Chuck Schumer pushes plan to wipe out tea party

In a move that would make Stalin proud, (Charles Schumer) descendant of the Jews that emigrated from Russia in the early 20th century and the commie Emma Goldmans and Rosenbergs of the world, Schumer (to the poud cheers of the morons on left who do not realize they support Communist Party USA) Schumer looking to stifle the voice of the opposition.

George Bush doubled Clinton's spending, and there was no large-scale republican opposition.

The tea party receives massive funding from special interests who benefit from huge government subsidies and protection.

The Bush years had left this nation in the largest hole it had seen in over 1/2 a century. Rather than face up to what it had done to this country, movement conservativism created a populist movement so that it could deflect all blame onto the Democrats and Big Government. The Koch brothers fund the tea party so that poor people will attack anyone who wants to challenge their control over the political process.

Ironically, it was the tea party who formed the leading opposition to any oversight on The big Wall Street banks who got their Washington puppets to bail them out after they sank the global economy. Nobody is fooled by this corrupt Astroturf movement that prays on the stupid and uneducated.

You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]
Read more: Sen. Charles Schumer pushes plan to undercut tea party - Washington Times
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Proud Trotskyite

Thanks for including the image with the lucky sign placement in the background.

It is perfectly matched to this Obamabot.

Schumer is another enemy of the American way. Yes, we have list too

Well, is a liberal going to explain their bullshit?

On one hand, fucking liberals actually BRAG about Clinton being fiscally conservative and supposedly leaving a surplus. Even though the morons on the left that espouse such utter bullshit ignore the FACT that republicans controlled his spending for 6 of his 8 years when they had majority in the SENATE and the HOUSE.

Cause Clinton sure as shit tried to spend when they attempted to pass their version of the Obamacare, when it was in fact called it was called "Hilarycare," Of course the republicans saved us. That was the last time really most republicans actually represented conservatives.

They brag about Clinton not expanding government. I do not think the morons on the left even know what side they are suppose to be on. No, you fucking morons. You are on the big government expansion, high tax, anti-military side. Oh, right. That is what you morons bragging about with Clinton. When he cut the military and caused intelligence problems, which is something he did do. Which then led to the 911 debacle. If you want me to go into specifics with that, I will be more than happy. Let me know if you really want me to show precisely what Clinton did that caused problems with our intelligence gathering processes that led to 911. LOL at the truthers that still think Bush and Cheney carried out 911. You know and I know swallow is one of them.

They of course BRAG now that Obama is expanding and spending more than ALL of the previous presidents combined. These assholes are so fucking delusional, that they actually tell us that he has cut the deficit by 50%.

Again, do they know what side they are even suppose to be on? Do they know they are against fiscal conservatives?

They will now claim that republicans are responsible for the big spending. Huh, you really do wonder. Considering how these morons brag about Clinton "conservative spending" if they actually support Ted Cruz.

Can anyone tell with these losers on the left what side they are supporting?:eusa_eh:

The fiscal conservatives, considering these assholes claim Clinton left a surplus?:cuckoo:

Do they praise big government expansion. big government spending and bigger taxes? If they do not, why did they vote for Obama twice, and cheer while they did it?:confused:

Can anyone explain the creepy mind of the double talking, hypocritical views of the know it all left wing mind?:razz:
George Bush doubled Clinton's spending, and there was no large-scale republican opposition.

The tea party receives massive funding from special interests who benefit from huge government subsidies and protection.

The Bush years had left this nation in the largest hole it had seen in over 1/2 a century. Rather than face up to what it had done to this country, movement conservativism created a populist movement so that it could deflect all blame onto the Democrats and Big Government. The Koch brothers fund the tea party so that poor people will attack anyone who wants to challenge their control over the political process.

Ironically, it was the tea party who formed the leading opposition to any oversight on The big Wall Street banks who got their Washington puppets to bail them out after they sank the global economy. Nobody is fooled by this corrupt Astroturf movement that prays on the stupid and uneducated.

You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

Madoff was prosecuted because he fit the mold. Besides, Obama loves the power of going after people for crimes his administration is guilty of themselves.
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Obama cares so much about the poor that he wants to make more of them so they can keep each other company in their poverty.
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Obama cares so much about the poor that he wants to make more of them so they can keep each other company in their poverty.

Thank God the birth rate is down in the crapper like the Obama economy. That's all we need i.e., adding more to the deat beat 47%.

Parents shouldn't have kids until we uncluck this country

Obama cares so much about the poor that he wants to make more of them so they can keep each other company in their poverty.

Thank God the birth rate is down in the crapper like the Obama economy. That's all we need i.e., adding more to the deat beat 47%.

Parents shouldn't have kids until we uncluck this country


He floods the Red States with illegals then.

Best way to change them into Blue States.
You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

Madoff was prosecuted because he fit the mold. Besides, Obama love the power of going after people for crimes his administration is guilty of themselves.

You ever notice how the assholes on the left blame Bush for teaming up with companies like Enron?

They then of course ignore that many of these people were busted when Bush was president.

Including Madoff.

So, Bush was so guilty of crony capitalism that he busted many of these criminals who carried out their crimes in the 90s.

