a stray dog or if the owner decided to bring the dog there on their own, but the prison decided to let him in during the hour and they played with, loved the dog like a proud and protective mother. It was heartwarming to see, and one hopes these men learned a lesson and that the dog touched their hearts some.

There are some who will never grow, change or become better people, but that is the exception not the norm. Giving money doesn't surprise me.

There was an inmate story and video posted on this forum awhile back of two inmates risking their lives to save the life of a guard who was attacked during a break. These guys had attacked some other guards elsewhere and when they got to him, it looked like he might get killed these guys put themselves in harms way and simply told the inmates "stop, this guy is one of the good ones".

Clearly something kicked in and they remembered that this guard treated them with respect and dignity. That makes a huge difference to anyone. If you own a dog and kick them every day, you are sure to be bit one day. Treat the dog well, he will love you to a fault. Sometimes it's just the reality that a persons experience in life have caused the formation of their character, rage and/or bad decisions. Not all people, and not all circumstances, but it's a factor in many cases.

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