Trump Thanks again Mr. President!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
The Trump Administration Wants to Give the Rich Another Giant Tax Cut

Despite the daily disasters of this President and his demonstrated total ineptitude for his job, he does on rare occasion get something right, and for this Progressives owe him a big shout out!

With this proposed action, which is nothing more than welfare for the top 1% of taxpayers, Trump has forever abolished and rendered impotent two of the GOP's bedrock ideological tenets, that deficits are bad and government welfare is bad.

Because of President Trump, no longer do Progressives have to endure the pious posturings and crocodile tears of conservatives railing and wailing about the massive national debt and government giveaways to people wanting "free stuff." They can no longer blame Progressives for these issues. Welfare for the poor, Obamacare subsidies, earned income credits, child care deductions, all government subsidies aiding the economically disadvantaged are now OK and good to go, thanks to this President. Conservatives now fully embrace the tenet of spend, spend and spend some more.

For this, Progressives owe this President a bit Thank You, so Thank You President Trump!!!
The Trump Administration Wants to Give the Rich Another Giant Tax Cut

Despite the daily disasters of this President and his demonstrated total ineptitude for his job, he does on rare occasion get something right, and for this Progressives owe him a big shout out!

With this proposed action, which is nothing more than welfare for the top 1% of taxpayers, Trump has forever abolished and rendered impotent two of the GOP's bedrock ideological tenets, that deficits are bad and government welfare is bad.

Because of President Trump, no longer do Progressives have to endure the pious posturings and crocodile tears of conservatives railing and wailing about the massive national debt and government giveaways to people wanting "free stuff." They can no longer blame Progressives for these issues. Welfare for the poor, Obamacare subsidies, earned income credits, child care deductions, all government subsidies aiding the economically disadvantaged are now OK and good to go, thanks to this President. Conservatives now fully embrace the tenet of spend, spend and spend some more.

For this, Progressives owe this President a bit Thank You, so Thank You President Trump!!!
One more thing, I forgot to mention food stamps. It's all good now!

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