Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

Any one who trusts in the EPA is a fool.

They have become political. Much like the NOAA.

And once crossed over the line into political, science means jack shit.
EPA operates at the behest of the POTUS. It's time for the Congress to take them down a few notches in funding and rein them in to be more responsible.

By law, the EPA is supposed to look at economic impact on any rules they might issue. Looks to me that they could give a shit...nor does Obama.

You know the pity? It was a great concept. No politics should ever been involved in a mission to truly try to keep the planet clean from all our excesses.

Instead it has now become a tool for the WH to belittle sad soul in the middle of nowhere trying to crank out a cranola crop.

Exactly. Time for the abuse to end and those responsible for this to lose thier jobs.
I'm not the one who drafted or supported regulations designed to shut down coal fired power plants. When the EPA drafted its new regulations, it simply determined how many coal fired power plants it wanted to shut down and then set maximum mercury limits accordingly. These new regulations have nothing to do with protecting the public health or the environment. Even a cursory examination shows they will have no detectible effect on either.

The Obama administration hates coal and cheap energy and it wants to drive up the price of electricity from coal fired power plants so it can make "green energy" look more economically attractive.
While he wastes tax money on failed enterprises as Solyndra and the taxpayers get screwed.

Bobby Kennedy's JR failed experiment winning millions in bail out money.

Over a billion I think.
Gotta keep those corporate donors happy.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

The unemployed workers can always go out and start their own business or get jobs as CEOs

You jest.

Surely you jest.

I'll put good money on a truth that you don't understand W VA.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

The unemployed workers can always go out and start their own business or get jobs as CEOs

You jest.

Surely you jest.

I'll put good money on a truth that you don't understand W VA.
With RW'er? You never know...:eusa_whistle:
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
You are an idiot. We clean up our messes better than anyone on the planet. But you keep going with the AGW myth as your masters make money on it at your expense.:lol:
While he wastes tax money on failed enterprises as Solyndra and the taxpayers get screwed.

Bobby Kennedy's JR failed experiment winning millions in bail out money.

Over a billion I think.
Gotta keep those corporate donors happy.


Damn straight.

And no one freaking call me on this :lol: It's an old fashioned term before I ever learned the term "fudge packing". Have freaking mercy and we can play nice in the sandbox "KAY?"
AGW a myth. Surely that is why all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is a fact and that it represents a clear and present danger.

But then we understand that only obese junkies on the radio and rightwingnuts truly understand science. And that the best educational preperation to understand science is no education at all. That willfull ignorance is such a beautiful thing.
i also think the epa goes too far in many instances. but there are a few things that all of us are thankful for and don't even know it.

What "corporate donors" are those? You are ridiculously misled...LOL!Sorry about the Dems doing the right thing, as planned for some time...more manufactured outrage for the dupes...
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[ame=]Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube[/ame]
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.

How are you going to play on the net?

Pray tell me? Who or what will power you?

Now I can pump water and trust me it's not easy. But I can do it. Can you?

What can you cook on? I can make a turkey to die for on camp stove.

You despise the human race. You hate everyone. Okey dokey.

You want AGW to stop. You and Al first. By all means negate and save the planet.

But you first.
He'l just catcha mess of squirrels to run on a treadmill to power his PC. :lol:
Those plants are apparently no longer economically viable unless the owners are willing to invest more money to clean up their discharge.

As the owners are unwilling to make that investment to make those plants cleaner, they are electing to close down operations.

Their choice, kids, their choice.

Now the capitalist models suggests that other investors will, upon sensing financial opportunity due to rising prices for energy, build cleaner coal fired plants to replace them.

What's wrong with that?

Don't you people have FAITH in the invisible hand of the market?

Apparently you don't have faith in that invisible hand of the market when it dopeslaps the people with money.

Why is it that you have every confidence in the invisible hand when it is dopeslapping consumers but not businesses?

Those plants that are shutting down are competeing with plants that DON'T spew crap into the air.

Level playing field and they just cannot compete.

I thought you guys all loved the CREATIVE DESTRUCTION of capitalism.


Do you or do you not believe in that?

Invisable hand of the market? That's amusing, Ed since the plants are being shut down because of the additional costs of complying with EPA regulations. That's not the "market" calling the shots on what is economically viable...that's a government regulatory agency deciding that "it" decides what is economically viable and imposing regulations that they know will cause plants to be closed.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

They are closing three "peaking" stations that only provide energy during peak periods...and yet had to burn coal 24/7. There are better alternatives...
The lakes and people of the NE and Canada give thanks....Flat Earth Society morons.

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