Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

They are closing three "peaking" stations that only provide energy during peak periods...and yet had to burn coal 24/7. There are better alternatives...

Which would be?

Building new plants or upgrading the old ones.

All of which costs huge amounts of money. Which our already struggling economy will have to absorb. Just one more "Obama thing" that keeps that economy from rebounding. One more "Obama thing" that will keep people unemployed. But we'll probably blame that on GOP "obstructionism"...right, Ed?
Coal is one of the worst sources of energy we have.

False. The only two better are nuclear and hydro. They are the cheapest, most reliable and efficient.

Cost of Wind Power — Kicks Coal’s Butt, Better than Natural Gas
From an advocacy site. Yeah, that's not gonna oversell at all. :rolleyes:

Is that a stable 24/7/365 running projection? or only when the wind blows the proper speed which is far from it.

but dont take my word for it that you're being lied to. look at the levelized costs. Not good for green energies.
These old plants need to be retired.
What's available right now to replace their generating capacity?

NOTE: Leftist wet dreams of solar and wind do not count as they are not available right now in sufficient capacity.
False. The only two better are nuclear and hydro. They are the cheapest, most reliable and efficient.

Cost of Wind Power — Kicks Coal’s Butt, Better than Natural Gas
From an advocacy site. Yeah, that's not gonna oversell at all. :rolleyes:

Is that a stable 24/7/365 running projection? or only when the wind blows the proper speed which is far from it.

but dont take my word for it that you're being lied to. look at the levelized costs. Not good for green energies.
Which is most likely why you can't get traditional investment banking involved, so the enviroloons come to the taxpayer to "invest" in their unicorn fart technologies.
Obama is just keeping his promises guys, geez.....
[ame=]Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not the one who drafted or supported regulations designed to shut down coal fired power plants. When the EPA drafted its new regulations, it simply determined how many coal fired power plants it wanted to shut down and then set maximum mercury limits accordingly. These new regulations have nothing to do with protecting the public health or the environment. Even a cursory examination shows they will have no detectible effect on either.

The Obama administration hates coal and cheap energy and it wants to drive up the price of electricity from coal fired power plants so it can make "green energy" look more economically attractive.
While he wastes tax money on failed enterprises as Solyndra and the taxpayers get screwed.

Good point.

Obama could have taken those "green" tax dollars and funded the needed upgrades to coal fired plants, saving more jobs than green technologies would ever hope to create.
But that wouldn't have repaid big Dem donors, so it's a no-go.
While he wastes tax money on failed enterprises as Solyndra and the taxpayers get screwed.

Good point.

Obama could have taken those "green" tax dollars and funded the needed upgrades to coal fired plants, saving more jobs than green technologies would ever hope to create.
But that wouldn't have repaid big Dem donors, so it's a no-go.
Exactly on all points. Gotta keep those donors happy at our expense.
The families that will be thrown into poverty, how sad.

And power costs rising, hitting the poor the hardest.

This Administration doesn't give a damn about people.
The left bitches about 'regressive taxation' on the poor when the wealthy won't pony up for the whole banquet they want, but yet, they ignore policies that directly hurt the poor like high electricity costs.
The families that will be thrown into poverty, how sad.

And power costs rising, hitting the poor the hardest.

This Administration doesn't give a damn about people.
The left bitches about 'regressive taxation' on the poor when the wealthy won't pony up for the whole banquet they want, but yet, they ignore policies that directly hurt the poor like high electricity costs.
*with his best wailing lefty moonbat voice*

Now all these poooor West Virginian working families are going to have to make the choice between keeping their chiiilllldrrreeennnn warm in the winter and feeeeeeding them!
The families that will be thrown into poverty, how sad.

And power costs rising, hitting the poor the hardest.

This Administration doesn't give a damn about people.
The left bitches about 'regressive taxation' on the poor when the wealthy won't pony up for the whole banquet they want, but yet, they ignore policies that directly hurt the poor like high electricity costs.
Dead on. They can't see beyond thier collective noses.:clap2:
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

The unemployed workers can always go out and start their own business or get jobs as CEOs

You jest.

Surely you jest.

I'll put good money on a truth that you don't understand W VA.
RW's been programmed to believe that West Virginians are all toothless, barefoot hicks who watch NASCAR and marry their cousins.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
And the question that none of you retards can answer:

With what are you going to replace the 49% of electricity generated by burning coal?
The unemployed workers can always go out and start their own business or get jobs as CEOs

You jest.

Surely you jest.

I'll put good money on a truth that you don't understand W VA.
RW's been programmed to believe that West Virginians are all toothless, barefoot hicks who watch NASCAR and marry their cousins.
RW'er is a Blue State gubmint employee elitist that belives that of most of the South which alot of his brothers and sisters are flocking to, to escape the tyrants he holds so dear.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
And the question that none of you retards can answer:

With what are you going to replace the 49% of electricity generated by burning coal?
They're wondering why you feel there is a need to replace it at all. We should all use less anyway and live within 'our means' as a civilization.
AGW a myth. Surely that is why all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is a fact and that it represents a clear and present danger.

But then we understand that only obese junkies on the radio and rightwingnuts truly understand science. And that the best educational preperation to understand science is no education at all. That willfull ignorance is such a beautiful thing.

If you had science on your side, you wouldn't have to resort to emotionalism and fear-mongering.
You jest.

Surely you jest.

I'll put good money on a truth that you don't understand W VA.
RW's been programmed to believe that West Virginians are all toothless, barefoot hicks who watch NASCAR and marry their cousins.
RW'er is a Blue State gubmint employee elitist that belives that of most of the South which alot of his brothers and sisters are flocking to, to escape the tyrants he holds so dear.
Well, you love those like you.
i also think the epa goes too far in many instances. but there are a few things that all of us are thankful for and don't even know it.


Ah, but that is the 'Conservatives' vision for this nation.
That's right. The evil KKKorporations want to kill all their customers to maximize profits.


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