Bill Barr: Biden Administration is a Totalitarian Regime. He is supporting for Trump for President

B Many of the common folk Democrats acted like spoiled children, rioting and looting. The political class acted the same way and pursued Trump and wasted a lot of time and money. Not surprisingly, they are doing the same thing now. Losers and children. That is all you are.

We had looting and rioting because black people finally got fed up. Can't blame them, they've asked nicely for 10 years for police reform. Maybe 25 if you want to go back to Rodney King.

But evidently not smart enough to know that the “shit show” as you call it was due to the Democrats what you support.

Trump was the president. He owns what happened in 2020. Full stop. If he spent less time being a malignant narcissist, we might have gotten through that crisis with a lot less pain.

You and your ignorant brethren were told it wasn’t a bad year. As for the markets, it may not have been for many of the losers that vote in your party as they don’t have money invested anyway so what do they care. They were told they weren’t spending more on goods and services and they believed it, despite their thinner wallets. It is a mind game played by the MSM that only works on the willfully ignorant, of which, you are.

No, actually, it was a pretty good year for me. I upgraded my home, put away a lot in savings, and generally had a pretty good year. That it wasn't a great year for Wall Street, I simply don't care that much about the parasite class.

Here we go again with the racism charges and identity politics. The woman is incompetent. I don’t care about her race or gender, but ironically, you do.
Your side put Dan Quayle in that office. You really don't have much to say about this accomplished woman.
Yep, evidently beneath both you Mac1958. You guys are just far too brilliant for us poor Republicans to relate. Oh well, I guess we will just plod on and continue to pay the way for you know-it-all Democrats.
No, I am just talking about you. There are plenty of smart Republicans. You will find them out there warning the nation against voting for Trump.
No, I am just talking about you. There are plenty of smart Republicans. You will find them out there warning the nation against voting for Trump.
I am a college college educated professional. My wife is a physician. Many of her friends are physicians as are, obviously, her colleagues. Her father is an engineer as was mine. Our neighbor is a PhD. Guess who they are all warning NOT to vote for? You guessed it...Biden/Harris. They will all be voting for Trump.

You watch too much fake news. Smart, successful people aren't voting for Biden in mass, with the exception of academia.
I am a college college educated professional. My wife is a physician. Many of her friends are physicians as are, obviously, her colleagues. Her father is an engineer as was mine. Our neighbor is a PhD. Guess who they are all warning NOT to vote for? You guessed it...Biden/Harris. They will all be voting for Trump.

You watch too much fake news. Smart, successful people aren't voting for Biden in mass, with the exception of academia.

Awesome. Biden was never going to win in Jesusland anyway.

He will win in the rest of the country, though.

Meanwhile, you guys have strapped your wagon to a dementing felon.
I am a college college educated professional. My wife is a physician. Many of her friends are physicians as are, obviously, her colleagues. Her father is an engineer as was mine. Our neighbor is a PhD. Guess who they are all warning NOT to vote for? You guessed it...Biden/Harris. They will all be voting for Trump.

You watch too much fake news. Smart, successful people aren't voting for Biden in mass, with the exception of academia.
Nah, right wing anecdotes are as useless as tiplts on a boar. Best practice is to assume they are contrived lies. So I will. You're full of shit.

Shall we look at the numbers of college graduates that support Trump? Your fantasyland does not exist, sorry.
Nah, right wing anecdotes are as useless as tiplts on a boar. Best practice is to assume they are contrived lies. So I will. You're full of shit.

Shall we look at the numbers of college graduates that support Trump? Your fantasyland does not exist, sorry.
You're an idiot. Maybe you just live in the wrong part of the country. I live in the South where intelligent, educated, successful people are Republican.
Awesome. Biden was never going to win in Jesusland anyway.

He will win in the rest of the country, though.

Meanwhile, you guys have strapped your wagon to a dementing felon.
Trump was never going to win the inner city, blue ghettos. The rest of the country is solid red. Unfortunately for us sane people, there are a LOT of people living like rats in those blue areas.
Trump was never going to win the inner city, blue ghettos. The rest of the country is solid red. Unfortunately for us sane people, there are a LOT of people living like rats in those blue areas.

Trump is going to lose suburban areas because he let the zealots ban abortion.
They didn't ban abortion, but that is the fake news you dolts believe.
Yes, you keep saying that, we'll have women who had their lives endangered because Trump let the knuckledraggers ban abortion.

It's a loser issue for you, so I think you should emphasize your support for abortion bans at every opportunity.
Yes, you keep saying that, we'll have women who had their lives endangered because Trump let the knuckledraggers ban abortion.

It's a loser issue for you, so I think you should emphasize your support for abortion bans at every opportunity.

I was referring to the SC not banning abortion. Some states have done so and some with restrictions. Most, if not all, blue states have zero limits, which is what Biden and the Democrats are pushing because they are evil.
Yes, you keep saying that, we'll have women who had their lives endangered because Trump let the knuckledraggers ban abortion.

It's a loser issue for you, so I think you should emphasize your support for abortion bans at every opportunity.
Yeah, because killing babies is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO important to you SICK mf"ers.
I was referring to the SC not banning abortion. Some states have done so and some with restrictions. Most, if not all, blue states have zero limits, which is what Biden and the Democrats are pushing because they are evil.

Again, same difference, you guys are taking away a woman's right to choose.

Women vote. Fetuses don't. You are fucked.

Yeah, because killing babies is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO important to you SICK mf"ers.
Fetuses aren't babies.

You guys screamed bloody murder when we nicely asked you to wear a mask during Covid.
Telling a woman she has to carry a pregnancy that she doesn't want is 100 times more intrusive.

But please, please, please keep calling the 50 million women in this country who have had at least one abortion "murderers"; that is going to work out so well for you.
Again, same difference, you guys are taking away a woman's right to choose.

Women vote. Fetuses don't. You are fucked.

Fetuses aren't babies.

You guys screamed bloody murder when we nicely asked you to wear a mask during Covid.
Telling a woman she has to carry a pregnancy that she doesn't want is 100 times more intrusive.

But please, please, please keep calling the 50 million women in this country who have had at least one abortion "murderers"; that is going to work out so well for you.
Too bad YOU weren't ABORTED.
Women vote. Fetuses don't. You are fucked.

We are all screwed if women are willing to sell the country down the river because they can’t abort a baby in the 9 month of pregnancy, if they so choose.

BTW, what would demented old Joe do to change this anyway? Stack the SC? Wow, you guys are reckless.
We are all screwed if women are willing to sell the country down the river because they can’t abort a baby in the 9 month of pregnancy, if they so choose.

Do you mean we are screwed if they vote for their own self-interest? Do you think there's a woman out there who thinks, 'Well, the Republicans want to take away my right to choose, but I'm really concerned that the rich are paying too much in taxes!"

Guy, if people voted in their own self-interest, nobody but the RICH would vote Republican because no one except the rich really benefits from their idiotic policies. Heck, I wouldn't even go that far, the rich only vote Republican because it makes it easier for them to screw poor people.

Trump lost 4 million jobs. Biden has added 16 million jobs. Seems to me was are much better off with Biden.

(waiting for the screams of "Covid wasn't Trump's fault!!!!")

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