How in the world does that make sense to the morons on the left?

Who has been arrested under Obama? Anyone? Who? Oh, no one is breaking any laws? What is the deal with GE? Oh, what do I mean about GE? Glad you asked.

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping $108 Billion Overseas
The Huffington Post | By Bonnie Kavoussi

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping $108 Billion Overseas

The company with the most profits parked overseas is General Electric, according to a new Bloomberg analysis of 83 corporations.

GE said in a Feb. 26 regulatory filing that it was holding $108 billion in profits overseas as of the end of last year. That is up from $102 billion a year before. GE said in the filing that it reinvested most of these profits in foreign business operations and does not intend to bring those profits back to the U.S.

The practice of holding profits overseas has been highlighted as a strategy to avoid paying taxes. GE paid no U.S. taxes at all in 2010, according to The New York Times -- an allegation GE spokesman Seth Martin called "untrue" in an email to The Huffington Post Monday.

GE did not comment on the $108 billion in profits overseas.

Sixty big U.S. companies analyzed by the Wall Street Journal kept on average more than 40 percent of their annual profits overseas last year. The companies have attributed a growing amount of their revenue to foreign sales, and they have assigned patents and licenses to foreign subsidiaries. Thanks to these practices, the U.S. is not only losing out on tax revenue, but it is also missing money kept overseas that will not be used to invest in the U.S. or pay dividends to shareholders.


Well, all of you fucking hypocrites on the left, who blame Bush for crony capitalism with companies like Enron even though those companies were busted and their CEOs went to prison under Bush, do not say a fucking word about stuff like this.

a. Solyndra and George Kaiser

b. Keystone XL and Warren Buffet’s train shipments

c. Obama’s “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (union payback)

d. Obamacare deferments to Obama backers and Nancy Pelosi’s district.

Does anyone know what fucking liberals stand for? Neither do I.
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George Bush doubled Clinton's spending, and there was no large-scale republican opposition.

The tea party receives massive funding from special interests who benefit from huge government subsidies and protection.

The Bush years had left this nation in the largest hole it had seen in over 1/2 a century. Rather than face up to what it had done to this country, movement conservativism created a populist movement so that it could deflect all blame onto the Democrats and Big Government. The Koch brothers fund the tea party so that poor people will attack anyone who wants to challenge their control over the political process.

Ironically, it was the tea party who formed the leading opposition to any oversight on The big Wall Street banks who got their Washington puppets to bail them out after they sank the global economy. Nobody is fooled by this corrupt Astroturf movement that prays on the stupid and uneducated.

You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

Madoff was arrested and charged under the Bush administration and allowed to plea bargain under the Obama administration, nice try. How many more did the Obama Administration prosecute? I remember his false outrage, but no prosecutions.
You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

Madoff was arrested and charged under the Bush administration and allowed to plea bargain under the Obama administration, nice try. How many more did the Obama Administration prosecute? I remember his false outrage, but no prosecutions.

I think the morons on the left on this board are confused.

Last edited by a moderator:
You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

Madoff was prosecuted because he fit the mold. Besides, Obama loves the power of going after people for crimes his administration is guilty of themselves.

Madoff was arrested 12/11/08. He was tried under the obama Justice Department, but arrested under Bush. Bernie Madoff is irrelevant to the discussion. Sallow! You Jake?
George Bush doubled Clinton's spending, and there was no large-scale republican opposition.

The tea party receives massive funding from special interests who benefit from huge government subsidies and protection.

The Bush years had left this nation in the largest hole it had seen in over 1/2 a century. Rather than face up to what it had done to this country, movement conservativism created a populist movement so that it could deflect all blame onto the Democrats and Big Government. The Koch brothers fund the tea party so that poor people will attack anyone who wants to challenge their control over the political process.

Ironically, it was the tea party who formed the leading opposition to any oversight on The big Wall Street banks who got their Washington puppets to bail them out after they sank the global economy. Nobody is fooled by this corrupt Astroturf movement that prays on the stupid and uneducated.

You are either stupid or dishonest, I don't know which, however the TeaParty protested TARP and the bailout. They formed because of the bailouts in 2009 after the collapse of the economy.

It has been the Justice Dept. under Barrack Obama that has not prosecuted one person in regards to the Wall Street mess. The TeaParty movement also blames Congress and this administration for over spending and putting our country in economic peril.

So please don't think that Americans are that stupid as to believe your BS!

You forget Madoff?

Madoff Prosecution
[ame=]Bernie Madoff gives rare prison interview - YouTube[/ame]

you forgot my question.....cant or wont answer it?....
Well, only one thing to say to the liberals about this debate in this thread.

Obama cares so much about the poor that he wants to make more of them so they can keep each other company in their poverty.

Along with making the size of the large voting block of the constituency who keeps buying into the myth of a utopia that the democrap liars keep selling them.

As the poor class grows and grows, they can always blame the big bad wolf.

White republicans, corporations, Christians, etc etc etc etc.

It is perpetually pushed, and even though the middle class is being crushed by these commies, and poor class expands, the block will always buy into the myth the socialists on the left sells them.

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