Texas T-Partiers want conservative Seante Repub primaried

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
These teatards are terrorists..... errr..... extremists of the worst kind. Theres no other way to describe them. They hate everything. Prolly watch Fox & Friends to get their anti-gubmint marching orders, no doubt.

I heard Cornyn (R-TX) a couple weeks ago saying that shutting the gubmint down would not get rid of O'Care and his town hall teatard audience went ape shit lol because their thinkers (brains) are broken.

“I am irritated as all get-out with him,” said Toby Marie Walker, president of the Waco Tea Party in Texas. But, she added, “we’ll see if we have a choice. Filing doesn’t close until December, but he may not have a challenger.”

But Cornyn is also generally regarded as a conservative even by Texas’s high standards. Tea party leaders paying careful attention were miffed at Cornyn in the past over his votes in support of policies like the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the fiscal cliff deal. But that grumbling had remained at a low simmer — until the most recent spending showdown, when he broke with the state’s junior senator, Ted Cruz, on a procedural vote on a spending bill in which language over the health care law was a key sticking point.

Read more: John Cornyn avoids tea party challenge - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com

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