Texas Textbook Publishers Say No To Creationism

Texas Textbook Publishers Say No To Creationism

It appears that science is prevailing in the latest battle over Texas schoolbooks.

Though earlier this year several of the state’s textbook reviewers called for biology textbooks to discuss creationism, publishers are not complying with those requests, according to the Texas Freedom Network. The nonpartisan watchdog examined material made public by the Texas Education Agency and found that publishers are sticking with teaching evolution.


I went to high school in CA and my biology teacher taught creationism in the class. I think he spent about 10 minutes on it, then spent the rest of the year on actual scientific facts and theories. It worked for me.
Texas Textbook Publishers Say No To Creationism

It appears that science is prevailing in the latest battle over Texas schoolbooks.

Though earlier this year several of the state’s textbook reviewers called for biology textbooks to discuss creationism, publishers are not complying with those requests, according to the Texas Freedom Network. The nonpartisan watchdog examined material made public by the Texas Education Agency and found that publishers are sticking with teaching evolution.


I went to high school in CA and my biology teacher taught creationism in the class. I think he spent about 10 minutes on it, then spent the rest of the year on actual scientific facts and theories. It worked for me.

Same here.

I remember it well because a big deal was made of it.

I was working as a boxboy (courtesy clerk) in an independently owned grocery store. The store owner was a rightwing, t-party whack-a-doodle back in the day when a Seattle rightwing, t-party whack-a-doodle was simply called a member of the Northern flank of the Klan.

My boss' daughter was in the same class I was, our teacher told us to read a chapter about evolution - quiz on Friday -- on Friday, someone in the class said something about creationism, the teacher responded by saying Sunday school is for God, his classroom is for reality. My boss's daughter told her dad, my boss marched over to my junior high school and took the wrath of God and lead most of his church's congregation with him -- the bible thumpers got their screaming time with the principal and the incident ended for most people. For me, I heard about it until the last day I worked for...
But I thought Repubs weren't trying to push this in schools. Proven wrong again by....reality
When you have a storied history with such names as Sam Houston, Audie Murphy, George W Bush and Rick Perry. there is little room for God and His eternal plan...you assholes in Seattle would not know that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I like studying the story of Goliad, myself. A Texas shining moment, that one. :D As is Juneteenth.
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Evolution is nothing more than a theory, it doesn't belong in a text book either.

The theory of Evolution is the fundamental basis of biological science.

You can not teach biology without teaching evolution.

You need to go read and try to understand the meaning of what a theory is.

Theory does not equate with unproven.
Evolution is nothing more than a theory, it doesn't belong in a text book either.

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation."

Creationism does not fit this description. Evolution does.
If you have Netflix, there's a documentary on the Texas Board of Education called the Revisionaries that deals with just this subject. The long and the short of it is a bunch of Bible Bangers on the state board of education try to get creation back in the classroom and rewrite US history in the process. Of course, they meet resistance and the kids suffer, but that's what happens whenever extremists on either side of the political debate use the kids' educations as pawns.

The issue here is Texas buys so many textbooks that the publishers end up having to put out the books that Texas will buy and that ends up forcing other states to buy them too.
Evolution is nothing more than a theory, it doesn't belong in a text book either.

The theory of Evolution is the fundamental basis of biological science.

You can not teach biology without teaching evolution.

You need to go read and try to understand the meaning of what a theory is.

Theory does not equate with unproven.

It's a theory! Of course theory equates with unproven! That's why its a theory and not a fact!

The theory of evolution explains the fact of mutation which is the fundamental basis of biological science.
it all boils down to how accurate the bible states the end time. So far it is batting a great score. Sodem and gamarrah.then and look at gays now. Weather is strangest it has ever been.
Evolution in the science room, Creationism in the liberal arts room.

creationism is for people that bows to rocks and worship mindlessness.

atheism is for people who cannot grasp much exists beyond the verification of empirical data. in that sense, atheists are co-religionists to creationists: both depend of unverified faith.

Atheism is simply not convinced that there is a god or gods. It is not a foundation from which one's beliefs come, but an ongoing process of learning for which evidence either supports or is not directly applicable to the process. Faith is not applicable.

Creationism is a conclusion based on faith for which evidence is not applicable.
God doesn't belong in science class.

At some point you run up against the concept, even if ignoring it is mandated.

When would one run up against the concept of God when studying science? God can't be put under a microscope or seen through a telescope. God can't be inserted into a mathematical model or equation. God is something upon which one can not experiment. There is no evidence to support a scientific theory of God.
creationism is for people that bows to rocks and worship mindlessness.

atheism is for people who cannot grasp much exists beyond the verification of empirical data. in that sense, atheists are co-religionists to creationists: both depend of unverified faith.

Atheism is simply not convinced that there is a god or gods. It is not a foundation from which one's beliefs come, but an ongoing process of learning for which evidence either supports or is not directly applicable to the process. Faith is not applicable.

Creationism is a conclusion based on faith for which evidence is not applicable.

Faith is absolutely comparable for atheists and creationists, because their beliefs cannot be empirically verified or denied.
God doesn't belong in science class.

At some point you run up against the concept, even if ignoring it is mandated.

When would one run up against the concept of God when studying science? God can't be put under a microscope or seen through a telescope. God can't be inserted into a mathematical model or equation. God is something upon which one can not experiment. There is no evidence to support a scientific theory of God.

And there is no scientific theory to deny the existence of God.
Evolution is nothing more than a theory, it doesn't belong in a text book either.

The theory of Evolution is the fundamental basis of biological science.

You can not teach biology without teaching evolution.

You need to go read and try to understand the meaning of what a theory is.

Theory does not equate with unproven.

It's a theory! Of course theory equates with unproven! That's why its a theory and not a fact!

The theory of evolution explains the fact of mutation which is the fundamental basis of biological science.

Evolution is a theory and a fact. It is an observable, repeatable fact. The scientific theory of evolution is an explanation of the observable facts backed up by thousands of scientific, peer-reviewed papers which are themselves supported by mountains of data. None of the data contradicts the theory. Let me repeat: NO data contradicts the theory. And the theory is 150 years old.

Edit: All scientific theories are unproven including that of gravity. But until evidence contradicts the theory, that theory will remain the working model. So far evolution is a theory that works.
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Evolution is about the origin of species, not about life, not about God.
At some point you run up against the concept, even if ignoring it is mandated.

When would one run up against the concept of God when studying science? God can't be put under a microscope or seen through a telescope. God can't be inserted into a mathematical model or equation. God is something upon which one can not experiment. There is no evidence to support a scientific theory of God.

And there is no scientific theory to deny the existence of God.

That is a scientifically nonsensical statement. It would be like saying that there is no scientific theory to deny the existence of unicorns or leprechauns or Zeus.

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