Thank you Pat Buchanan

Republican Civil War! This should be fun. :biggrin:
So how did that election work out for you? You know...the one that you claimed was a given for the Hildebeast? How are you coping with that defeat? (snicker)
Obviously better than you. I can't help but detect more than a little nervousness over the next four years. Have fun. Trump's obvious mental issues should be a lot tougher to deal with than phony BC "scandals". Unlike the "geniuses" who claimed Obama would find a way to stay in office past eight years, I know that this too will pass. :laugh2:
Republican Civil War! This should be fun.
And your prediction will end up like all the others.
Prediction? More like a fact, unless John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been run out of the party.
They have been they just don't realize it yet. :) Its pretty sad.....for them anyways I enjoy it.
I don't think they care about your opinion. As far as I know, they aren't members of the Nazi Party.
Republican Civil War! This should be fun. :biggrin:

We won the war, that's why the lying corrupt GOP establishment assholes are pissed. Don't worry about them, they are cowards. They will take pot shots at Trump that's about all.

I have noticed that Jeb and Romney have not been running their big fat mouths since Trump bitch slapped Hillary in the general. Got nothing to say I guess Trump made them look like fools.
Republican Civil War! This should be fun. :biggrin:
We won the war, that's why the lying corrupt GOP establishment assholes are pissed. Don't worry about them, they are cowards. They will take pot shots at Trump that's about all.
I have noticed that Jeb and Romney have not been running their big fat mouths since Trump bitch slapped Hillary in the general. Got nothing to say I guess Trump made them look like fools.
Won the war? It's just a battle. Who said anything was over?
Republican Civil War! This should be fun.
And your prediction will end up like all the others.
Prediction? More like a fact, unless John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been run out of the party.
They are a couple of butt-buddies. Who needs them?
Who'd have thought we could get such cogent political insight from a Trumpista?!?! :laugh2:

Well, certainly not you.

Thoughts come from thinking......
Republican Civil War! This should be fun.
And your prediction will end up like all the others.
Prediction? More like a fact, unless John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been run out of the party.
They have been they just don't realize it yet. :) Its pretty sad.....for them anyways I enjoy it.
I don't think they care about your opinion. As far as I know, they aren't members of the Nazi Party.
Ahhh and you wonder why the dumbocrats will be but a TINY coastal party of elitist snobs in 4-8 years. They don't need to care about my opinion. The voters (including me) have spoken. We don't want neo con policies we want America First policies. :)
Republican Civil War! This should be fun.
And your prediction will end up like all the others.
Prediction? More like a fact, unless John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been run out of the party.
They have been they just don't realize it yet. :) Its pretty sad.....for them anyways I enjoy it.
I don't think they care about your opinion. As far as I know, they aren't members of the Nazi Party.
Your home boy obama is the one lining up with Germany.
Republican Civil War! This should be fun. :biggrin:
So how did that election work out for you? You know...the one that you claimed was a given for the Hildebeast? How are you coping with that defeat? (snicker)
Obviously better than you. I can't help but detect more than a little nervousness over the next four years. Have fun. Trump's obvious mental issues should be a lot tougher to deal with than phony BC "scandals". Unlike the "geniuses" who claimed Obama would find a way to stay in office past eight years, I know that this too will pass. :laugh2:

I am coping great with Hitlery's defeat because I wanted to see her lose. There is nothing about Trump thus far that gives me pause for thought and if the time comes to take out the commie, liberal garbage in this country, it's not only our right but our duty to do so. 2016 was a wake up call to the masses that the global elites have been using the socialists and communists to kill what is left of our sovereignty and God given rights. The people have woken up and that doesn't bode well for those like you at all, eh, "comrade"????

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