Thanks Joe: Iran Whips Woman 74X for Not Covering Her Hair

No evidence for people who do not want to know

Maybe you were living under a rock when obama remained silent and looked the other way when the clerics brutally suppressed a student revolt to their muslim dictatorship

But it happened
You wanted another Libya?
You wanted another Libya?
Libya was a pimple on Iran’s ass in terms of threat to world peace

Obama should have done to the mullahs what they are doing to us in Iraq and syria now
Libya was a pimple on Iran’s ass in terms of threat to world peace

Obama should have done to the mullahs what they are doing to us in Iraq and syria now
Israel has been threatening Iran since the 1990s. Let them invade Iran.
Israel has been threatening Iran since the 1990s. Let them invade Iran.
Its more likely that iran will invade Israel using proxies like Hamas and Hezbula

Which will ultimately catch the whole world on fire
They are not in America. I'm loathe to force our culture on other countries. It will right itself in time. Be an example to others.

When the US jumps into regime change,we typically destroy the country.
We see liberal groups protesting against Israel all the time, making fools of themselves and causing great havoc. Why do American feminist groups stay silent when women are abused around the world?
No wonder Democrats love giving Iran billions of dollars and supports their efforts to get nukes. Lead the world in terrorism and treat women and homosexuals as sub species.

Biden doesn't govern Iran.

When it comes to other cultures and traditions, butt out.

Thanks Joe: Iran Whips Woman 74X for Not Covering Her Hair​

I can actually see cases where that might be considered an appropriate sentence ...


... who (ironically) sees Israel as the world's most evil state.

Iran Whips Woman 74X for Not Covering Her Hair​

You know, there might be a valuable lesson here we could all still learn from the Iranians though----

Maybe we should start whipping politicians 74 times for writing bad bills, breaking the law, violating the Constitution, failing to meet deadlines, taking vacations early when there is work to do, not meeting budgets, telling lies, and selling worthless art junk to your democrat donor friends for millions of dollars while showering with your daughter.
Iran is bombing Israel at this moment through proxies on the border with the Jewish state

Aka Hamas and Hezbollah

Neither existed until the mid 1980s. Hezbollah's purpose is to keep Israel out of Lebanon. Hamas was funded and encouraged by Israel to prevent any 2 state solution.
I haven't checked, but I'll go out on a limb and say the American "feminist" organizations have zero to say about it. Am I correct?
Yes, they only care about their god given right to terminate their fetus whenever they want. That is what "Reproductive Rights" means.
Curiously, the words "Joe Biden" and giving "billions" of dollars to Iran don't make an appearance in this article...I mean, not even the words "United States".

Oh well, one more checkmark for the alt-right. They really do have nothing. And are trying to manufacture...anything that might stick. :)
why …. thanks joey?
Yes, they only care about their god given right to terminate their fetus whenever they want. That is what "Reproductive Rights" means.
That's exactly what it means, because they don't give a hoot about the man's reproductive rights. Once he gets a woman pregnant, she can deny him fatherhood or force financial servitude on him for 18 years and there's nothing he can legally do about it.

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