Schumer grilling

Schumer lives in an apartment. Did they cook the hot dogs somewhere else? Two burners are on and one is off and there is no smoke. A cold piece of cheese on a frozen patty. Looks yummy though.

I'm not originally from Wisconsin, but one of the old-time treats here is called a "cannibal sandwich." My wife tells me how they used to eat raw beef sometimes. No thanks.

By David Propper
Chuck Schumer was ready to man the grill on Father’s Day – but couldn’t handle the heat when a slew of food critics on social media questioned his skills with a spatula and a patty.

The Brooklyn-born senator initially posted a photo to X of himself in front of a grill with burger patties and hot dogs – and an ear-to-ear smile.

“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!” Schumer tweeted. “Father’s Day Heaven!”

But commenters were quick to grill the New York legislator and wondered if a piece of cheese on a patty was placed there prematurely.

View attachment 963709

Everything that Schumer does is dishonest.
It was a staged photo-op, but they screwed it up.
Schumer always holds the America Taxpayers hostage for more spending.
Wait a minute, shouldn't he be grilling bugs? What's with the red meat?
What a tool, proof Democrats are PHONY 24/7. Also what's with the grey hamburger? Plastic prop patties?
Maybe Schumer should fill his feedbag with Big Macs, fish filets, quarter pounders, fries & wash them down with Diet Cokes like that jerkoff Spanky Dotard does.
So much wrong in this one "snapshot" aka image. As a photographer, I could write pages of text explaining why this image is a complete failure. From the cheese on the raw meat to the lack of any smoke or fire (making the grill look dead) to the flat lighting, the cutting board with out of place eyeglasses, to the sleazy looking grin etc etc... A first year photo student would garnish an F grade on this image that was meant to portray a nice guy barbecuing!!! Seriously? After how many decades of public relation photos.. this is the best he can produce?

His 24 year old "social media manager" (hired for her family connections or her tits) obviously has never used a grill, and likely believes hamburgers grow in the supermarket or in the kitchens of the restaurants she's taken to.
It reminds me of Kerry's hunting charade in 2004, claiming to have killed a goose that an aide was carrying for him. Nobody bought it. It just never works out when silver-spooned leftwingers pretend to be like one of the guys.

I think this one was the GOAT:

They are not the elites.....they are not the top 1% .....they are like us the people....that's what they want us to believe....:rolleyes:


Kerry went to a Notheastern Country Store Bait Shop and asked the Shopkeeper ( Originally From Nova Scotia ) if “ He could get one of them Huntin License “
I remember that. And no media was allowed during the hunt. There is no way in hell Kerry bagged a goose himself, but that couldn't be allowed to be seen.
Whenever elitist politicians be they Democrat or Republican try and pass themselves off as everyday working Americans it usually ends badly.
What a fucking idiot Schumer is.

Nobody ever put cheese on the raw side of a burger patty.
In his defense there is no cooked side. Were those dogs cooked somewhere else? I don’t see them getting grill marks from a grill that isn’t turned on. Those patties look like they’ve been laying out on a counter for 24 hours. One slice of cheese for 6 burgers? Did he carry that meat to the grill on that perfectly clean cutting board? How’d all that get there? No slat or pepper on anything?
By David Propper
Chuck Schumer was ready to man the grill on Father’s Day – but couldn’t handle the heat when a slew of food critics on social media questioned his skills with a spatula and a patty.

The Brooklyn-born senator initially posted a photo to X of himself in front of a grill with burger patties and hot dogs – and an ear-to-ear smile.

“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!” Schumer tweeted. “Father’s Day Heaven!”

But commenters were quick to grill the New York legislator and wondered if a piece of cheese on a patty was placed there prematurely.

View attachment 963709

Everything that Schumer does is dishonest.
It was a staged photo-op, but they screwed it up.
Schumer always holds the America Taxpayers hostage for more spending.
Reminded me when John Kerry visited South Philly in 2004, stopped at a well know cheese steak place and put swiss cheese on a cheesesteak. He got hammered for that.
By David Propper
Chuck Schumer was ready to man the grill on Father’s Day – but couldn’t handle the heat when a slew of food critics on social media questioned his skills with a spatula and a patty.

The Brooklyn-born senator initially posted a photo to X of himself in front of a grill with burger patties and hot dogs – and an ear-to-ear smile.

“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!” Schumer tweeted. “Father’s Day Heaven!”

But commenters were quick to grill the New York legislator and wondered if a piece of cheese on a patty was placed there prematurely.

View attachment 963709

Everything that Schumer does is dishonest.
It was a staged photo-op, but they screwed it up.
Schumer always holds the America Taxpayers hostage for more spending.
LoOk, PoLiTiCiAnS ArE jUsT lIkE uS.

Sushi burgers at family get togethers!

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